Am I still married? Do I still have a husband? Oh, yeah that must be the man I wake up every morning and pull out of bed. I think it's great that he is so involved with the Little League football but it would be nice to see him every once in a while. Monday through Thursday he has practice until 7:30, doesn't get home until after 8:00, then Friday nights it's the football at our local high school, Saturday is little league games all day (Rusty is the head coach for the freshman, Blake's age, and then he helps with the juniors) and then Sundays is the Redskin games. I think I have defintely gotten my share of football. He loves all of it, he lives for it. Blake didn't have a game this past Saturday but the other teams did so Rusty was gone all morning. Two Saturdays ago Blake scored his first touchdown. You would have thought he won the Super Bowl. Rusty went out on the field, picked him up and carried him off. It was really cute, Blake didn't know he had scored. When they got back into the huddle he asked one of the other coaches if he could have the ball again to try and score. The coach looked at him and said "Blake, you just got a touchdown." Blake said "I did?!" He was so excited. He has wanted to get his haircut, a mohawk, for a couple months now so Rusty took him that evening and got him one.

Well, what do you think? It really does take a while to get used to. It wasn't supposed to be tall and spiked up like that but that's how it ended up and he loves it. I look at it as it is just hair, it will grow back. He's happy and we have pictures of Rusty with one when he was a senior in high school. Oh, well.
Well, we tried a new church two Sundays ago and loved it. It was great. We were a little worried because, of course, we decided to do this the day after the haircut, but we figured oh well what are they going to do, throw us out? When we got there we realized that 3 of the other football coaches are members of that church. Blake also had friends there so he fit right in and had a good time. Ashleigh had to work, but had been to that church with a friend before and had wanted to go back. Wayne wasn't home that Sunday so he didn't go either. We didn't go this past Sunday because we had a Redskins game to go to but we are going back this Sunday. We have been looking for a church to call our own and we may have found it.
Well, I better go check the laundry, check back later.
I have to go and get the boy's hair cut again. I'm thinkin' that we'll go with something a little more......traditional. Too funny! I'm sure that Blake will always appreciate that one! How did y'all like the church this week? Church hunting stinks, but is a worthwhile endeavor. Hope that this one pans out.
Love the 'do! Every boy, at some point in his life, should sport a Mohawk.
Is is your grandpa who lives here in Wilmington? If not, please ignore me, I am known as a scatterbrain for details. :-)
Thank-you for the kind words!
I have to admit my husband isn't into sports at all. He really loves just spending time with his family.
How was the church? It's so nice to find one to call home. Good luck, and keep us posted!
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