Let's see, since I last blogged I turned 37. I can't believe I am 37. I guess it's not so bad, does it seem like time is just going so fast? When I was a kid I remember it seemed like forever before Christmas got here but now it's like "What?! It's Christmas again?" I love this time of the year. I love to decorate and shop. I usually do alot of baking but so far I haven't really gotten any of that done. I'm running out of time. Anyway, back to the birthday. It was really wonderful. We went to Rusty's brother's house and celebrated 4 at 1 time. Rusty is the 3rd, I'm the 11th, his Mom is the 17th and his oldest brother is the 19th. So because of this month being so busy we celebrate all together. The food was great and we had a really good time. Then the next day we went to my parents and celebrated with them and my brother. Again we had wonderful food and a great time. Everything seems to revolve around food with us.
My Mom and I met this morning and shopped all day. We had a great time. I'm really pretty much done with presents but of course there's the last minute things to get, stocking stuffers things like that. I brought home bagels and cream cheese from Panera Bread. If you've never had bread from there you absolutely have to go. They have these bagels that are to die for. They are called Cinnamon Crunch and they have this crust of cinnamon on the top of them. There's nothing like them.
Of course this past Sunday we were at the only place you will find my husband during a home Redskins game, at the game. How about them skins?!!! 35-7 over the Cowboys, it couldn't of been a better day. We were both hoarse from screaming and cheering. They set a record for attendance and there were so many people there that when everyone was screaming and jumping up and down you could feel the stadium moving. It was kind of unsettling but there is nothing like it. The last home game is this Saturday and Blake is going with Rusty. I'm not sure who is more excited, Rusty or Blake. Blake is counting down to Christmas and the game.
We now have a kitten and oh my gosh if the Christmas tree makes it through Christmas it will be a miracle. At first all she wanted to do was lay under it but now she has discovered that she can climb it. We have had to pull her out of it more times than I care to count. Ashleigh puts her in time out. Everyone thinks that is so funny. She puts her in the bathroom and leaves her in there for a few minutes. We laugh about it but she does seem to stay away from the tree for a little while after, so maybe it is starting to work. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Well, I am headed to bed, have a great evening.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Well, Ashleigh and Rusty had a great time at the basketball game. The Vols won and Ashleigh got to see her idol, Pat Summit, the Lady Vols coach. After they got to Smith Arena they were standing in the hall and Pat Summit walked right past them with 2 of the players. Ashleigh thought she had died and gone to heaven. After the game was over they went to where the players go off the court and Ashleigh got a bunch of autographs of the players along with a lot of pictures. She was so excited. They are on their way home now, Rusty let Ashleigh drive so lets everyone pray for a safe trip home. Ashleigh is a really good driver, she's had a great teacher, my Dad, but driving in the city is a completely different experience after driving around our small town. My Dad let her drive to Dulles airport, in the dark, in the rain, so I think they will be fine. They took the metro from Vienna to the arena.
Steven came over tonight and I made chicken Alfredo. After dinner we sat down and played video games with the kids. As I have said before I am an addict. Before Steven came over Wayne made brownies and oh were they good. All 3 of my kids like to cook.
Well, I guess I am going to head to bed, have a great evening.
Steven came over tonight and I made chicken Alfredo. After dinner we sat down and played video games with the kids. As I have said before I am an addict. Before Steven came over Wayne made brownies and oh were they good. All 3 of my kids like to cook.
Well, I guess I am going to head to bed, have a great evening.
Now let's see....
Let's see what has happened since the last time I blogged.
Friday we went to Woodstock for the Christmas parade. My mom is the manager for Bank of America, they were handing out free hot chocolate during the parade so she asked me if I would come down and help her. Ashleigh walked with their float handing out candy, Blake rode in it, my Dad drove and Rusty and I helped with the hot chocolate. It was a real family affair. It was COLD!!!! I wanted to dip my hands down into the hot water. I've talked before about small town parades, you know fire trucks, 2 Santas, Miss Shenandoah, the whole works. They have it at night, which I still haven't figured out except for the fact that they light the town Christmas tree after the parade. It was fun though and the kids enjoyed it.
Saturday was Rusty's birthday, the big 37. We went to dinner at Outback and then did some Christmas shopping. We had a really good time. They sang Happy Birthday to Rusty at Outback which completely embarrassed him. It was great.
Sunday we went to visit Rusty's mom, she has pneumonia. We also watched the Redskins kick some long over due butt. It was a good game, great weekend, Redskins won and the Cowboys lost, you couldn't ask for more.
Last night we got about 4 1/2 inches of beautiful snow. I love to watch it fall, hate to drive in it. The kids were very excited, school was closed today.
Tomorrow, Rusty and Ashleigh are going to see the Lady Vols (University of Tennessee lady basketball) play George Washington University. They are both really excited about the game. Basketball is Ashleigh's sport, but like her father she will watch just about anything. They are both obsessed with UT.
I don't know what Christmas is like at your house but at ours you have to be really good at hiding presents. Rusty is the biggest kid I have. He loves Christmas and can't wait to open his presents. He gets really excited about the presents he buys for other people also. This year the present he is the most excited about is the one he insisted Blake has to have . We bought (more like he bought) a Cricket rifle. It is Blake's first gun, now Blake is only 7 and I really didn't think he needed one yet but I think Rusty is more excited than Blake will be on Christmas morning. I have the admit the box it comes in is really cute. There's a picture of a cricket in camo holding a gun on the box and it says "My first rifle." Oh, well, that's what I get for marrying a man who has 2 gun safes and more guns than they will hold.
Well, I better get moving and start getting ready for tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Friday we went to Woodstock for the Christmas parade. My mom is the manager for Bank of America, they were handing out free hot chocolate during the parade so she asked me if I would come down and help her. Ashleigh walked with their float handing out candy, Blake rode in it, my Dad drove and Rusty and I helped with the hot chocolate. It was a real family affair. It was COLD!!!! I wanted to dip my hands down into the hot water. I've talked before about small town parades, you know fire trucks, 2 Santas, Miss Shenandoah, the whole works. They have it at night, which I still haven't figured out except for the fact that they light the town Christmas tree after the parade. It was fun though and the kids enjoyed it.
Saturday was Rusty's birthday, the big 37. We went to dinner at Outback and then did some Christmas shopping. We had a really good time. They sang Happy Birthday to Rusty at Outback which completely embarrassed him. It was great.
Sunday we went to visit Rusty's mom, she has pneumonia. We also watched the Redskins kick some long over due butt. It was a good game, great weekend, Redskins won and the Cowboys lost, you couldn't ask for more.
Last night we got about 4 1/2 inches of beautiful snow. I love to watch it fall, hate to drive in it. The kids were very excited, school was closed today.
Tomorrow, Rusty and Ashleigh are going to see the Lady Vols (University of Tennessee lady basketball) play George Washington University. They are both really excited about the game. Basketball is Ashleigh's sport, but like her father she will watch just about anything. They are both obsessed with UT.
I don't know what Christmas is like at your house but at ours you have to be really good at hiding presents. Rusty is the biggest kid I have. He loves Christmas and can't wait to open his presents. He gets really excited about the presents he buys for other people also. This year the present he is the most excited about is the one he insisted Blake has to have . We bought (more like he bought) a Cricket rifle. It is Blake's first gun, now Blake is only 7 and I really didn't think he needed one yet but I think Rusty is more excited than Blake will be on Christmas morning. I have the admit the box it comes in is really cute. There's a picture of a cricket in camo holding a gun on the box and it says "My first rifle." Oh, well, that's what I get for marrying a man who has 2 gun safes and more guns than they will hold.
Well, I better get moving and start getting ready for tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I have to say my husband is incredible. He is one of the best cooks. He cooks almost every night for our lunch the next day. A lot of times he will grill chicken and make us salads, but last night he took boneless, skinless chicken breasts and simmered them on the stove in his secret sauce with mushrooms. It was to die for. I'm always telling him he should open a restaurant. The only problem is his secret sauce is never the same from one day to the next. I've gotten to where I don't ask him what's in it, you really don't want to know. I know the one thing he was looking for last night was the Louisiana Hot Sauce. It was hot, I can tell you that.
I was so happy when I came home today, they were finally here putting the new siding on our house. We had wind damage (it tore the siding off one side of the house) and it has been this incredible nightmare. Our homeowners is paying to replace the whole house (which has been a blessing) but to get anyone out here has been horrible. It is what people call a "small job" and no one wants to do that. We finally found this incredible guy and he came right out the same day I called him, he gave us an estimate and promised they would start the following Monday. He told us he would take money off the estimate because Rusty told him we would take the siding off ourselves. So last weekend Rusty, my Dad and Rusty's brother took all the siding off. Well, the following Monday was last Monday and it rained all day. Then Tuesday it rained all day, then it was the day before Thanksgiving and of course no one works on that day, they hunt. So my house has sat naked since last weekend. This Monday it poured, yesterday it was like a hurricane and today finally it was nice and they got so much of it done. I wanted to hug and kiss all of them. I did refrain though, I'm not sure they could speak alot of english. My house has now gone from tan with green shutters to yellow with green shutters. It's like getting a new house but without all the packing.
Well, I am going to go watch Lost, I am totally and helplessly addicted to that show.
Have a great night.
I was so happy when I came home today, they were finally here putting the new siding on our house. We had wind damage (it tore the siding off one side of the house) and it has been this incredible nightmare. Our homeowners is paying to replace the whole house (which has been a blessing) but to get anyone out here has been horrible. It is what people call a "small job" and no one wants to do that. We finally found this incredible guy and he came right out the same day I called him, he gave us an estimate and promised they would start the following Monday. He told us he would take money off the estimate because Rusty told him we would take the siding off ourselves. So last weekend Rusty, my Dad and Rusty's brother took all the siding off. Well, the following Monday was last Monday and it rained all day. Then Tuesday it rained all day, then it was the day before Thanksgiving and of course no one works on that day, they hunt. So my house has sat naked since last weekend. This Monday it poured, yesterday it was like a hurricane and today finally it was nice and they got so much of it done. I wanted to hug and kiss all of them. I did refrain though, I'm not sure they could speak alot of english. My house has now gone from tan with green shutters to yellow with green shutters. It's like getting a new house but without all the packing.
