Our weekend was pretty nice. Baseball has ended and football has started. Rusty coaches so he has had to be at sign up for the official handing out of the equipment. He loves it, he lives for it, my husband is completely obsessed with sports but football in particular. He came home all excited Saturday because the league's secretary is moving and they need someone to do it. Guess who he volunteered? Go ahead guess, 3 guessed and you will only need 1. ME!! I asked him what this will involve and he doesn't know, some meetings, the taking of some minutes, etc. Taking of minutes, I've never taken the minutes of a meeting before, God help me so I don't kill him. Saturday evening we had his middle brother's birthday at Rusty's Mom's house and that was really nice. Everyone together just enjoying each other and having a good time.
Sunday was supposed to be my "I'm not leaving the house day" but as we all well know the best laid plans are sure to be destroyed. Rusty was going to work in the yard weedeating, Wayne was going to mow and all of that good stuff. After about an hour Rusty comes in the house to announce that the weedeater will not work, there is something wrong with it. He has taken it apart and he thinks it could possibly be the carburetor. So he wants to go to The Home Depot to get a new one and of course he wants me to go with him. Now, people I am not a stupid woman, I know why he wants me to go with him, if I go then he can get the more expensive model. He won't do that if I'm not with him, he will get the cheaper one and then talk about how he really wanted the other one and how much nicer it was. If I'm in the store he can tell me how great the more expensive one is and how much better it is until he wears me down and I tell him to just buy it because I want to go home. So anyway after comparing all of the wonders of weedeating at the store he gets the one he wanted and we head home. He's all excited, like a little kid with a new toy, and then we get the down pour of rain. I thought he was going to cry. It rained the rest of the day, so there was so mowing and no weedeating. The yard will have to wait for another day.
Have a great day!!!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I made it through another day as the gym and actually it really is getting easier. My reps have been upped and I made it through them with little trouble. (trumpets sounding) Melissa, thanks for the words of encouragement, I too wish I had started earlier. I have seen such a change in Rusty but I am plugging along and we are eating better as a family also.
Rusty's aunt has to have surgery on Friday so please keep her in your prayers. She has a tear in her intestines. To me, that sounds serious, but the Dr. said it was about a 4 hour procedure and then they would send her home. My Grandmother is making leaps and bounds and doing so good. She still has bad times and I think sometimes her mind isn't all quite there. Actually, I know it's not all there sometimes. On Tuesday when the physical therapist was working with her they moved her into a real wheelchair, not the big comfy chair on wheels, and she threw a fit. She wanted to be in the big chair, when they wouldn't put her in it, get this, she held her breath like a spoiled little kid. I couldn't believe it, this is my Grandmother who doesn't put up with any nonsense and she's holding her breath. Hopefully, things will change with that also, but we are just taking one day at a time and thanking God continuously for the strides she has made.
My brother is looking for a house and last night I went with him to look at one. It is really cute, has a porch across the front, cedar siding, fire place, etc., but it is very small. It is basically one big room with one other room for the bathroom. I think it has a lot of potential because he could build onto it, but I don't know if he could even get all of his furniture in it. He has looked a about 5, I think, and this was the best of the bunch. The other ones have basically been falling down and rotting. He is getting a little discouraged, I think, but I don't want him to just settle either and then be stuck. Please pray for him and his search for a house.
Well, I better go, have a great day, and Melissa "Welcome Back."
Rusty's aunt has to have surgery on Friday so please keep her in your prayers. She has a tear in her intestines. To me, that sounds serious, but the Dr. said it was about a 4 hour procedure and then they would send her home. My Grandmother is making leaps and bounds and doing so good. She still has bad times and I think sometimes her mind isn't all quite there. Actually, I know it's not all there sometimes. On Tuesday when the physical therapist was working with her they moved her into a real wheelchair, not the big comfy chair on wheels, and she threw a fit. She wanted to be in the big chair, when they wouldn't put her in it, get this, she held her breath like a spoiled little kid. I couldn't believe it, this is my Grandmother who doesn't put up with any nonsense and she's holding her breath. Hopefully, things will change with that also, but we are just taking one day at a time and thanking God continuously for the strides she has made.
