We had another one of our busy weekends. I don't know if any other kind of weekend exists. On Saturday we went to Rusty's brother's house to celebrate their middle brother's birthday and our nephew's birthday. There's so many in the family we sometimes have to celebrate birthdays together. But first on our way down there we had to make a stop at Wal-mart. I am so organized and prepared we had to buy cards. Oh well, they got them didn't they?

And they ask me why I drink? This is why I don't take him in public very often. But, if he didn't act this way I would think he was sick. His sense of humor is one of the things I love about him.

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

See what i mean?

We made it to Bobby and Debbie's house and Rusty pitched right in to help with the cooking.

While Blake headed right to the pool.

Wayne hadn't quite made it to the pool yet.

The 3 stooges, oh I'm sorry that's Rusty and his 2 brothers.

This is Bev, my oldest sister in law. She is married to the middle brother, but that's another story all together.

Blake lived in the pool almost the whole time.

Wayne finally made it into the pool and my nephew Brett joined him.

Kristen is Brett's girlfriend and she wasn't quite sure about getting into the pool with the rowdy guys.

Blake loves to get on the raft and have Brett flip him over into the water.

R.J., one of the birthday boys.

And the other birthday boy. Notice the pink gift bag? That was Rusty's little joke to Gary.

Jacob, another one of our nephews.

My honey, minus the pirate hat. I kind of like the pirate hat, I might have to make a trip back to Wal-mart for that hat. Oh, sorry back on track.

The end of the evening doing what they do best, being incredibly silly.
(get your tissues ready)
Sunday was Baccalaureate for Ashleigh's graduating class. The class of 2007. It's kind of strange the "7" thing and graduating in our family. My mother in law graduated in 1957, my mom 1967, Rusty's oldest brother 1977, me and Rusty 1987, our oldest nephew's wife 1997 and now Ashleigh 2007.

Don't you love the color of the cap and gown. Her school colors are purple and white and they are the Rams.

It just gives me shivers down my back to see her like that.

And then I get a picture like this.

And this.

And this.

Everyone is proud of her, even her 2 little brothers.

Don't you think she is just beautiful? We are so proud of her. She also received a scholarship to our local Community College that will pay for her first semester. I am really excited about that. She will receive it for the second semester also if she keeps her grades up during the first semester. What an answer to prayer. The Lord really provides.
Congratulations on the graduation and on the scholarships! Fantastic!
Rusty and his brothers sure do look alike, don't they?
Congrats Ashleigh! You've made your mother (and many internet readers whom you've never met) very proud.
Bridget - How many tears did you shed at the ceremony?
Wow, she is a beautiful young lady. And it looks like she's done well - congratulations, Ashleigh!! Keep up the great job!
Now, as for the great family gathering shots - those are awesome. It looks like you had a wonderful time. (You can't let the sister-in-law story slide, though. Now we have to know!) And actually, I kind of like the hat. Zorak will wear a costume for Halloween, if one of the boys needs him for a prop (he was the Man in the Yellow hat to James' Curious George one year, for instance), but I've been trying to get him into a pirate outfit for y-e-a-r-s. To no avail. I think he senses ulterior motives... Go figure.
Needleroozer-Thank you for the good wishes.
Rebel- Rusty and his brothers do look so much alike. You would never know there was 10 years between Rusty and his oldest brother and 8 between Rusty and the middle brother. Rusty is the baby. still.
Dy-Thank you, I'm biased but I think she beautiful also. I will be posting about the sister in law as soon as graduation is over. Rusty is great about dressing up for the kids. or me he he He's an electrician and he's been know as "Electro Man".
Congratulations Ashleigh! SHe looks so pretty. Loved all the pictures! Y'all sure are one busy family!!
Congratulations to Ashleigh!! Way to go, girl!! :0)
Congratulations Ashleigh!! What a fun time in her life. You guys must be so proud!
The family photos are so funny!
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful.
My family is a silly one too - it's fun isn't it? ;-)
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