Well, here it is, finally, the dress that we searched for all over God's creation. Was it worth it? She definitely thought so. The guy she went with is such a nice guy, why can't she like him more than a friend? She always likes the guys who treat her horrible and I just don't understand that. This guy goes to school with her, works in a funeral home (that's what he wants to do for a living, job security) and delivers flowers for a florist on the side. He made her corsage himself. Isn't that sweet? Not that I want her to be serious with anyone, but it would be nice if the same boy was around for more than a week or so.
I must be doing something wrong tonight because no matter what I do blogger puts my pictures where it wants them and not where I am trying to put them. Oh, well at least they are on the blog.
Ashleigh and Justin

Justin, Ashleigh, Mara and Timmy.

Ashleigh and Mara

And this next picture is Ashleigh and Mara going to their second homecoming the next week-end at their rival school. Different school, different dates, different flowers, SAME DRESSES. There was no way I was buying 2 dresses. I really like the boy Ashleigh went to this homecoming with also and he worships her. He calls her, tells her how much he likes her, how pretty she is but "she doesn't like him like that". I told him he's too nice to her. Sometimes I don't know what to do with her.

Why, why, why does this keep happening?!!! I was now going to post the pictures of Blake making the cupcakes and cookies and blogger won't upload the pictures. What have I done to deserve this? Maybe they know I need to be doing laundry and not sitting at the computer, but don't I deserve a little blog time? Oh, well I did get these on there so I guess I will have to be happy with that.
Talk to you later.
I see red is the "in" color for fall,this year. Very pretty!!
And I would give Ashleigh some dating advice, but look who's talking,eh? LOL!!! :0D
Thanks for sharing the pics!!
Hi first time popping into your blog. Your daughter and the dress are gorgeous.Sadly some young women like the less than great guys and overlook the nice guys. I was one of them. I did outgrow it though lol.
WOW! I haven't been able to post comments here for a few days.
The dress and the girls are beautiful. I LOVE Ashleigh's hair.
Welcome to Ang and her first visit to my blog.
Melissa, I loved Ashleigh's hair for the second dance, I thought her hair for the first one looked a little old, but I loved the curls for the second one.
Thom, yes, red was definitely the in color this year. I really liked both of their dresses, but it was quite chilly and neither one of them had a jacket or anything. I guess being young keeps you warm and you don't need a coat.LOL
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