Saturday, July 30, 2005

Chuck E. Cheese

We are off to spend a fun filled evening at Chuck E. Cheese. Blake is taking 2 of his best friends with him. It will be the 3 little ones, Ashleigh (who is just thrilled to be going to Chuck E. Cheese, not), Wayne, my parents, my brother, me and Rusty. Say a prayer for us we are headed to Manassas. I hate Manassas.
Tomorrow Rusty's family will be here for the third birthday party for Blake. We have been rushing around trying to get the last minute finishing touches done to the house from all the painting and redecorating. If I ever figure out how to post pictures from my digital camera I will show you my finished results. I am really happy with it. It has taken a little longer than we thought but Rusty has worked so much overtime lately that we haven't had the time to finish. But we are getting there.
I will write more later and let you know how Chucky is doing.

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