Well, I am going to go watch Lost, I am totally and helplessly addicted to that show.
Have a great night.
Monday, November 28, 2005
The North Pole
Well, as Ashleigh said today "It looks like the North Pole threw up in here." As you may be able to figure out I started to decorate for Christmas today. I love Christmas. I love the shopping, the decorations, the good spirits people seem to have at this time of the year more than any other. I start to decorate as soon as my family will let me. There are Snowmen and Gingerbread men from one end of the house to the other. Up until last year we have always had a real tree, but when Rusty had his knee replacement on December 6 last year that kind of put a damper on the tree hunt, so we used a fake tree. I grew up with a fake tree except for maybe the last 2 years I was living at home, so a fake tree doesn't bother me at all. I love the smell of the real tree but I hate the needles, the ones that lay on the carpet just waiting to stab you in the foot and the ones on the tree that poke you as you try to decorate it. With a fake tree you don't have the pain and I just burn a candle so you still get the smell. Rusty grew up always having real trees so last year was a new experience for him. So this year I was a little worried that he might put up a fight over the tree, but I think he liked it better than he might admit. He brought up the subject and had no problem with using our last year tree. Ashleigh and I pulled it up from the basement today and I spent 3 hours putting that together, but now I get to enjoy it longer. Another advantage of the fake tree. Rusty and Wayne were at the Redskins game so we waited for them to get home to decorate it, I did put the lights on though. It's one of our family traditions about the tree, the kids and I put the ornaments on the tree and Rusty unwraps them, makes sure they have hangers and then hands them out. There are a couple that he hangs up, his football ones, his hunting ones, his Buzz lightyear (yes his Buzz, he loves that movie) and the one we got our first Christmas together. He always has insisted on hanging that one. We have Christmas music playing and it's just alot of fun.
Well, I am headed to bed, I will be back tomorrow.
Well, I am headed to bed, I will be back tomorrow.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
I'm back
Well, I am back. We have had some major things going on with our family and every time I sit down to blog I just don't know what to say. Ashleigh has been living with my parents since September 8 and Rusty was staying with his mom until about a month ago. It has been a very trying time for us but needless to say we are working on things and bringing out family back together.
We had a really nice Thanksgiving but it is so hectic. First we went to my Mom and Dad's and then after eating ourselves silly we get in the car and drive to Rusty's Mom's and eat again. I don't know how I make it out to the car to go home. I always say that I'm not going to eat as much at each place but everything is so good that I just can't help myself. Are there any other crazies like me who get up at 3:30 in the morning on black friday to get to the stores before they open to get the "early bird specials"? Ashleigh and I were at Wal-Mart Friday morning before 5:00. They had lines inside the store for all the different specials and everything was covered in plastic. At least they didn't make everyone wait outside in the cold like they have done in the past. And was it ever cold. When 5:00 hit they made an announcement over the intercom "Attention Wal-Mart associates, you may now remove the plastic... and get out of the way." People act like they have never seen a sale before, it's truly amazing. We hadn't gone there for anything in particular so it was fun just to walk up and down the aisles, watching people act completely stupid and just having a good time. We then went to Kohl's and spent just enough time in there to decide that there wasn't 1 thing in there worth standing in that line for. We then decided to hit Cracker Barrel and get some breakfast. We had a great day, did get some good deals and were exhausted when we finally got home.
Today we didn't do a whole lot, we did have big plans of decorating for Christmas but we couldn't work up the energy to go down into the basement and drag it all up. Rusty and Wayne spent yesterday and today hunting. Rusty got a 6 point buck yesterday but today all they got were cold hands and feet.
Everyone have a great evening and I will be back tomorrow.
We had a really nice Thanksgiving but it is so hectic. First we went to my Mom and Dad's and then after eating ourselves silly we get in the car and drive to Rusty's Mom's and eat again. I don't know how I make it out to the car to go home. I always say that I'm not going to eat as much at each place but everything is so good that I just can't help myself. Are there any other crazies like me who get up at 3:30 in the morning on black friday to get to the stores before they open to get the "early bird specials"? Ashleigh and I were at Wal-Mart Friday morning before 5:00. They had lines inside the store for all the different specials and everything was covered in plastic. At least they didn't make everyone wait outside in the cold like they have done in the past. And was it ever cold. When 5:00 hit they made an announcement over the intercom "Attention Wal-Mart associates, you may now remove the plastic... and get out of the way." People act like they have never seen a sale before, it's truly amazing. We hadn't gone there for anything in particular so it was fun just to walk up and down the aisles, watching people act completely stupid and just having a good time. We then went to Kohl's and spent just enough time in there to decide that there wasn't 1 thing in there worth standing in that line for. We then decided to hit Cracker Barrel and get some breakfast. We had a great day, did get some good deals and were exhausted when we finally got home.
Today we didn't do a whole lot, we did have big plans of decorating for Christmas but we couldn't work up the energy to go down into the basement and drag it all up. Rusty and Wayne spent yesterday and today hunting. Rusty got a 6 point buck yesterday but today all they got were cold hands and feet.
Everyone have a great evening and I will be back tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Well, we are back up and running for school has started again. Actually, I think the kids were looking forward to going back. Wayne is now in high school and he came home excited yesterday that they didn't have to go directly to a class when they get there, they can hang out in the hall and talk to their friends. I remember that feeling having gone from the strict, rigid Christian school to a public school in my junior year where they really didn't care what you were doing as long as you made it to class by the last bell. I couldn't believe that people actually hung out in the parking lot and didn't have to go into the building. gasp You didn't have someone telling you what to do every second of your day. Ashleigh was excited about school because she was looking forward to seeing the friends that she missed over the summer. Now, we live in a very small town that has 1 high school, how she has not seen some of her friends over the summer is beyond me because I know she wasn't home alot. Blake was just excited about going back as only a second grader can be. Every year I have taken pictures of them on the first day. Last year Ashleigh acted like I had asked her to go to school naked when I wanted to take that picture, this year I told them I was going to come to work early but that I would call to make sure they were up. Once again, she acted like I had asked her to go to school naked except this year it was "What?! You're not going to take pictures, but you always take pictures!!" As only a teenager can say it. So needless to say work waited and I took the annual first day of school pictures.
We spend the holiday weekend destroying the bedroom so we could make it better. Rusty painted (purple, he says a guy can only have a purple room if he's married), and we finally, after 12 years took down and got rid of the waterbed. I thought he was going to sit on the floor and cry. I guess I am getting old but it makes my back hurt so bad, I just couldn't sleep on it anymore. Also, it was a king size bed in a room that was not build for a king size waterbed. So, while he's curled up on the bed as the water drains out, enjoying the last few minutes of water, I am dancing through the house just waiting to get the monstrosity out of there. Now, everything that I didn't know what to do with is in the closet or on the floor in front of our bathroom. I need a magic wand to make it all go away. How did we accumulate that much stuff? I don't even know where we got some of it or why it has been kept for so long. I found a gun magazine from 1998 and as I was throwing it in the trash I was informed "Don't throw that away, I want to look at it first." FROM 1998??? He's says I'm just as bad with books, wellllll maybe. But books are so much more important than some stupid gun magazine. I can only say that because my computer at home is still not working and I know he won't be able to read this.
We did take a break on Saturday evening to get together with Rusty's family for my nephew's 17th birthday. I was there when he was born and now he's a senior this year, I can't believe it. We had a really good time with them, it just takes so long to get to their house. They live in the southern end of Fauquier, next to the Stafford line, so that is about an hour and a half travel time one way for us. It wouldn't be so bad except we don't normally leave to come home until around midnight, so I am exhausted by the time we get home. Oh well, we are lucky to have family to visit.
Melissa, I was reading Emily's blog and tell her that we trick Blake when we run out of ham (he will only eat ham and cheese sandwiches). I will give him turkey and tell him it's ham. And the peas and ketchup thing (makes me gag thinking about it) but it's the only way Rusty will eat peas. We make him eat in another room when we have peas.
Have a great day!!!
We spend the holiday weekend destroying the bedroom so we could make it better. Rusty painted (purple, he says a guy can only have a purple room if he's married), and we finally, after 12 years took down and got rid of the waterbed. I thought he was going to sit on the floor and cry. I guess I am getting old but it makes my back hurt so bad, I just couldn't sleep on it anymore. Also, it was a king size bed in a room that was not build for a king size waterbed. So, while he's curled up on the bed as the water drains out, enjoying the last few minutes of water, I am dancing through the house just waiting to get the monstrosity out of there. Now, everything that I didn't know what to do with is in the closet or on the floor in front of our bathroom. I need a magic wand to make it all go away. How did we accumulate that much stuff? I don't even know where we got some of it or why it has been kept for so long. I found a gun magazine from 1998 and as I was throwing it in the trash I was informed "Don't throw that away, I want to look at it first." FROM 1998??? He's says I'm just as bad with books, wellllll maybe. But books are so much more important than some stupid gun magazine. I can only say that because my computer at home is still not working and I know he won't be able to read this.
We did take a break on Saturday evening to get together with Rusty's family for my nephew's 17th birthday. I was there when he was born and now he's a senior this year, I can't believe it. We had a really good time with them, it just takes so long to get to their house. They live in the southern end of Fauquier, next to the Stafford line, so that is about an hour and a half travel time one way for us. It wouldn't be so bad except we don't normally leave to come home until around midnight, so I am exhausted by the time we get home. Oh well, we are lucky to have family to visit.
Melissa, I was reading Emily's blog and tell her that we trick Blake when we run out of ham (he will only eat ham and cheese sandwiches). I will give him turkey and tell him it's ham. And the peas and ketchup thing (makes me gag thinking about it) but it's the only way Rusty will eat peas. We make him eat in another room when we have peas.
Have a great day!!!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Ok, I confess I have an addiction. I am completely and totally addicted to video games. I've always loved them and I also confess my children have all but maybe 2 of the video systems out as of this date. Waste of money I know, but I just can't help myself. I sat up until 11:30 Tuesday night playing Mario Golf with Blake. I had played it before with my brother but we just got it over the weekend and I am on a mission to beat the tournaments and open new courses. This addiction started a long time ago and sorry Melissa but I do have to name you as one of the people in my past who contributed to my problem. Ms. Pac Man is still my favorite game and I don't know how much money I spent playing that game at Austin Farms Restuarant. Wonderful memories of childhood. (laugh) I guess some of us never grow up in certain areas.
