Blake had a baseball game last night, they lost. I just don't think they had their heads in the game last night, it was hot, the bugs were horrible (their fields are by the Shanandoah River so the bugs are normally a pain) and school is almost out. They were upset they had lost but I asked them after the game if they had a good time and they all said they did. I told them that was the important thing and of course the snack after the game always cheers them up. We have 3 balls fields at this location and 3 more across town, at the back stop of one of the fields is a sign and every tme I read it, I cry.

I love this sign. I think every person who has ever been to see a little league game should have to read it and memorize it. People can be so competitive that they forget what this is all about. It's to teach the kids the game and most importantly it's for them to have fun. It's supposed to be about fun, they are ages 7, 8, and 9 on Blake's team and this should be fun.

See what I mean? Blake knows about having fun, this is as he was dropping the dirt back to the ground. He doesn't play in the dirt in the field very often anymore but every once in a while he just can't help himself.

This is Rusty, isn't he cute? Sorry girls, he's taken, aren't I the lucky one.

This is Alton, one of the coaches, deciding who will play what position during this inning. Our kids rotate positions almost every inning. The coaches want to give every player a chance to play different positions. Like I said it's about fun, no one wants to get stuck in the outfield the whole game, it doesn't matter who good or bad a child is in a position they all get to play.

Talk about a tough little girl. Rusty also coaches her in football. She is a really sweetie also.

Looking pretty professional, don't you think?

Blake, after he put the dirt down and getting down to business.

The kids had a great time.
When we were helping Mom and Dad last weekend I had a dragonfly land on me. I was lucky enough to keep it while Mom ran and got my camera.

This picture makes my arm look huge, I swear it's not that big. Because of the creek being right there they have alot of water snakes. Now, I'm not afraid of snakes, my brother had one when we wre growing up but Rusty, he does. not. like. them. one. bit. I call him "Rusty the snake slayer" so we don't have any pictures of them. If I had let him know where I was seeing them he would have been down there killing them. Blake, Mom and I would sneak down there and watch them swim through the water.
We are off to a birthday party for my nephew and my middle brother in law today. I will be back later.
Have a great day and Mom, good luck with the yard sale.
I love baseball pictures. Blake looks adorable. Are you guys Dixie youth? The World Series is goung to be held here in our town this year for 9-10, and 11-12 year olds. Maybe you guys will be down here!
I don't think we are considered Dixie youth, but I will find out. That would be great, we could get together. I love the baseball pictures too.
The pictures are great! Thanks so much for sharing them...they are a good indicator of what we have to look forward to with T. Willy!
The baseball pictures are so cute! I can't wait until one (or all) of our guys want to pick up the game :)
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