My brother is looking for a house and last night I went with him to look at one. It is really cute, has a porch across the front, cedar siding, fire place, etc., but it is very small. It is basically one big room with one other room for the bathroom. I think it has a lot of potential because he could build onto it, but I don't know if he could even get all of his furniture in it. He has looked a about 5, I think, and this was the best of the bunch. The other ones have basically been falling down and rotting. He is getting a little discouraged, I think, but I don't want him to just settle either and then be stuck. Please pray for him and his search for a house.
Well, I better go, have a great day, and Melissa "Welcome Back."
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Good News
There is so much good news going on here. I went with my Mom and Dad to Rocky Mount on Thursday to see my Grandmother. A meeting with her doctors had been set up for Friday and Mom asked me if I would go with them. Before the meeting they just weren't quite sure about the doctors at this place, but after the meeting all worries had been put to bed. This pulmonologist that she has really is a good doctor. She was able to alleviate the worries and fears that we had been having and she took the time to explain a lot of things to us. It would have been nice if that had been done when my Grandmother first got to this hospital but now it's been done and we move on from here. They moved her from the "observation" area to a private room on Friday and she has made leaps and bounds just since the move. They were able to turn down her ventilator 2 steps on Saturday and 2 steps on Sunday. She is more alert and is communicating with us, it is just such an answer to prayer. Thank you everyone for the prayers.
The next good news is that we are almost done with the 2 months of parties that we have had to attend. In my husband's family there is always a good reason for a party. Everyone has always joked that in this family "Oh, it's going to rain, time for a party", but I think we have finally hit the place where if we never have another party it will be just fine with all of us. We have 2 left and then we are done for a while. This weekend is my brother in law's birthday and then the next weekend is "The Gibson Family Extravaganza". Rusty's family has been having a 4th of July party for years, actually this year is the 29th year. It's a huge party at my mother in law's house, lots of great food, games, fireworks and a live band. My 2 brother in laws have a band and they play every year. Rusty whole family is full of musical talent, his oldest brother has never had any lessons and can pick up any instrument and play it. He totally amazes me and his oldest son is the exact same way. Last summer he taught himself to play the mandolin and to listen to him play it is awesome. The band will be competing in the Fauquier County Fair battle of the bands this year on July 13, they won last year and got to be the opening act for Deana Carter. They really are very good. Their father was in a bluegrass band years ago, had their own tv show and was on the Ted Mack Variety Hour in New York, so music is in their blood.
School is out and that means children sleeping in until 11 or 12 in my house. I don't remember ever sleeping that late, I still can't do it. I always feel like I have wasted my day doing that, but they are enjoying it.
We got Ashleigh's senior pictures back in the mail Saturday. I couldn't believe we got them already. Seeing her in that formal drape made me start to feel old, so I had to keep repeating, "I am not getting old, I am not getting old". They do them a lot earlier now than when I was in school, but that has been a little while ago. sshhh 20 years next year. It's really funny, Rusty's mom graduated in 1957, my mom is 1967, Rusty's brother in 1977, Rusty and me in 1987 and now Ashleigh will be 2007, kind of neat.
Well, I better get going, have a great day.
The next good news is that we are almost done with the 2 months of parties that we have had to attend. In my husband's family there is always a good reason for a party. Everyone has always joked that in this family "Oh, it's going to rain, time for a party", but I think we have finally hit the place where if we never have another party it will be just fine with all of us. We have 2 left and then we are done for a while. This weekend is my brother in law's birthday and then the next weekend is "The Gibson Family Extravaganza". Rusty's family has been having a 4th of July party for years, actually this year is the 29th year. It's a huge party at my mother in law's house, lots of great food, games, fireworks and a live band. My 2 brother in laws have a band and they play every year. Rusty whole family is full of musical talent, his oldest brother has never had any lessons and can pick up any instrument and play it. He totally amazes me and his oldest son is the exact same way. Last summer he taught himself to play the mandolin and to listen to him play it is awesome. The band will be competing in the Fauquier County Fair battle of the bands this year on July 13, they won last year and got to be the opening act for Deana Carter. They really are very good. Their father was in a bluegrass band years ago, had their own tv show and was on the Ted Mack Variety Hour in New York, so music is in their blood.
