Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Now let's see....

Let's see what has happened since the last time I blogged.
Friday we went to Woodstock for the Christmas parade. My mom is the manager for Bank of America, they were handing out free hot chocolate during the parade so she asked me if I would come down and help her. Ashleigh walked with their float handing out candy, Blake rode in it, my Dad drove and Rusty and I helped with the hot chocolate. It was a real family affair. It was COLD!!!! I wanted to dip my hands down into the hot water. I've talked before about small town parades, you know fire trucks, 2 Santas, Miss Shenandoah, the whole works. They have it at night, which I still haven't figured out except for the fact that they light the town Christmas tree after the parade. It was fun though and the kids enjoyed it.
Saturday was Rusty's birthday, the big 37. We went to dinner at Outback and then did some Christmas shopping. We had a really good time. They sang Happy Birthday to Rusty at Outback which completely embarrassed him. It was great.
Sunday we went to visit Rusty's mom, she has pneumonia. We also watched the Redskins kick some long over due butt. It was a good game, great weekend, Redskins won and the Cowboys lost, you couldn't ask for more.
Last night we got about 4 1/2 inches of beautiful snow. I love to watch it fall, hate to drive in it. The kids were very excited, school was closed today.
Tomorrow, Rusty and Ashleigh are going to see the Lady Vols (University of Tennessee lady basketball) play George Washington University. They are both really excited about the game. Basketball is Ashleigh's sport, but like her father she will watch just about anything. They are both obsessed with UT.
I don't know what Christmas is like at your house but at ours you have to be really good at hiding presents. Rusty is the biggest kid I have. He loves Christmas and can't wait to open his presents. He gets really excited about the presents he buys for other people also. This year the present he is the most excited about is the one he insisted Blake has to have . We bought (more like he bought) a Cricket rifle. It is Blake's first gun, now Blake is only 7 and I really didn't think he needed one yet but I think Rusty is more excited than Blake will be on Christmas morning. I have the admit the box it comes in is really cute. There's a picture of a cricket in camo holding a gun on the box and it says "My first rifle." Oh, well, that's what I get for marrying a man who has 2 gun safes and more guns than they will hold.
Well, I better get moving and start getting ready for tomorrow. Have a great evening.

1 comment:

Thom said...

The Christmas parade sounds awesome! Small town living does have it's charms, doesn't it? :0)

I know Blake will be SO excited (probably almost as excited as Rusty, lol!) when he gets his rifle. I still remember the CHristmas morn I opened up the box that contained my first Daisy air rifle.
It was just pure JOY!!!