Sunday, November 27, 2005

I'm back

Well, I am back. We have had some major things going on with our family and every time I sit down to blog I just don't know what to say. Ashleigh has been living with my parents since September 8 and Rusty was staying with his mom until about a month ago. It has been a very trying time for us but needless to say we are working on things and bringing out family back together.
We had a really nice Thanksgiving but it is so hectic. First we went to my Mom and Dad's and then after eating ourselves silly we get in the car and drive to Rusty's Mom's and eat again. I don't know how I make it out to the car to go home. I always say that I'm not going to eat as much at each place but everything is so good that I just can't help myself. Are there any other crazies like me who get up at 3:30 in the morning on black friday to get to the stores before they open to get the "early bird specials"? Ashleigh and I were at Wal-Mart Friday morning before 5:00. They had lines inside the store for all the different specials and everything was covered in plastic. At least they didn't make everyone wait outside in the cold like they have done in the past. And was it ever cold. When 5:00 hit they made an announcement over the intercom "Attention Wal-Mart associates, you may now remove the plastic... and get out of the way." People act like they have never seen a sale before, it's truly amazing. We hadn't gone there for anything in particular so it was fun just to walk up and down the aisles, watching people act completely stupid and just having a good time. We then went to Kohl's and spent just enough time in there to decide that there wasn't 1 thing in there worth standing in that line for. We then decided to hit Cracker Barrel and get some breakfast. We had a great day, did get some good deals and were exhausted when we finally got home.
Today we didn't do a whole lot, we did have big plans of decorating for Christmas but we couldn't work up the energy to go down into the basement and drag it all up. Rusty and Wayne spent yesterday and today hunting. Rusty got a 6 point buck yesterday but today all they got were cold hands and feet.
Everyone have a great evening and I will be back tomorrow.

1 comment:

melissa said...

I am glad that you are back! I will email you tonight sometime. I am so glad that you guys are hanging in there and making everything work. And, no.No way do I do the Black friday thing, but I can so totally see you enjoying that!!! I have to make out a groc. list, go get groceries, make dinner, and plan the school week for this week.............and it's 4:30! ACK!
You've been missed!