Well, now that I've gotten that off my chest, Steven and I went to the Shenandoah County Fair last night. My mom is the branch manager for Bank of America and they have a booth set up there so Steven called and wanted to know if I wanted to go with him and see her. I don't get many nights by myself like that, Blake and Rusty were at football practice, Wayne is with his Grandma in Sterling and Ashleigh has spent alot of time there already and decided to stay home. It was very nice, we petted all the animals, ate fair food and watched people. You know you are in a red neck county fair when the rules on the bumper cars read "1. No bumping (they are bumper cars what else are you supposed to do on them?) 2. No smoking. No smoking?! On a ride? Who would be smoking on the bumper cars? But you know they wouldn't have it posted if it hadn't been a problem. Sometimes you just have to wonder.
Today we go to meet Blake's teacher, he's really excited about that. Why do they do these things in the middle of the day? Not everyone is able to take off from work. I'm lucky that I work for wonderful people who really don't care as long as your job is done, but there are alot of factories around here where it almost takes an act of God to take time from work.
We need to all pray for the poor people in LA, FL, Al, and MS. My heart breaks everytime I see the pictures and hear the stories on the news. It's hard to comprehend what they are going through. My mom and dad were taking Ashleigh to New Orleans for a week in October and they had rented an apartment in the French Quarter, well that trip has been canceled. They are now looking at other options, Ashleigh told my Dad she wanted to go to New York City and he vetoed that idea real fast. He told her he wasn't stepping foot there, she's been dying to get there for some reason. Mom said last night that he was talking about going to the grand canyon possibly. I want to go on that trip.
My nephew's wife is pregnant and due in March and we are all really looking forward to that. We haven't had a baby in the family since Blake and he's 7. It's going to be fun to buy baby things again.
Not much else going on here, we are starting to work on the bedroom now and what a job that is going to be. Please pray we don't kill each other.
Have a great day!!
Well, now that I've gotten that off my chest, Steven and I went to the Shenandoah County Fair last night. My mom is the branch manager for Bank of America and they have a booth set up there so Steven called and wanted to know if I wanted to go with him and see her. I don't get many nights by myself like that, Blake and Rusty were at football practice, Wayne is with his Grandma in Sterling and Ashleigh has spent alot of time there already and decided to stay home. It was very nice, we petted all the animals, ate fair food and watched people. You know you are in a red neck county fair when the rules on the bumper cars read "1. No bumping (they are bumper cars what else are you supposed to do on them?) 2. No smoking. No smoking?! On a ride? Who would be smoking on the bumper cars? But you know they wouldn't have it posted if it hadn't been a problem. Sometimes you just have to wonder.
Today we go to meet Blake's teacher, he's really excited about that. Why do they do these things in the middle of the day? Not everyone is able to take off from work. I'm lucky that I work for wonderful people who really don't care as long as your job is done, but there are alot of factories around here where it almost takes an act of God to take time from work.
We need to all pray for the poor people in LA, FL, Al, and MS. My heart breaks everytime I see the pictures and hear the stories on the news. It's hard to comprehend what they are going through. My mom and dad were taking Ashleigh to New Orleans for a week in October and they had rented an apartment in the French Quarter, well that trip has been canceled. They are now looking at other options, Ashleigh told my Dad she wanted to go to New York City and he vetoed that idea real fast. He told her he wasn't stepping foot there, she's been dying to get there for some reason. Mom said last night that he was talking about going to the grand canyon possibly. I want to go on that trip.
My nephew's wife is pregnant and due in March and we are all really looking forward to that. We haven't had a baby in the family since Blake and he's 7. It's going to be fun to buy baby things again.
Not much else going on here, we are starting to work on the bedroom now and what a job that is going to be. Please pray we don't kill each other.
Have a great day!!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Football is back
Well, another season of The Redskins, lets all hope they do better this year than last year. We were at the game last week (lets not talk about that one) and here on another Friday, in the middle of rush hour traffic we will begin our trek once again up the beltway. God give me strength. You would think, when they make these schedules, they would take into consideration the fact that they are scheduling games on Fridays and people have to leave their homes at 1:00 in the afternoon for an 8:00 game because you have to get their early for all the tailgating in the parking lot. Last week it was just the 2 of us, this week there will be 8 of us. One of Rusty's friends from work is following us up there and they had an extra ticket so I am taking one of my friends that I work with. We are having ribs, hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and I'm not sure what else they are bringing. I told Rusty it looked like we were having a party for 25 people in our kitchen last night, but he never does anything little. I am leaving work at noon today so that is a plus.
There was a horrible fire out our way last night. There is a recycling place right down the road from us that makes mulch and I don't know if it was the pallets they use or the actual building but the flames were a couple hundred feet in the air. It was really kind of spooky. You know you live in a small town when your 16 year old wants to go with her friends down to watch the fire. So yes, the little red neck daughter I have hopped into a car and ran down there to watch. She said there was alot of people down there just watching. Life in a small town, I guess. I did take some pictures of it from our deck, it was around 10:30 last night so I should have some interesting pictures in the dark. I just said a prayer that none of the firefighters got hurt and thanked God that it wasn't someone home.
The kids are getting geared back up for school. They go back to school on the 6th and I was so thankful they were home until then, both Blake and Wayne have had strep throat all week. I am very blessed all of my kids are very healthy and don't get sick very often. Blake kept saying he had a sore in his throat. Thank God for pennicillian everyone is on the mend and back to their old selves.
I can't believe that September is almost here but that just brings me a little closer to April and the cruise. The countdown is on and I can't wait.
Have a great day!!
There was a horrible fire out our way last night. There is a recycling place right down the road from us that makes mulch and I don't know if it was the pallets they use or the actual building but the flames were a couple hundred feet in the air. It was really kind of spooky. You know you live in a small town when your 16 year old wants to go with her friends down to watch the fire. So yes, the little red neck daughter I have hopped into a car and ran down there to watch. She said there was alot of people down there just watching. Life in a small town, I guess. I did take some pictures of it from our deck, it was around 10:30 last night so I should have some interesting pictures in the dark. I just said a prayer that none of the firefighters got hurt and thanked God that it wasn't someone home.
The kids are getting geared back up for school. They go back to school on the 6th and I was so thankful they were home until then, both Blake and Wayne have had strep throat all week. I am very blessed all of my kids are very healthy and don't get sick very often. Blake kept saying he had a sore in his throat. Thank God for pennicillian everyone is on the mend and back to their old selves.
I can't believe that September is almost here but that just brings me a little closer to April and the cruise. The countdown is on and I can't wait.
Have a great day!!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Can you hear the weeping?
Well, we are home again. We had a great time and really hated to come home, but as all good things do, vacation had to end. We had alot of fun at Myrtle Beach, I had never been there so that was a new experience for me. If you've never been to the Aquarium there, you have to go. It's incredible!! It is the Ripley's Aquarium and it is at Broadway at the Beach, which by the way Margaritaville is also at Broadway at the Beach and they have great food and wonderful margaritas. Anyway, back on the subject, the Aquarium is a must see. Steven, Wayne, Ashleigh and I also went to the Haunted Adventure (Blake and Rusty went to the beach, Rusty wanted to go with us but I knew we would be sleeping with Blake for months if he went through the haunted adventure). That was alot of fun, Steven was the only one that didn't get scared, the rest of us were scared out of our mind. Ashleigh and Blake did the build a bear and that was alot of fun also. We went back to my Grandparents on Tuesday and then went out to a seafood buffet that night. They had all you can eat crab legs and my husband absolutely loves crab legs, so the kids were calling him Edward Sissorhands all night. I don't think he stops to breathe. Wednesday we spent the day at the beach, it was really nice, it's a part of the beach that you can drive out on with a 4x4 and you are allowed to cook out, so we did that. Then Thursday morning we pulled out and headed home around 5 am. Steven had to be back to work Friday morning at 5:30 so we wanted to get home. Luckily, Rusty and I didn't have to come back until today. Friday night was the first home Redskins game (preseason) and they lost. We have season tickets so we schedule vacation and everything else around games. We had a good time though, we grill out and tailgate and it's just alot of fun.
Well, I better get to work, after being gone for over a week there's alot to do.
Have a great day!!
Well, I better get to work, after being gone for over a week there's alot to do.
Have a great day!!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Vacation part 2...
Well, we will be heading out early tomorrow morning to Myrtle Beach for the next couple days. We have great plans of seeing the Ripley's Aquarium (so Blake can see the sharks), the Ripley's Haunted Adventure (so Steven, Ashleigh, Wayne and I can be scared to death, I went on their web site and I'm a little worried) and then to the Ripley's 4-D theatre which I thought sounded like fun. We also have to hit Broadway on the Beach for Build a Bear, Ashleigh is 16 but she can't wait to build her own bear, Hard Rock Cafe so Rusty can add to his collection and anything else there that we can get into. Steven and Wayne are dying to do the Nascar go-carts. Steven looked at me today and said "Are you sure we have enough time for everything you have planned?" I told him of course we do, stick with me and you won't have 1 minute of spare time. I'm a planner and I drive everyone crazy by trying to have everything planned down to the minute. Sorry, just one of my annoying habits.
Today, Rusty went to the beach by himself now that's what I call die hard beach loving. Ashleigh laid around and didn't do much of anything and Blake hung out with her. Steven, Wayne and I went out driving around to Wrightsville Beach and then just a lot of nothing. It was a very relaxing day.
Do any of you watch Extreme Home Makeover? I've never really sat down and watched it but tonight I did with my Grandmother and cried through the whole show. I don't think I want to watch this every week, I don't know if I can take the emotions. One of my sister in laws watches it every week and I don't know how she does it. It just about killed me.
Well, I am off to bed, got to get my beauty sleep, we are getting up early to head out. I will talk to you when we get back.
Have a great day!!
Today, Rusty went to the beach by himself now that's what I call die hard beach loving. Ashleigh laid around and didn't do much of anything and Blake hung out with her. Steven, Wayne and I went out driving around to Wrightsville Beach and then just a lot of nothing. It was a very relaxing day.
