Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

So, what did you do to celebrate the 4th? Rusty and I had kind of a quiet 4th, that's a first for us. Ashleigh was with her friends, swimming and having a good time, and Blake and Wayne are in North Carolina with my parents and Steven. This is the first time, in a long time, that Steven and my parents weren't here to cook out and watch the town fireworks from our back deck. We have the best seats in the house. Blake and Wayne will be gone for another week and a half and then we will be down there to celebrate my Dad's birthday and bring the boys home. They've never been gone this long before. It's really quiet around here and I'm not quite ready for this kind of quiet. We got up early and went down to Mom and Dad's house, the one they are selling here, to mow the grass. On the way home we stopped at Wally World and picked up some steaks and potatoes. We already had corn on the cob here at the house. Rusty cooked everything which was really nice and then he se the table with candles. We had a really nice dinner and then after getting everything cleaned up went out to watch the fireworks.

Last Sunday we went to see Lynard Skynard. If you've never been to see them you are in for the biggest mixture of people in one place. Rusty and I have been going to see them for years. His brother, Gary and his wife Bev have been a couple times with us but not in the last couple years. I've only missed one concert with Rusty and that was the year Ashleigh wanted to take him for Father's Day. We had a great time. I am having trouble getting pictues posted so I will do that tomorrow.

I hope you had a great day spent with family and friends. Happy Birthday American and thank you to all the soldiers, and their families, home and overseas securing the fact that we are able to celebrate this wonderful holiday!!

1 comment:

Rebel said...

David and I did absolutely nothing. Sounds like you had a nice one.