We had a great time tonight. Mom and Steven came over and had dinner, simple, just grilled hot dogs and french fries but everyone enjoyed that and then we hit the streets. Blake got so much candy he couldn't carry his bag, I was delegated the bad carrier, mask carrier (it was too hot for it and he didn't want to sweat), his gloves that went to his costume and the flashlight. Mom went with me and Steven stayed to help Rusty hand out and eat candy. I have a really big witch's caldron that I fill with candy to hand out. Of course, I put the best candy on the bottom and hope it doesn't all get handed out. I start buying candy in September, every time I go to the store I get another bag or 2, that way we can get lots of chocolate and of course we hand out alot of popcorn balls. The popcorn balls are one of my kids favorites.
This is Blake in his very scary costume. He wasn't very scary for long, as I said before the mask didn't stay on, I don't think it made it to the end of the driveway. Oh, and those are my shoes and a corner of the laundry basket.

And this is my brother Steven in his costume. Isn't he cute. He's got a great sense of humor and he makes for a great date, any takers, he's not going to last long.
Aren't these cute? They are screamers, when you squeeze their bellies they scream, really loud. One belongs to me and the other one is Steven's. We both love Halloween.
Well, I better go check the laundry and get the kids tucked into bed. Good night and Happy Halloween.
oh my goodness I thought I was the only one who put the good candy at the bottom! lol. Glad you all had a good halloween. Thanks for stoppingg by my blog. I used to live in fredericksburg va for a year not sure if you are near there or not I be t the leaves up there are beautiful right now. :)
Very funny! I LOVE Steven's costume!!!! BWAHAHAHAH!! Love it! I remember that you always really liked Halloween and all things scary. Sounds like everyone had fun.
We live at the end of a dirt road in the boonies, so we don't have any trick-or-treaters that come to our house!
LOVE the pictures!! And that is too funny about putting the good candy on the bottom.
Sounds like a great halloween! And Steven's costume is TOO funny!!:0D
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