Do any of you watch Extreme Home Makeover? I've never really sat down and watched it but tonight I did with my Grandmother and cried through the whole show. I don't think I want to watch this every week, I don't know if I can take the emotions. One of my sister in laws watches it every week and I don't know how she does it. It just about killed me.
Well, I am off to bed, got to get my beauty sleep, we are getting up early to head out. I will talk to you when we get back.
Have a great day!!
Well, we made it to the beach about 1:30 Friday morning. We are having a great time!! I've read 2 books and gotten a sun burn. It's wonderful. We spent the last 2 days laying on the beach and trying not to drown in the ocean. We have gotten to spend some much needed time with my Grandparents also, my PawPaw is 80 and my MawMaw is 75 so I like to spend as much time with them as possible. They are both is good health and we are really lucky to still have them. My children have 3 great grandparents, not many 16 year olds can say that. My mom and dad are babysitting our dog and my dad said she is driving him crazy, she follows him around constantly. She is really a people dog and she doesn't like to be by herself a whole lot except during the day when she gets on the couch (which she is not allowed to) and takes her afternoon nap.
I will write more as I get time, I think I am taking a break from the beach today to give my skin a little break from the sun. Oh, what shall I do, I think I will read some more.
Have a great day!!
I will write more as I get time, I think I am taking a break from the beach today to give my skin a little break from the sun. Oh, what shall I do, I think I will read some more.
Have a great day!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Well, we leave in 2 days for vacation and I desperately need one. I've been coming into work extra early every day so I can get everything ahead so when I come back it won't be behind. I need sleep!!!! ..............Oh, sorry, I nodded off there for a minute. I get into such a panic when we are getting ready for vacation, I want everything to be perfect, everyone to be happy and have a good time, I worry myself into an ulcer every time we go away. I think I need to be medicated to go on vacation, it would make me and everyone around me alot happier.
My computer is still not fixed, I haven't had time to get it to Steven and he hasn't had time to work on it right now anyway. I guess it will wait until we get back. I have 4 books and 2 magazines packed, I plan on doing alot of lying on the beach and doing nothing.
Please keep praying for Ashleigh. She is really struggling right now, and that in turn is driving me crazy. We have a really great relationship and we can talk about anything (and believe me she has made my hair stand on end with some of the things she has asked me or told me, I think she does it for shock value) but right now it's like she just won't talk to me and that is driving me crazy. She did tell me that the friends she used to hang out with are all drinking all the time and that's why she's not hanging out with them. These were the "nice" girls that I really liked. I just don't know what to do for her except pray.
Blake is still loving football and he found out on Monday that he is on the starting team. I think Rusty was more excited than Blake. Pray for no broken bones.
Wayne has been down at my Dad's for the last 2 days trying to help him paint the front porch but mother nature had other ideas and they have spent the last 2 days watching movies.
Have a great day!!
My computer is still not fixed, I haven't had time to get it to Steven and he hasn't had time to work on it right now anyway. I guess it will wait until we get back. I have 4 books and 2 magazines packed, I plan on doing alot of lying on the beach and doing nothing.
Please keep praying for Ashleigh. She is really struggling right now, and that in turn is driving me crazy. We have a really great relationship and we can talk about anything (and believe me she has made my hair stand on end with some of the things she has asked me or told me, I think she does it for shock value) but right now it's like she just won't talk to me and that is driving me crazy. She did tell me that the friends she used to hang out with are all drinking all the time and that's why she's not hanging out with them. These were the "nice" girls that I really liked. I just don't know what to do for her except pray.
Blake is still loving football and he found out on Monday that he is on the starting team. I think Rusty was more excited than Blake. Pray for no broken bones.
Wayne has been down at my Dad's for the last 2 days trying to help him paint the front porch but mother nature had other ideas and they have spent the last 2 days watching movies.
Have a great day!!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Just a quick note
Do I hear a YEA!!!, the dishwasher is fixed and I didn't have to buy a new one. I am so excited. Now..... the computer is broke. Will the insanity never end? I don't know what I am going to do without my computer, lucky for me I have a brother that can make a computer out of a tin can so it will be getting fixed, I just may not be writing very much for the next couple weeks (I'm at work right now, sshhhh don't tell). He will have to fit me in with his work and we are going on vacation the end of this week for a week, but since we are going to my grandparents and they do have a computer, I will try to keep you updated as much as possible.
We have a pretty uneventful weekend, which is nice, it was just really busy. Blake had a birthday party to go to, Rusty worked on Saturday, the never ending mound of laundry had to be washed so we will have clean clothes for vacation, you know all the regular life stuff.
Have a great day and it's only 4 days to vacation.
We have a pretty uneventful weekend, which is nice, it was just really busy. Blake had a birthday party to go to, Rusty worked on Saturday, the never ending mound of laundry had to be washed so we will have clean clothes for vacation, you know all the regular life stuff.
Have a great day and it's only 4 days to vacation.
Friday, August 05, 2005
My dishwasher has died, I think. Wayne called me yesterday, said he started it and water started coming out of it. Now it won't drain. I am hoping that MAYBE it is clogged, but with my luck it won't be that easy or that cheap. Pray for the dishwasher.
On a more serious note, please pray for Ashleigh. I'm not sure what is going on with her but she has this whole "new" group of friends that she is hanging out with and she's only talking to maybe 1 or 2 of her old friends. I saw Devin in my office yesterday and it was like she didn't want to even talk to me. This is the kid that runs up, hugs me and calls me Momma. I don't understant what is going on. I don't know if it is something that they are doing or if it's something Ashleigh is doing they don't like. Ashleigh has always been such a great kid, she has the teenage attitude sometimes, but on the whole she is a great kid. I wish I could get her to talk to me about what is going on.
We made it through Chuck E. cheese, a little poorer, but the kids had a great time. Even the older 2 had fun with the little guys. My brother couldn't believe that we actually planned to go there and it wasn't something that Blake had asked for. Now Blake can't wait to go back.
Ashleigh has been gone all week, I will be glad to have her home again. She has been baby sitting for the 11 week old granddaughter of one of the girls I work with. They live in West Virginia so she stayed with them for the week. I've talked to her everyday and she's been having a really good time. My office manager has a daughter Ashleigh's age so she picked Ashleigh up last night and took her to a yard party with them. I talked to Ashleigh last night around 11 and they were on their way home, she said she had a great time with Kathy and her daughter Kristen.
Football is off and running, I'm not sure if it's Blake or Rusty having the better time. Blake is just so excited, I guess it's because he is such a busy child and doesn't sit still for long so this works really good for him. He likes baseball but he gets bored with it too easy, I think.
We all need to make sure we pray for the soldiers in Iraq and for the families of the soldiers that just lost their lives. My husband and I adopted a soldier in January and we send him care packages. Every time I hear of a soldier dying it really scares me. We have never met him and we have only recieved one email from him but we feel like he belongs to us. The National Guard from our area returned from Iraq this weekend and there was such a turnout to celebrate. We are just so thankful they are home safely.
Have a great day!
On a more serious note, please pray for Ashleigh. I'm not sure what is going on with her but she has this whole "new" group of friends that she is hanging out with and she's only talking to maybe 1 or 2 of her old friends. I saw Devin in my office yesterday and it was like she didn't want to even talk to me. This is the kid that runs up, hugs me and calls me Momma. I don't understant what is going on. I don't know if it is something that they are doing or if it's something Ashleigh is doing they don't like. Ashleigh has always been such a great kid, she has the teenage attitude sometimes, but on the whole she is a great kid. I wish I could get her to talk to me about what is going on.
We made it through Chuck E. cheese, a little poorer, but the kids had a great time. Even the older 2 had fun with the little guys. My brother couldn't believe that we actually planned to go there and it wasn't something that Blake had asked for. Now Blake can't wait to go back.
Ashleigh has been gone all week, I will be glad to have her home again. She has been baby sitting for the 11 week old granddaughter of one of the girls I work with. They live in West Virginia so she stayed with them for the week. I've talked to her everyday and she's been having a really good time. My office manager has a daughter Ashleigh's age so she picked Ashleigh up last night and took her to a yard party with them. I talked to Ashleigh last night around 11 and they were on their way home, she said she had a great time with Kathy and her daughter Kristen.
Football is off and running, I'm not sure if it's Blake or Rusty having the better time. Blake is just so excited, I guess it's because he is such a busy child and doesn't sit still for long so this works really good for him. He likes baseball but he gets bored with it too easy, I think.
We all need to make sure we pray for the soldiers in Iraq and for the families of the soldiers that just lost their lives. My husband and I adopted a soldier in January and we send him care packages. Every time I hear of a soldier dying it really scares me. We have never met him and we have only recieved one email from him but we feel like he belongs to us. The National Guard from our area returned from Iraq this weekend and there was such a turnout to celebrate. We are just so thankful they are home safely.
Have a great day!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Chuck E. Cheese
We are off to spend a fun filled evening at Chuck E. Cheese. Blake is taking 2 of his best friends with him. It will be the 3 little ones, Ashleigh (who is just thrilled to be going to Chuck E. Cheese, not), Wayne, my parents, my brother, me and Rusty. Say a prayer for us we are headed to Manassas. I hate Manassas.
Tomorrow Rusty's family will be here for the third birthday party for Blake. We have been rushing around trying to get the last minute finishing touches done to the house from all the painting and redecorating. If I ever figure out how to post pictures from my digital camera I will show you my finished results. I am really happy with it. It has taken a little longer than we thought but Rusty has worked so much overtime lately that we haven't had the time to finish. But we are getting there.
I will write more later and let you know how Chucky is doing.
Tomorrow Rusty's family will be here for the third birthday party for Blake. We have been rushing around trying to get the last minute finishing touches done to the house from all the painting and redecorating. If I ever figure out how to post pictures from my digital camera I will show you my finished results. I am really happy with it. It has taken a little longer than we thought but Rusty has worked so much overtime lately that we haven't had the time to finish. But we are getting there.
I will write more later and let you know how Chucky is doing.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Oh, and Melissa wish your Dad happy birthday for me. I hope you all have a great time with your parents. Like our children we also have to enjoy our parents and make the most of the time we get to see them.
Have a great day!!!!
Have a great day!!!!
Happy Birthday Blake!!
