"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
I was awarded a "Nice Matters Award". I've never been given an award on my blog before, I am truely honored. L.B. at http://www.needleroozer.blogspot.com/ (I still haven't figured out how to do that without typing it all out) gave it to me. You should check out her blog, you will really enjoy it. She is a really sweet person. Now I will have to pass it on to the next 7 nice people.
Ashleigh is loving college, now it just started and she really hasn't gotten into the heart of it but starting with a good additude is half the battle. Wayne and Blake are gearing up to start school again. I think they are looking forward to it. I know Blake is, Wayne on the other hand, well we shall see. Football is going really good, but oh am I tired. I only have to be there Monday, Tuesday and Thursday but I usually go on Wednesdays also because I just like to hang out with my friends. Do I sound 16? We really have a good time watching the kids and even though Blake doesn't practice on Wednesday I know alot of the other kids, older and younger, so it's fun to watch them. We are having a scrimmage this evening, that should be fun.
During the school year, last year, Wayne found a bomb threat in the bathroom at school. He reported it and did what he was supposed to do. Now, guess what we get to do today? We get to go to court so he can testify about finding it. Doesn't that sound like fun? Arrrr, he's not happy either, but oh well. Hopefully, it will be quick and we can get out of there.
I know I am slacking on blogging I will try to get things caught up this weekend. I have just been so incredibly busy, I need more hours in the day. Do you think someone could arrange that for me?