School is out and that means children sleeping in until 11 or 12 in my house. I don't remember ever sleeping that late, I still can't do it. I always feel like I have wasted my day doing that, but they are enjoying it.
We got Ashleigh's senior pictures back in the mail Saturday. I couldn't believe we got them already. Seeing her in that formal drape made me start to feel old, so I had to keep repeating, "I am not getting old, I am not getting old". They do them a lot earlier now than when I was in school, but that has been a little while ago. sshhh 20 years next year. It's really funny, Rusty's mom graduated in 1957, my mom is 1967, Rusty's brother in 1977, Rusty and me in 1987 and now Ashleigh will be 2007, kind of neat.
Well, I better get going, have a great day.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
When it comes to exercise, I am a wimp. I will walk but that is about the extent of exercise for me. Now my husband on the other hand, he would live at the gym if he didn't have 4 people waiting at home to see his smiling face. He loves the gym, he belongs to Gold's and he has been after me to join, he said it would be something "fun" to do together. I have a free trial through him, so I thought I would give it a try. Oh my gosh, I hurt in places I didn't even know I had body parts. I've only been twice, I'm trying 3 days a week. He gets off work at 2:30 so he heads over there and does his thing and then goes through everything with me. I'm not sure having your husband as your personal trainer is a really good idea, they lie. While I'm on one piece of torture equipment he is setting up the next one for me and you have to check him or he will set the weights just a little more than what I want and when you call him on it, it was always an accident. It really is nice one on one time together, but I don't know if I wil live through it.
I think I have finally found the way to punish Blake that really bothers him. I take away reading in bed. He's generally a really good kid, but lately he has really been testing me. We were in Wal-Mart the other day standing at the deli. We are patiently waiting our turn, and believe my when I say patiently, I mean you're hoping you get away from the deli within an hour. The women behind that counter could care less if they wait on you or not. I have stood there waiting and had them look at me and walk into the back room. Maybe it's me. Anyway, we are waiting and he keeps edging his way away from me and backing into this other lady waiting there. We keep playing this game, he edges I pull him back and tell him to stand still. Finally, he bumps into her, I take his hand and lean down next to his ear and tell him if he doesn't stand still he will be waiting in the car with his Daddy. To which my husband looks and me like I have just sentenced him to death, what, make him leave Wal-Mart without looking at sporting goods and guns, what am I thinking. Blake starts crying and screaming "Don't scream at me, I can't take it." I never even raised my voice, but I really wanted to at that point. Then Sunday at Nissan Pavillion for my nephew's graduation, he kept running ahead of us and wouldn't stay with us. I made him hold my hand to which he starting crying again and yelling, "You're squeezing my hand too tight, I can't feel my fingers." I haven't been able to come up with anything to really seems to bother him, but I figured it out the other day, he loves to read. He reads everywhere, the car, bed, lying on the floor, he just loves to read. So, when we act bad now we don't get to read in bed before we fall asleep.
I am headed to Rocky Mount, NC today. That is where they moved my Grandmother from Duke and there is a meeting with her doctors tomorrow. We are trying to find another place for her, we just don't feel like they are doing what needs to be done for her. She is bored and is getting aggitated really easy now. We think they are sedating her so they don't have to deal with her, my Mom is convinced they are going to kill her if we don't get her out of there. When the doctors are on the floor doing rounds they won't even take the time to talk to the family, they are too busy. It's been very frustrating so please keep us in your prayers.
Have a great day and a great weekend.