I can't believe my baby is 7 today. I now know what my Dad meant when he said to enjoy everything about your kids because they grow up way too fast. I enjoy so many different things about each one of them. It seems like yesterday Ashleigh was born ans she's 16. Time really does fly. We will start the celebration tonight at home, then move it to Chuckie Cheese on Saturday with my family and one of Blake's friends and then we will conclude the celebration on Sunday back at our house with Rusty's family. It will be quite the occasion.
I will be back later.
I will be back later.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Well, we have made it through the first practice of football, Blake loves it, Rusty is relieved and I'm glad he wants to go back for another practice on Wednesday. Blake came running in the house wanting to show me everything they did today. He is really excited. I was so worried Rusty was going to be disappointed, he loves football so much and he wants Blake to love it just as much. I don't know if that is possible because Rusty is a fanatic but we did make it through the first practice. Oh, and by the way, Blake thinks wearing the cup is really cool, aren't boys fun?
I am letting Ashleigh drive more and more. Tonight she drove from my brother's to the Subway in our town. It it about a 15 minute drive and she did really good. For those of you who don't have teenagers driving yet, just you wait.
I am off to bed, I am going into work early tomorrow.
I am letting Ashleigh drive more and more. Tonight she drove from my brother's to the Subway in our town. It it about a 15 minute drive and she did really good. For those of you who don't have teenagers driving yet, just you wait.
I am off to bed, I am going into work early tomorrow.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Well, here I am, I made it out of the boys bedroom and I am still alive and kicking. It always amazes me what I find in there, it's actually kind of scary sometimes.
Wayne is having a good time in North Carolina with my parents. My Dad took him out of a boat that belongs to a friend of his to fish on the ocean today. My Dad doesn't haul his boat back and forth when they go down there, he used to use it alot when they lived down there but there isn't alot of places to use that kind of boat around here. We have taken it on vacation and had a blast with it. They have one of those double floats that Dad pulls behind the boat and it is so much fun. Last year we rented a house on Lake Gaston with it's own dock and we didn't do anything but rest and play in the water. Ashleigh said she was bored but the rest of us had a great time.
Rusty worked today, I think it's been around a month since he's had a day off, he's asleep right now. Rusty's mom brought Ashleigh home today, that was nice that I didn't have to pick her up. Rusty cooked on the grill while she was here. Ashleigh and her Granny went shopping and guess what Ashleigh came home with?!!!!! A pair of coullottes (spelling??) that she called capris with big legs!!!! I couldn't believe it, she loved them. I swore my daughter would never wear them and she went and picked them out.
Blake and his friend Corey are playing Game Cube in the bedroom, I threatened them with their lives if that room gets messed up. I am probably making a huge mistake letting them play in there but oh well.
I'm off to check the dryer and fold the 100th load of laundry.
Wayne is having a good time in North Carolina with my parents. My Dad took him out of a boat that belongs to a friend of his to fish on the ocean today. My Dad doesn't haul his boat back and forth when they go down there, he used to use it alot when they lived down there but there isn't alot of places to use that kind of boat around here. We have taken it on vacation and had a blast with it. They have one of those double floats that Dad pulls behind the boat and it is so much fun. Last year we rented a house on Lake Gaston with it's own dock and we didn't do anything but rest and play in the water. Ashleigh said she was bored but the rest of us had a great time.
Rusty worked today, I think it's been around a month since he's had a day off, he's asleep right now. Rusty's mom brought Ashleigh home today, that was nice that I didn't have to pick her up. Rusty cooked on the grill while she was here. Ashleigh and her Granny went shopping and guess what Ashleigh came home with?!!!!! A pair of coullottes (spelling??) that she called capris with big legs!!!! I couldn't believe it, she loved them. I swore my daughter would never wear them and she went and picked them out.
Blake and his friend Corey are playing Game Cube in the bedroom, I threatened them with their lives if that room gets messed up. I am probably making a huge mistake letting them play in there but oh well.
I'm off to check the dryer and fold the 100th load of laundry.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Birthdays and such...
Blake's birthday is coming up on the 26th and I am having the worst time trying to decide what to get him. We bought him some clothes but we haven't bought any toys yet. My brother bought him a new bike, other than that he's not getting anything so I guess I better get on the ball. Blake and I went grocery shopping to Wal-Mart today and I took him (or rather he took me) over to the toys to show me what he would like to have. Actually, I was quite surprised. The thing he really got excited about was the small hand held Leap Pad. He loves his big one and he was excited that he could take that one in the car. I think that is what we will probably get him.
It's has been pretty quiet around him again today and tonight. Ashleigh is spending the weekend with her Granny and Wayne went with my parents to North Carolina to my Grandparents until Wednesday. It's just me, Blake and Rusty and Rusty is working all weekend, so Blake and I are having a weekend of scary movies ( I know, I know bad mother, bad mother, he loves them as much as I do) and cleaning. Rusty brought home the new fan for the dining room today. He put it up tonight and I am so happy with it.
We went to my brother-in-laws last night for my niece and nephew's birthdays, Kelly is 34 and Jacob is 19. We had a really nice time, lots of really good food and we watched the video of the band from the night they opened for Deana Carter. We got home around 11:30.
Tomorrow I think I will tackle the boys room. I've been putting it off because I'm afraid once I go in there I may never be seen again. That room is a never ending battle.
This has been a pretty boring blog tonight, but it has been a couple of days since I've blogged and I figured I better write something. My life has been pretty boring lately but I guess that can be a good thing.
It's has been pretty quiet around him again today and tonight. Ashleigh is spending the weekend with her Granny and Wayne went with my parents to North Carolina to my Grandparents until Wednesday. It's just me, Blake and Rusty and Rusty is working all weekend, so Blake and I are having a weekend of scary movies ( I know, I know bad mother, bad mother, he loves them as much as I do) and cleaning. Rusty brought home the new fan for the dining room today. He put it up tonight and I am so happy with it.
We went to my brother-in-laws last night for my niece and nephew's birthdays, Kelly is 34 and Jacob is 19. We had a really nice time, lots of really good food and we watched the video of the band from the night they opened for Deana Carter. We got home around 11:30.
Tomorrow I think I will tackle the boys room. I've been putting it off because I'm afraid once I go in there I may never be seen again. That room is a never ending battle.
This has been a pretty boring blog tonight, but it has been a couple of days since I've blogged and I figured I better write something. My life has been pretty boring lately but I guess that can be a good thing.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Quiet evening
Well, it is really quiet in my house tonight. My brother came and took Blake and Wayne home with him for a night of junk food, video games and cigars. Well, maybe not cigars but it will be a night of junk food and video games. Steven does alot of stuff with the kids, he's a really good uncle. Ashleigh was going to a friend's house but they ended up here, so I have a night of giggling and phone use to look forward to. Rusty has escaped to his shed in the backyard, I think I may head out there myself.
I am headed to get the coffee pot set, the clothes ironed and the lunches packed for tomorrow. It has been a pretty non eventful day. I guess that's a good thing.
I am headed to get the coffee pot set, the clothes ironed and the lunches packed for tomorrow. It has been a pretty non eventful day. I guess that's a good thing.
6 year old and the bathtub
Why is it when you go to get a 6 year old out of the tub the conversation alwasys goes something like this?
Me: Did you wash?
Blake:Well, the soap is wet.
Me: Did you wash?
Blake: Oh, ok I need a few more minutes.
You would think after all this time he would figured out that he's going to be asked and he might as well go ahead and wash. I think he's hoping that one night I will forget to ask and he will have escaped the washing part of a bath.
Go figure.
Me: Did you wash?
Blake:Well, the soap is wet.
Me: Did you wash?
Blake: Oh, ok I need a few more minutes.
You would think after all this time he would figured out that he's going to be asked and he might as well go ahead and wash. I think he's hoping that one night I will forget to ask and he will have escaped the washing part of a bath.
Go figure.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Beauty shop
I have finally found the ultimate beautician. Did anyone see the movie "Beauty Shop" with Queen Latifa (did I spell that right?)? It was so funny and I said I wanted to find a shop like that. My mom has been looking for someone new to do her hair and a girl she works with recommended this lady. I met with Mom after work tonight and we went over there for Mom to get her hair cut. This girl is hilarious and so were the other 2 people in there. I like her already and she did a great job on Mom's hair. We then went to dinner and to Jo Anne's Fabric. My Mom is going to make some Roman Shades for her living room. She spent alot of money having someone else make them for her library and after getting them she thought they looked pretty easy so she is going to try her hand at making them. I'll let you know how they turn out.
I went and saw Dark Water with my brother and my son Wayne on Friday. I love scary movies, but don't waste your money on this one. Steven looked at me and said "Is this going to be one of those movies where you keep waiting for it to get scary?" It was. Then last night Mom, Dad, Steven, me, Rusty and Wayne went to see War of the Worlds. Great movie. It is definitely a must see.
We are planning our vacation to the beach for August. Steven found out today he was able to take off and go with us, so we were happy about that. I think my Mom and Dad are going to maybe make it down for the weekend. We are going to my Grandparents at Carolina Beach in North Carolina. We will be able to visit them and go to the beach. It's also cheap, it's free, which really fits in with our budget right now. Rusty had knee replacement in December and was out of work from December to May, so that really put a crimp in our vacation plans for this summer. But, that's ok, because it's always good to visit my Grandparents and they like having us.
Melissa, I love the story about the little old lady in the store. Working in a Dr's office people always feel like they can tell you anything. I've never really understood that. When they call to tell you why they haven't been paying on their bill they have no problem telling you that the father has run out of them or that the mom or dad is in jail. That would be the last thing I would be telling anyone, but it's such a way of life for some people.
A thought for the day:
It's that little extra that makes ordinary extraordinary.
I went and saw Dark Water with my brother and my son Wayne on Friday. I love scary movies, but don't waste your money on this one. Steven looked at me and said "Is this going to be one of those movies where you keep waiting for it to get scary?" It was. Then last night Mom, Dad, Steven, me, Rusty and Wayne went to see War of the Worlds. Great movie. It is definitely a must see.
We are planning our vacation to the beach for August. Steven found out today he was able to take off and go with us, so we were happy about that. I think my Mom and Dad are going to maybe make it down for the weekend. We are going to my Grandparents at Carolina Beach in North Carolina. We will be able to visit them and go to the beach. It's also cheap, it's free, which really fits in with our budget right now. Rusty had knee replacement in December and was out of work from December to May, so that really put a crimp in our vacation plans for this summer. But, that's ok, because it's always good to visit my Grandparents and they like having us.
