After complaining about the pictures not loading I started reading about the beta blogger and thought that maybe that was my problem, so I switched over and here are the long awaited pictures.
This is my Mom and one of her gifts.
This is another one and like I said she always says she doesn't take a good picture, that they all turn out with silly looks on her face.
I don't know what we were laughing about but obviously it was hilarious.

Mom and her cake, we had a hard time getting her to stop laughing to get the picture. We had a great time all together, I am really going to miss her when she moves to Carolina Beach for good.

This is Blake squirrel project for school. Did you know the Bald Eagle is a natural predator? How do you like that eagle? You would never know that eagle used to be a crow until Rusty worked a little magic on it, would you? Oh, and the orange spot in the middle is the bull's eye, we got this from a target.

I am headed to bed, good night for now.
Well, now aren't you just the nicest daughter to post your mom's pitures for all the world to see, when she told you not to! LOL! (I have a sneaking suspicion that your mom is used to that!)
So glad that we got to see the pictures of the party. Your mom looks wonderful, and it looks like you guys had a blast!
Tell Blake, "Very nice job!" on the school project. The foxes clear out a lot of our squirrels each year.....and thank-GOODNESS, because we'd be over-RUN!
I will pass on the nice words. Blake was so excited about that project, he was very worried (he's a big time worrier) that no one would like his project. But, when he got home he was so excited and said that everyone liked it and they clapped when he was done giving his presentation.
You're very right, Mom is used to me doing things like that to her.
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