I think I have finally found the way to punish Blake that really bothers him. I take away reading in bed. He's generally a really good kid, but lately he has really been testing me. We were in Wal-Mart the other day standing at the deli. We are patiently waiting our turn, and believe my when I say patiently, I mean you're hoping you get away from the deli within an hour. The women behind that counter could care less if they wait on you or not. I have stood there waiting and had them look at me and walk into the back room. Maybe it's me. Anyway, we are waiting and he keeps edging his way away from me and backing into this other lady waiting there. We keep playing this game, he edges I pull him back and tell him to stand still. Finally, he bumps into her, I take his hand and lean down next to his ear and tell him if he doesn't stand still he will be waiting in the car with his Daddy. To which my husband looks and me like I have just sentenced him to death, what, make him leave Wal-Mart without looking at sporting goods and guns, what am I thinking. Blake starts crying and screaming "Don't scream at me, I can't take it." I never even raised my voice, but I really wanted to at that point. Then Sunday at Nissan Pavillion for my nephew's graduation, he kept running ahead of us and wouldn't stay with us. I made him hold my hand to which he starting crying again and yelling, "You're squeezing my hand too tight, I can't feel my fingers." I haven't been able to come up with anything to really seems to bother him, but I figured it out the other day, he loves to read. He reads everywhere, the car, bed, lying on the floor, he just loves to read. So, when we act bad now we don't get to read in bed before we fall asleep.
I am headed to Rocky Mount, NC today. That is where they moved my Grandmother from Duke and there is a meeting with her doctors tomorrow. We are trying to find another place for her, we just don't feel like they are doing what needs to be done for her. She is bored and is getting aggitated really easy now. We think they are sedating her so they don't have to deal with her, my Mom is convinced they are going to kill her if we don't get her out of there. When the doctors are on the floor doing rounds they won't even take the time to talk to the family, they are too busy. It's been very frustrating so please keep us in your prayers.
Have a great day and a great weekend.
Monday, June 12, 2006
You know, it is really sad when you have to come back to work to get a little rest. We had such a busy weekend. First Friday my Mom was headed back to North Carolina to spend the weekend with my Grandmother. Who, by the way, is still in the hospital. Please keep prayers coming, we really need them right now, I think the people in the hospital are going to kill her if we don't get her out of there and somewhere else soon. Why is it that the elderly are just given up on? I really don't understand that. But anyway, we babysit my parents dog when they are gone, so Friday evening we ran to my Mom's to get Aspen. While we were there Rusty wanted to use their computer to load more CD's on his ipod. Actually, he wanted me to do it, he hasn't figured it out yet. When I saw the bag of CD's he had brought with him the thought of murder passed through my mind. "But it will hold 7500 songs" is what I heard. If you know my husband you know if it's the latest gadget, and kitchen gadgets are the worst, he has to have it. So when he went and bought his ipod it couldn't be some simple one he had to have the new one that holds 7500 songs, plays videos and I think it also plays tv shows. So we spend a couple hours at my parents loading the ipod. Saturday morning Blake had a baseball game and then I had to go pick up Wayne Saturday night. He got back from Canada, had a great time, caught a lot of fish and bug bites. The poor boy looked like he had been served up on the buffet at a bug restaurant. Sunday we had another baseball game and then my nephews graduation from high school. The whole graduation all I kept thinking about was the fact that next year I will be sitting at Ashleigh's school watching her graduate. I just can't believe it, it has gone so incredibly fast. Rusty said "Hey, we may know some of the parents of these graduates tonight." We graduated from the same county and at our time there was only 1 high school. I told him we weren't old enough to know these graduates parents, but then I realized yes we are. Where has the time gone? Next year we will be going to our 20 year reunion. It doesn't seem possible.
Have a great day!!
Have a great day!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Happy Weekend
We have finally made it to another wonderful fun filled weekend or as my favorite deejays on the radio say "Friday's here, have a can of beer" to the tune of AC/DC's Back in Black. Actually I'm not fond of beer, but give me a tropical drink with an umbrella in a coconut shaped like a monkey's head and I am all over that. I had one of those on the cruise, it was probably the most expensive drink I have ever ordered, but I wanted the monkey head coconut. This will be another weekend of running, tonight I have to run to my parents house and pick up their dog. I am babysitting while they are in North Carolina with my Grandmother this weekend. Tomorrow Blake has a ballgame, Sunday there's another ballgame and then my nephew's high school graduation is Sunday night. Why do they schedule graduation on a Sunday night at 7:00? I really do not understand that. We are about an hour and 1/2 from Nissan Pavilion where they are having it. We won't be home until midnight, not that we wouldn't go, we wouldn't miss it but geez don't they realize that some people have to get up and go to work in the morning.