Melissa, I love the story about the little old lady in the store. Working in a Dr's office people always feel like they can tell you anything. I've never really understood that. When they call to tell you why they haven't been paying on their bill they have no problem telling you that the father has run out of them or that the mom or dad is in jail. That would be the last thing I would be telling anyone, but it's such a way of life for some people.
A thought for the day:
It's that little extra that makes ordinary extraordinary.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I know, I know I've been lazy, I'm being chastised long distance. This could turn out to be a long blog to grab a cup of coffee and settle in for some stimulating reading. Well, I'm not sure how stimulating it may be but we shall see.
Baseball is over and now we are on to football. My baby is officially signed up to have his little body beat up and he is so excited. I'm not sure who is more excited, Rusty or Blake. Rusty is planning on living out his dreams through the baby and I hope he doesn't get disappointed. Blake is very excited and he has tried all of his stuff on and wants you to hit the pads in his pants so he can tell you it doesn't hurt, but once practice starts I'm wondering how he is going to manage. He's only 6 almost 7 so being out in the heat doesn't bother him, maybe he will do ok.
My Dad's birthday was the 12th but because of schedules we didn't get to celebrate until yesterday. It was really nice and the food was wonderful. My brother is an excellent cook and I am always telling him he will make someone a wonderful wife some day. I made a homemake ice cream cake but other than that my mom and brother made the rest of the food. We had grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, grilled kilbasa (and Steven marinates it in his secret sauce that is to die for), homemade potato salad, deviled eggs, homemade BBQ baked beans and corn on the cob. I'm not sure how many people they thought were going to be there but there was enough for all of us to have left overs today.
Rusty's brother Bobby has a southern rock band called Southern Xcess, www.southernxcess.com, and Thursday night they were in a battle of the bands. They won, and on top of the money they won, they got to open for Deana Carter Saturday night at the Fauquier County Fair. They were all on top of the world. If you go to their web site, in the picture on the home page, Rusty's brother Bobby is in the middle with the white hat, and the one with the goatee is my nephew R.J.
It seems I've been tagged. I will do my best:
10 years ago
Rusty and I were planning our second wedding and spending way more money than I ever thought possible. We have been married to each other twice, once when we were young and stupid and then the second time when we weren't quite so young and maybe not quite as stupid. We had a "period" wedding the second time, it was a civil war wedding. It was alot of fun and everyone in the family got involved and got dressed up also. We made trips to Gettysburg every weekend for months. Ashleigh was 6 and Wayne was 4. I was driving a Pontiac Transport mini van and working for a dentist office.
5 years ago
We were living in this house, Ashleigh was 11, Wayne was 9 and Blake was 1. I had been working for the Dr's I currently work for, for about 8 months. My parents were living in North Carolina and my brother was living in Florida. We were in the middle of saving for our vacation we were planning to Florida for the coming year.
1 year ago
I was crying about the fact that the cruise we had been planning for a year had come and gone in April. We had so much fun and are now planning another one for next April 2006. I was working at home for my office and loving that. My kids really loved that also. Life was good.
I signed Blake up for football and celebrated my Dad's birthday, but I already wrote about that above.
I have cleaned house, done a mountain of laundry and tackled cleaning my bathroom off our bedroom. I also let Ashleigh drive me around our neighborhood and then to her friend's house down the street. She's doing pretty good, but I am some what of a control freak so it makes me nervous that I don't have any control while she is driving. One day you will see what I mean.
5 snacks that I enjoy
movie popcorn with lots of butter, stuffed mushrooms, my brother's nachos (like nothing you have ever had), boardwalk french fries with lots of vinegar and salt and a vanilla ice cream cone dipped in chocolate from Dairy Queen.
5 bands I know most of the lyrics of their songs
Lynyrd skynyrd, bon jovi, AC/DC, Toby Keith, Shania Twain I tend to jump around with my music, just kind of whatever mood I'm in
Things I would do with 100 million dollars
I would take care of our families. Not just like buy them things and pay off their bills, but give them all money and they could do whatever they wanted to with it. I would set up trust funds for education for my children. I would buy my friend Barbara a house because she works so hard and it seems like she is never able to catch a break.
5 bad habits
very impatient, I hate to wait
I expect people to know what I am talking about before I tell them
I don't exercise enough or really much at all
I can be a slob
I drink too much Coke
5 locations I would run away to
I'm with Melissa on this one, if Rusty is there I'm happy
I would love to go back to the Bahamas.
5 things I would never wear
Daisy Duke shorts, a thong bathing suite, coullottes, never ever again, I went to that same school with Melissa and I would never make my daughter wear them.
a belly button ring, no explanation needed
low rider jeans
5 things I like doing
Reading, I love to read
talking to my kids
going to Redskins games with Rusty, we have season tickets and we have so much fun
hanging out with my family or Rusty's family it is one of my favorite things to do
just sitting around laughing with Rusty
5 biggest joys at the moment
Ashleigh getting her learners permit
that my grandmother came through her heart surgery with no problems
my kitchen remodeling coming along so good, I am so happy with it
when my 2 youngest children aren't arguing
a clean house and the laundry done
5 famous people I would like to meet
President Bush, Toby Keith (I love Toby Keith), he's not famous, but Rusty and I adopted a soldier that is in Iraq that we send care packages to, I would love to meet him
5 movies
Gone with the Wind, anything scary (I love scary movies), Lord of the Rings (I love the king), Rose Red
5 TV shows
Law and Order (all of them), Missing, Lost- I ashamed to admit it but I am addicted to it and can't wait for it to come back on, American Idol-another embarassment that I don't talk about outside of my home, and I guess that about it
5 favorites toys
my dvd camcorder, I love it, my cook books, my swing on my back deck, my computer,
and our AVT
5 people that I tag
I don't know anyone else on blog except Melissa, Thom and Emily and they have already been tagged, sorry mine ends with me
Baseball is over and now we are on to football. My baby is officially signed up to have his little body beat up and he is so excited. I'm not sure who is more excited, Rusty or Blake. Rusty is planning on living out his dreams through the baby and I hope he doesn't get disappointed. Blake is very excited and he has tried all of his stuff on and wants you to hit the pads in his pants so he can tell you it doesn't hurt, but once practice starts I'm wondering how he is going to manage. He's only 6 almost 7 so being out in the heat doesn't bother him, maybe he will do ok.
My Dad's birthday was the 12th but because of schedules we didn't get to celebrate until yesterday. It was really nice and the food was wonderful. My brother is an excellent cook and I am always telling him he will make someone a wonderful wife some day. I made a homemake ice cream cake but other than that my mom and brother made the rest of the food. We had grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, grilled kilbasa (and Steven marinates it in his secret sauce that is to die for), homemade potato salad, deviled eggs, homemade BBQ baked beans and corn on the cob. I'm not sure how many people they thought were going to be there but there was enough for all of us to have left overs today.
Rusty's brother Bobby has a southern rock band called Southern Xcess, www.southernxcess.com, and Thursday night they were in a battle of the bands. They won, and on top of the money they won, they got to open for Deana Carter Saturday night at the Fauquier County Fair. They were all on top of the world. If you go to their web site, in the picture on the home page, Rusty's brother Bobby is in the middle with the white hat, and the one with the goatee is my nephew R.J.
It seems I've been tagged. I will do my best:
10 years ago
Rusty and I were planning our second wedding and spending way more money than I ever thought possible. We have been married to each other twice, once when we were young and stupid and then the second time when we weren't quite so young and maybe not quite as stupid. We had a "period" wedding the second time, it was a civil war wedding. It was alot of fun and everyone in the family got involved and got dressed up also. We made trips to Gettysburg every weekend for months. Ashleigh was 6 and Wayne was 4. I was driving a Pontiac Transport mini van and working for a dentist office.
5 years ago
We were living in this house, Ashleigh was 11, Wayne was 9 and Blake was 1. I had been working for the Dr's I currently work for, for about 8 months. My parents were living in North Carolina and my brother was living in Florida. We were in the middle of saving for our vacation we were planning to Florida for the coming year.
1 year ago
I was crying about the fact that the cruise we had been planning for a year had come and gone in April. We had so much fun and are now planning another one for next April 2006. I was working at home for my office and loving that. My kids really loved that also. Life was good.
I signed Blake up for football and celebrated my Dad's birthday, but I already wrote about that above.
I have cleaned house, done a mountain of laundry and tackled cleaning my bathroom off our bedroom. I also let Ashleigh drive me around our neighborhood and then to her friend's house down the street. She's doing pretty good, but I am some what of a control freak so it makes me nervous that I don't have any control while she is driving. One day you will see what I mean.
5 snacks that I enjoy
movie popcorn with lots of butter, stuffed mushrooms, my brother's nachos (like nothing you have ever had), boardwalk french fries with lots of vinegar and salt and a vanilla ice cream cone dipped in chocolate from Dairy Queen.
5 bands I know most of the lyrics of their songs
Lynyrd skynyrd, bon jovi, AC/DC, Toby Keith, Shania Twain I tend to jump around with my music, just kind of whatever mood I'm in
Things I would do with 100 million dollars
I would take care of our families. Not just like buy them things and pay off their bills, but give them all money and they could do whatever they wanted to with it. I would set up trust funds for education for my children. I would buy my friend Barbara a house because she works so hard and it seems like she is never able to catch a break.
5 bad habits
very impatient, I hate to wait
I expect people to know what I am talking about before I tell them
I don't exercise enough or really much at all
I can be a slob
I drink too much Coke
5 locations I would run away to
I'm with Melissa on this one, if Rusty is there I'm happy
I would love to go back to the Bahamas.
