The night before the wedding Pawpaw and Margie took all of us out to dinner. The food was wonderful and we all had a great time together. Our whole family was able to make the wedding except for my cousin Andrea.

Aren't they cute together?

Dad and Mom patiently waiting for the food. It was definitely worth the wait, which actually wasn't that long at all. The service was great and the food even better.

Ashleigh and my cousin Michael.

Steven and Wayne, I think Wayne looks like Steven. What do you think?

Our course that's Margie on the left and that is my great-aunt Marie. That's right, my kids are lucky enough to have a great, great aunt still around.

My cousin Nicole and her little boy Peyton. He is so cute, I just want to eat him up.

He really loved the cake.

Peyton, (still eating that cake), Dylan and Blake.

I love taking pictures of Peyton.
The week before graduation our high school baseball team won a game that no one expected them to win. That win put them in the finals for the state championship. That next game was on the same day as graduation and of course there were seniors on the team. The game was to be played at Radford University, which was too far for them to play and then make it back in time for graduation. My first instinct was there would be no way my child would miss graduation for a baseball game. But in our little country town, sports is everything and it has been taught to these kids from the time they are born. Our seniors players went to the game, took their caps and gowns and graduated on the field at Radford University. It was an incredible graduation for those students. They then played the game and WON!!! They were headed to state!!! The state game was the very next day at Radford and for the first time in Strasburg history our high school team brought home the trophy. It was an awesome day for our town.

They had a parade coming through Main St. lead by the trophy on a purple John Deer gator, if you can believe that. Everyone was lining the streets and then everyone headed to the school to welcome the team home. It really made you glad to be part of a small town. I know so many of those boys on that team and I couldn't be happier for them.

At the school.
Hi Bridget!
I'm happy to meet you!
You sure have a lot of fun things going on in your life too :o)
Congrats on your darling graduate!
And your Pawpaw is adorable!
Good for him!
My they have many fun and happy years together!
This may be my favorite of your posts. Family, community...all the things that make life great!
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