Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Flea Marketing We Will Go

Well, we just crawled into the house after a 3 hour trip to the flea market. I love the flea market. I am redoing the kitchen and it is in retro/old country. I am now on the hunt for red handled utensils. It was a productive trip, I came home with a water dipper and something I'm not quite sure what it is, but I liked it. Blake went with us and if you've never taken a 6 year old to the flea market or a yard sale, take my word for it, don't. He was tired, he was hungry, he was thirsty and the one that gets you every time, "I have to go potty." He knows he's going to get a reaction on that one. We also came home with cherries and tomatoes. My tomatoes plants aren't ready yet, but I am ready for them. It always amazes me the way that people dress at these things. There are people who are hardly dressed and then there are people in dresses and heels. Heels?? At the flea market??? Do people even look in the mirror when they leave the house or even think about where they are headed when they get dressed?
Wayne, my 14 year old, has decided he wants a "mullet" hair cut. Those of us from the 80's should remember this lovely hair cut. Rusty and I decided to not say anthing about it, because it is only hair, but it really has taken some time to get used to. I guess we have to pick our battles and hair does grow. He could of wanted to dye it or do something outrageous, so I guess this is tame compared to some of the things I've seen at the schools. It really surprised me because he's not the kind of kid that does things to stand out. All of my kids are really good kids for the most part and don't give us any trouble and I thank God for that.
Until later,


melissa said...

I love flea markets, too. When Jack goes with me, he thinks EVERYTHING is a treasure that MUST be purchased!
And Oh man, no comment on the mullet. I think I'd RATHER just hand him a box of red dye!

Bridget said...

Red dye, now that's a thought to seriously be taken into consideration.

Thom said...