5 things I would never wear
Daisy Duke shorts, a thong bathing suite, coullottes, never ever again, I went to that same school with Melissa and I would never make my daughter wear them.
a belly button ring, no explanation needed
low rider jeans
5 things I like doing
Reading, I love to read
talking to my kids
going to Redskins games with Rusty, we have season tickets and we have so much fun
hanging out with my family or Rusty's family it is one of my favorite things to do
just sitting around laughing with Rusty
5 biggest joys at the moment
Ashleigh getting her learners permit
that my grandmother came through her heart surgery with no problems
my kitchen remodeling coming along so good, I am so happy with it
when my 2 youngest children aren't arguing
a clean house and the laundry done
5 famous people I would like to meet
President Bush, Toby Keith (I love Toby Keith), he's not famous, but Rusty and I adopted a soldier that is in Iraq that we send care packages to, I would love to meet him
5 movies
Gone with the Wind, anything scary (I love scary movies), Lord of the Rings (I love the king), Rose Red
5 TV shows
Law and Order (all of them), Missing, Lost- I ashamed to admit it but I am addicted to it and can't wait for it to come back on, American Idol-another embarassment that I don't talk about outside of my home, and I guess that about it
5 favorites toys
my dvd camcorder, I love it, my cook books, my swing on my back deck, my computer,
and our AVT
5 people that I tag
I don't know anyone else on blog except Melissa, Thom and Emily and they have already been tagged, sorry mine ends with me
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Mother/Wife of the Year
Ok, yes I know I am now up for Mother/Wife of the year. I served my family the highly nutrious dinner of .......
frozen pizzas and mozarella sticks. I confess I was tired and just didn't feel like cooking dinner tonight. So I whipped in to that very fancy store called "Food Lion" and picked up our dinner. Rusty is usually really good about cooking dinner too but he's an electrician and has been working outside for the last couple days in this horrible heat so I feel sorry for him. Oh well, we will be back to nutrious tomorrow.
Update on Ashleigh and her friend Devin. They are on the outs again. I feel so sorry for Ashleigh and she pretends it doesn't bother her, but I know it does. I'm not sure what is going on with Devin but it has really concerned me. She's like one of my kids. She has been to my grandparents with us and to Ashleigh's grandparents on both sides. She calls my parents Grandma and Grandpa and Rusty's mom Granny. This is breaking my heart. I know I shouldn't get so involved with her friends but it's so hard. They are here so much and then all of a sudden I don't get to see them anymore.
Wayne comes home tomorrow, I am excited about that. It just isn't the same house without him.
Well, I am headed out to water my poor tomatoes and flowers. They are all begging for water.
frozen pizzas and mozarella sticks. I confess I was tired and just didn't feel like cooking dinner tonight. So I whipped in to that very fancy store called "Food Lion" and picked up our dinner. Rusty is usually really good about cooking dinner too but he's an electrician and has been working outside for the last couple days in this horrible heat so I feel sorry for him. Oh well, we will be back to nutrious tomorrow.
Update on Ashleigh and her friend Devin. They are on the outs again. I feel so sorry for Ashleigh and she pretends it doesn't bother her, but I know it does. I'm not sure what is going on with Devin but it has really concerned me. She's like one of my kids. She has been to my grandparents with us and to Ashleigh's grandparents on both sides. She calls my parents Grandma and Grandpa and Rusty's mom Granny. This is breaking my heart. I know I shouldn't get so involved with her friends but it's so hard. They are here so much and then all of a sudden I don't get to see them anymore.
Wayne comes home tomorrow, I am excited about that. It just isn't the same house without him.
Well, I am headed out to water my poor tomatoes and flowers. They are all begging for water.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Oh, I hate Mondays
Here we go again, Mondays. Every Monday I get out of bed and think that this week will be different. The people I work with won't drive me too crazy and then I get to work and that thought gets blown out of the water. Oh, well, such as life, I guess.
I know I talk alot about Blake, but he is 6 and he gives me such inspiration. ha ha Tonight we are having dinner (BBQ pork chops, stuffing, corn and peas, we have to have corn and peas because I can not get my children to eat peas. I guess I could pull a mommy dearest and make them sit there until they eat them but I'm a push over I guess) anyway back to dinner, Blake is eating and the conversation goes like this:
B- "Where is the chicken the stuffing came from?"
M- "What?"
B -"The chicken the stuffing came out of, what did you do with it?"
M- "The stuffing came out of a box, not a chicken."
B- "The people that put it in the box, they got it out of a chicken?"
M- "No, the stuffing did not come out of any chicken."
B- "Does the chicken have the stuffing in it while it's alive or does it get the stuffing after it dies?"
M- "There is NO stuffing in a chicken unless I put it there."
B- "Do you put it in all the chickens, even Grandma's?"
M- "No, Blake only our chickens"
B- "There's a midget at my school."
M- "There is?"
B - "Yes, it's going into 5th grade?"
M- "Is the midget a girl or boy?"
B -"A girl."
M -"Then she's going into 5th grade, not it's going into the 5th grade."
B - "oh"
And they ask me why I drink.
Has anyone been on the website for the new baby panda? It's really neat, it's right in the den with them. You really can't see the baby, but Blake and I have enjoyed just looking at it and talking about how little it is right now. They say it weighs around 3-5 ounces, about the size of a stick of butter. The website is http://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/giantpandas if anyone is interested and you have to scroll to the bottom of the page.
I am headed for that pile of laundry in the laundry room, if you don't hear from me in a couple days , please send out a search party.
I know I talk alot about Blake, but he is 6 and he gives me such inspiration. ha ha Tonight we are having dinner (BBQ pork chops, stuffing, corn and peas, we have to have corn and peas because I can not get my children to eat peas. I guess I could pull a mommy dearest and make them sit there until they eat them but I'm a push over I guess) anyway back to dinner, Blake is eating and the conversation goes like this:
B- "Where is the chicken the stuffing came from?"
M- "What?"
B -"The chicken the stuffing came out of, what did you do with it?"
M- "The stuffing came out of a box, not a chicken."
B- "The people that put it in the box, they got it out of a chicken?"
M- "No, the stuffing did not come out of any chicken."
B- "Does the chicken have the stuffing in it while it's alive or does it get the stuffing after it dies?"
M- "There is NO stuffing in a chicken unless I put it there."
B- "Do you put it in all the chickens, even Grandma's?"
M- "No, Blake only our chickens"
B- "There's a midget at my school."
M- "There is?"
B - "Yes, it's going into 5th grade?"
M- "Is the midget a girl or boy?"
B -"A girl."
M -"Then she's going into 5th grade, not it's going into the 5th grade."
B - "oh"
And they ask me why I drink.
Has anyone been on the website for the new baby panda? It's really neat, it's right in the den with them. You really can't see the baby, but Blake and I have enjoyed just looking at it and talking about how little it is right now. They say it weighs around 3-5 ounces, about the size of a stick of butter. The website is http://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/giantpandas if anyone is interested and you have to scroll to the bottom of the page.
I am headed for that pile of laundry in the laundry room, if you don't hear from me in a couple days , please send out a search party.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
A Flea Marketing We Will Go
Well, we just crawled into the house after a 3 hour trip to the flea market. I love the flea market. I am redoing the kitchen and it is in retro/old country. I am now on the hunt for red handled utensils. It was a productive trip, I came home with a water dipper and something I'm not quite sure what it is, but I liked it. Blake went with us and if you've never taken a 6 year old to the flea market or a yard sale, take my word for it, don't. He was tired, he was hungry, he was thirsty and the one that gets you every time, "I have to go potty." He knows he's going to get a reaction on that one. We also came home with cherries and tomatoes. My tomatoes plants aren't ready yet, but I am ready for them. It always amazes me the way that people dress at these things. There are people who are hardly dressed and then there are people in dresses and heels. Heels?? At the flea market??? Do people even look in the mirror when they leave the house or even think about where they are headed when they get dressed?
Wayne, my 14 year old, has decided he wants a "mullet" hair cut. Those of us from the 80's should remember this lovely hair cut. Rusty and I decided to not say anthing about it, because it is only hair, but it really has taken some time to get used to. I guess we have to pick our battles and hair does grow. He could of wanted to dye it or do something outrageous, so I guess this is tame compared to some of the things I've seen at the schools. It really surprised me because he's not the kind of kid that does things to stand out. All of my kids are really good kids for the most part and don't give us any trouble and I thank God for that.
Until later,
Wayne, my 14 year old, has decided he wants a "mullet" hair cut. Those of us from the 80's should remember this lovely hair cut. Rusty and I decided to not say anthing about it, because it is only hair, but it really has taken some time to get used to. I guess we have to pick our battles and hair does grow. He could of wanted to dye it or do something outrageous, so I guess this is tame compared to some of the things I've seen at the schools. It really surprised me because he's not the kind of kid that does things to stand out. All of my kids are really good kids for the most part and don't give us any trouble and I thank God for that.
Until later,
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Friday, Friday, Friday
Did I mention it's Friday?! I have 2 days at home and I don't think I am going to leave the house. (who am I kidding, I'm sure one of my little darlings will think of someplace they just have to be or they might die). I'm going to give it a shot though. Blake and I will be the only ones home tomorrow and that has made him very excited. Rusty will be working, Ashleigh is spending the night at a friend's house (maybe I should of warned them of the constant phone use) and Wayne is gone until Wednesday. It will be very quiet here tomorrow.
We had a parade down Main St. tonight in our little town and if you've never been to a small town parade it's a sight to behold. You have a couple convertibles with the local fire department princesses and queens. Then you have a fire truck, ambulance, a delivery truck (usually propane) for a local company, maybe another convertible, a car load of people that just decided to be in the parade for the fun of it and then another fire truck, and another fire truck and another fire truck. And it goes on and on like that for normally about an hour or so. Of course every volunteer department around has been invited to send a truck for the parade. God bless the volunteer fire fighters because alot of small towns wouldn't have fire departments if it wasn't for them. But after you have seen the first 50 fire trucks you are kind of looking for the end of the parade going "Is it ever going to end?" "Oh, is that a rain cloud I see?"
Blake is going to have to see the optometrist (I think that's how you spell it but it still looks wrong), he had his yearly physical today and they think he's far sighted. Hopefully, he won't need glasses. When he ws taking his test in the office and he couldn't see line 7 he asked the nurse "Does ANYONE see line 7?" Ashleigh had her physical today also and after complaining about having to get out of bed before 11, 12 or maybe even 1 she got the disappointing news that she has probably stopped growing and won't get over 5'2". She wanted to be taller but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.
After everything that has been going on with that family in Idaho and the little girl being found, let's all hug our kids a little tighter tonight after we say our prayers. During the day stop and just sit down and spend time with your children and thank God everyday that they are safe at home with us.
