Last Saturday we had Ashleigh's graduation party. We had to delay it a little because of Ashleigh being gone for beach week and then Pawpaw's wedding. We had the party at my mother in law's house and everyone had a really good time. We had a lot of good food, we are a family that really enjoys food so most of our celebrations are centered around food. My parents weren't able to be there but we will once again be celebrating this graduation in September when we go on the cruise. That is their present to her, this is the party that never ends.

This is where is all began.

Ashleigh and her friend Caitlyn, they have been friends since 3rd grade. She also graduated this year.

I had asked my sister in law Bev (yes Dy that sister in law story is still coming) to make the cake. Isn't it beautiful. It wasn't really leaning, it must have been the way I was holding the camera. The bottom was chocolate and the top was purple funfetti cake. It not only looked good it was delicious.

Asheligh and the baker of the cake. Oh, and that's not champaigne or wine in the bottles, it's sparking apple cider and sparkling grape juice.

Ashleigh and her Granny. She had the house decorated all in purple and white. It looked great.

Asheigh and her cousin Brett. Brett graduated last year.

Ashleigh with her Aunt Debbie and her Aunt Bev. They both have informed me they should be able to ok any pictures of them that I post here. Sorry ladies, it's my blog and you are at my mercy.

Ashleigh opening yet another round of presents, will the insanity never end?

Enjoying her sparkling grape juice.

Ashleigh's Uncle Gary toasting her and her future. Her other uncle was there but he had to leave, he plays in 2 bands full time, I'm not sure how many part time, and he had to play that night.

My nephew R.J. is on the right and his friend Jesse is on the left. Oh, of course you know the one in the middle.


Ashleigh's dressis adorable...and so is she.
Your poster is mighty fine (the captions are really cool. Why didn't we think of that?)
The cake is super nice!
And your setting looks lovely!
Congrats again Ashleigh!
By the way.
Your blog address is hilarious!
What a great time! I absolutely love the cake. I've never seen one like it before. Ashleigh is as beautiful as ever, of course. Is this endless partying what I have to look forward to in a few years?
Donna, thank you for the nice comments, I think she's pretty adorable too. I was so glad she decided to dress up a little and not just wear shorts.
Rebel, yes you definitely have all this partying to look forward to in the future. It's alot of fun but sad also, a whole chapter of her life is over and so fast. Now, we get to move on to the next chapter and she is really looking forward to that.
Oh, and yes the cake was awesome. My sister in law is very talented.
Man, Bridget! You have been so very busy this month!! Congratulations again to Ashleigh.
Do things slow down any for you in July? Here's hoping so.
I am so enjoying not having to be so scheduled right now. Last fall was the busiest ever, and I just don't feel like I accomplished much.
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