We had a parade down Main St. tonight in our little town and if you've never been to a small town parade it's a sight to behold. You have a couple convertibles with the local fire department princesses and queens. Then you have a fire truck, ambulance, a delivery truck (usually propane) for a local company, maybe another convertible, a car load of people that just decided to be in the parade for the fun of it and then another fire truck, and another fire truck and another fire truck. And it goes on and on like that for normally about an hour or so. Of course every volunteer department around has been invited to send a truck for the parade. God bless the volunteer fire fighters because alot of small towns wouldn't have fire departments if it wasn't for them. But after you have seen the first 50 fire trucks you are kind of looking for the end of the parade going "Is it ever going to end?" "Oh, is that a rain cloud I see?"
Blake is going to have to see the optometrist (I think that's how you spell it but it still looks wrong), he had his yearly physical today and they think he's far sighted. Hopefully, he won't need glasses. When he ws taking his test in the office and he couldn't see line 7 he asked the nurse "Does ANYONE see line 7?" Ashleigh had her physical today also and after complaining about having to get out of bed before 11, 12 or maybe even 1 she got the disappointing news that she has probably stopped growing and won't get over 5'2". She wanted to be taller but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.
After everything that has been going on with that family in Idaho and the little girl being found, let's all hug our kids a little tighter tonight after we say our prayers. During the day stop and just sit down and spend time with your children and thank God everyday that they are safe at home with us.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Boys and their toys
Well, we just got back from our four hour trip to Manassas. I hate having to go to Manassas, the traffic is horrible and it's over an hour one way. Rusty got Sirius (satellite) radio for Father's Day and the antenna broke off in it. He was not happy and I thought he was going to throw himself on the floor and kick his feet. I bought it from Bestbuy.com and of course we don't have a Best Buy close to us, the closest is Manassas. So, off to Manassas we went. That was quite the experience, did I mention I hate the traffic in Manassas, but the people at Best Buy were very nice and refunded us our money so we could turn around and buy another model that of course cost more money but the antenna is in a different location and doesn't plug directly into the radio. so he was happy, skipping (well, maybe not exactly skipping, but close) out of the store and then we had to sit in the car so he could call Sirius and switch his subscription from the broken radio to the new one. Then he was once the happy husband that I know and love.
Does anyone else notice the children that are just running loose in stores with no parents in sight? I'm talking little kids, not teenagers. It amazes me that people don't even pay attention to the crazy turn this world has taken. Children are disappearing everyday never to be seen again. I just don't understand it.
I think I am going to have to have my phone surgically removed from Ashleigh's ear. I don't think she stops talking on it even when she's asleep. Now that I think of it, she does talk in her sleep. I spent alot of time on the phone but I'm not sure it was that much. Her friend Devin and her have made up and are friends again. I asked Ashleigh if she asked Devin about the parties she's been having and she told me no, she was just going to let it go. Devin knows how she feels and she doesn't think she needs to say anymore about it. I guess time will tell.
Til tomorrow, good night.
Does anyone else notice the children that are just running loose in stores with no parents in sight? I'm talking little kids, not teenagers. It amazes me that people don't even pay attention to the crazy turn this world has taken. Children are disappearing everyday never to be seen again. I just don't understand it.
I think I am going to have to have my phone surgically removed from Ashleigh's ear. I don't think she stops talking on it even when she's asleep. Now that I think of it, she does talk in her sleep. I spent alot of time on the phone but I'm not sure it was that much. Her friend Devin and her have made up and are friends again. I asked Ashleigh if she asked Devin about the parties she's been having and she told me no, she was just going to let it go. Devin knows how she feels and she doesn't think she needs to say anymore about it. I guess time will tell.
Til tomorrow, good night.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Survived another 4th
Well, we survived another 4th of July. The party at my mother-in-law's was nice, smaller than usual so that was nice. I still didn't know over 1/2 of the people there. Lots of food (that's the most important thing) and good music. I left around 10:30 to come home. Rusty and Ashleigh always spend the night and come home the next day.
Blake is dancing around the living room singing "The Peter Panda Dance". If you've seen The Pacifier with Vin Diesel you know what I am talking about. It's a very good family movie if you haven't.
Yesterday and today we finally got the dining room and kitchen back together. It looks so good and I am so happy with it. We have a couple things left to do but they are small things.
My Mom, Dad and Steven came over tonight and we grilled steaks and just had a good time. We have an incredible view from our deck and we sit out here every year and watch the fireworks at the town park. It's wonderful, we don't have to fight any of the crowds or traffic but we still get to see the fireworks.
Well, it's back to work tomorrow, oh well.
Blake is dancing around the living room singing "The Peter Panda Dance". If you've seen The Pacifier with Vin Diesel you know what I am talking about. It's a very good family movie if you haven't.
Yesterday and today we finally got the dining room and kitchen back together. It looks so good and I am so happy with it. We have a couple things left to do but they are small things.
My Mom, Dad and Steven came over tonight and we grilled steaks and just had a good time. We have an incredible view from our deck and we sit out here every year and watch the fireworks at the town park. It's wonderful, we don't have to fight any of the crowds or traffic but we still get to see the fireworks.
Well, it's back to work tomorrow, oh well.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Baking, baking, baking
Already I am running behind on blogging. I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to check email. Rusty's family has a huge 4th of July party every year with over 150 people and a live band so I have been getting ready for that. It is tomorrow so I have been baking. It's alot of fun but I liked it better before it got to be so big. There are so many people now that I don't know over half of them. Oh, well.
My Dad and my son, Wayne are on their way back from North Carolina and should be home soon. They went down to take my Grandmother to the Dr to have her staples removed. She had a valve replaced in her heart (we call her MawMaw so now we have been calling her MoooMaw and teasing her about wanting to eat grass, they replaced it with a cow valve) and they did a bypass. She is doing wonderful.
We have been redoing our kitchen and it is almost done. Rusty and my Dad painted the living room, foyer and the hall and then Rusty moved on to the kitchen. It looks really good. My dining room looks like a bomb went off in it because everything is on the floor and table in there. I can't remember when we last ate at the table. It will be nice to finally be able to sit down as a family again.
For the last year I was working at home for my office and I loved it. I am now back in the office and I'm not so sure I'm loving that. I like the people I work with but it was so nice to be home with my kids. They fired our office manager in March (who also happened to be my sister-in-law, long story there) so they brought me back in to help with the new manager. She's wonderful and I really like her alot. The people here drive me crazy sometimes though. We have a new nurse who was just ranting and raving in my office the other day and she was cussing up a storm. I just sat here and didn't say anything to her. Yesterday she came back and apologized to me for cussing because one of the other nurses told her I don't cuss.
Sometimes your testimony speaks without you ever having to say a word.
This sounds kind of whiny, sorry.
I'll be back later.
My Dad and my son, Wayne are on their way back from North Carolina and should be home soon. They went down to take my Grandmother to the Dr to have her staples removed. She had a valve replaced in her heart (we call her MawMaw so now we have been calling her MoooMaw and teasing her about wanting to eat grass, they replaced it with a cow valve) and they did a bypass. She is doing wonderful.
We have been redoing our kitchen and it is almost done. Rusty and my Dad painted the living room, foyer and the hall and then Rusty moved on to the kitchen. It looks really good. My dining room looks like a bomb went off in it because everything is on the floor and table in there. I can't remember when we last ate at the table. It will be nice to finally be able to sit down as a family again.
For the last year I was working at home for my office and I loved it. I am now back in the office and I'm not so sure I'm loving that. I like the people I work with but it was so nice to be home with my kids. They fired our office manager in March (who also happened to be my sister-in-law, long story there) so they brought me back in to help with the new manager. She's wonderful and I really like her alot. The people here drive me crazy sometimes though. We have a new nurse who was just ranting and raving in my office the other day and she was cussing up a storm. I just sat here and didn't say anything to her. Yesterday she came back and apologized to me for cussing because one of the other nurses told her I don't cuss.
Sometimes your testimony speaks without you ever having to say a word.
This sounds kind of whiny, sorry.
I'll be back later.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
My First Blog
I've never done this before, so be patient with me. This is going to be a great way to record things. My kids are A 16, W 14 and B 6. We are about as normal as the next couple that has been married to each other, divorced from each other and then remarried to each other. I guess some things are just meant to be. I work for 5 very busy pediatricians then I come home to start my second job of mom, cook, taxi driver, bank and anything else that my family can think of. Sometimes I think we own a house for the dog to live in.
It is amazing the way a 6 years old mind works. Last night he came to me and wanted to know if he would have his friends with him in heaven. Then he wanted to know if there was food in heaven. While I am trying to answer that one he all of a sudden says "Look at that big moth on the deck." and then he abandons me in the middle of my answer on food and heaven. Tonight he informed me that Bugs Bunny was rich and had been to Hollywood.
My 16 year old is having a crisis because her best friend is having a party tomorrow night and didn't invite her. A (my daughter) was told there was going to be drinking at this party and I told her that is why she wasn't invited because D (the best friend) knew she wouldn't drink. She's rather upset right now but I told her that's a testimony for her. She is really having a difficult time right now. I don't remember 16 being this hard.
My 14 year old is so laid back and calm he scares me. He is with my Dad in North Carolina right now and will be back Friday.
My husband is an electrical superintendent and is building an Old Navy and Ross in Winchester, YEA!!!
Well, I am headed to bed. More later.
It is amazing the way a 6 years old mind works. Last night he came to me and wanted to know if he would have his friends with him in heaven. Then he wanted to know if there was food in heaven. While I am trying to answer that one he all of a sudden says "Look at that big moth on the deck." and then he abandons me in the middle of my answer on food and heaven. Tonight he informed me that Bugs Bunny was rich and had been to Hollywood.
My 16 year old is having a crisis because her best friend is having a party tomorrow night and didn't invite her. A (my daughter) was told there was going to be drinking at this party and I told her that is why she wasn't invited because D (the best friend) knew she wouldn't drink. She's rather upset right now but I told her that's a testimony for her. She is really having a difficult time right now. I don't remember 16 being this hard.
My 14 year old is so laid back and calm he scares me. He is with my Dad in North Carolina right now and will be back Friday.
My husband is an electrical superintendent and is building an Old Navy and Ross in Winchester, YEA!!!
Well, I am headed to bed. More later.
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