Wayne comes home on Sunday. He has been in Canada fishing and bear hunting this past week. It will really be good to have him home, it's just not the same without him there.
Please pray for my Grandmother, she is not doing well. She seemed to be doing better and was writing notes to people and then yesterday they couldn't get her to wake up or respond. The Dr's have said they think she could have an infection and they have taken some cultures, but I really don't understand. How can someone go one day sitting up, writing notes and trying to talk to unconscious and unresponsive. It doesn't make any sense. But anyway, please pray for her. I don't want to lose her, but also this isn't any kind of life for her either.
Have a great weekend.
Wayne comes home on Sunday. He has been in Canada fishing and bear hunting this past week. It will really be good to have him home, it's just not the same without him there.
Please pray for my Grandmother, she is not doing well. She seemed to be doing better and was writing notes to people and then yesterday they couldn't get her to wake up or respond. The Dr's have said they think she could have an infection and they have taken some cultures, but I really don't understand. How can someone go one day sitting up, writing notes and trying to talk to unconscious and unresponsive. It doesn't make any sense. But anyway, please pray for her. I don't want to lose her, but also this isn't any kind of life for her either.
Have a great weekend.
You Are Marge Simpson |
![]() You're a devoted family member who loves unconditionally. Sometimes, though, you dream about living a wild secret life! You will be remembered for: your good cooking and evading the police Your life philosophy: "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head." |
Friday, June 02, 2006
It's Official
Ashleigh received her "real" drivers license yesterday. We had to go to court and a judge talked to about 30 kids for an hour and about 15 minutes. It was actually a very good talk. I enjoyed it anyway. I hope the kids were really listening. He spoke to them about responsibility, respect and how driving is a privilege. I liked the part about if you are in a car with someone who is driving stupid and you realize that you could be putting yourself in danger, to tell them you want to get out of the car. If they won't pull over for you to get out, shove your finger down your throat and try to make yourself throw up. They will not only pull over to let you out, they will probably help you out. He's really a great judge and he is very passionate about teenagers and driving. His son was killed when he was 17 in a car accident, the other kid that was driving was going 90 miles an hour. I hope he got through to the kids.
Blake's baseball game was cancelled last night because of thunderstorms. I am really very blessed with Blake. He has such a good attitude about his games. He loves to win, but when they do lose like they did last Saturday, he just goes about life and tells everyone that it's about having fun.
This weekend is going to be so busy. Tomorrow Rusty has to be at football sign up from 9-1. He's a coach so he is supposed to be there to help with sign up and assigning kids equipment. But, Blake has a baseball game at 11:00, which Rusty also coaches, so he will have to leave football to go to baseball. Then tomorrow evening we have my niece's graduation party. She graduated from UVA. We are so very proud of her. It has taken her a while, she went to NOVA for a couple years and then transferred but she did it. Way to go Kelly!!!! We are getting an upgrade on our software program at work this weekend so on Sunday I have to go in for a while for that. I don't think I will even know that I had a weekend. Oh, well.
My brother is getting ready to buy a house and he is so excited. He is going to look at one in Bryce. He has been preapproved so now he just has to find his new home. I remember when Rusty and I did that and then started looking for a home. We were so excited and it seemed to take forever to find exactly what we wanted. We have lived in our house for 10 years this year and it seems like yesterday that we moved in. Our story is such a different kind of story, and I think I may have blogged about this before but maybe not. We got married in 1987 right out of high school. We had Ashleigh in 1989 and then we separated that same year. We were both very young and being married and having a baby was a lot. We were both also very spoiled and used to having our own way, which didn't work out very well. We both moved on, I got remarried, he got engaged and lived with her but never married. I had my son, Wayne, and then in 1993 I got divorced. Rusty and I started talking about our marriage and what we had done wrong and we started seeing each other again. We got remarried in 1995 and bought our house in 1996 so we got a little late start with the house buying stuff. Our second marriage was a lot of fun to plan because we didn't want to do the traditional white and tux, we had already done that the first time, so being the Civil War buff that my husband is, we did a Civil War Wedding. That was so much fun, as soon as I get my computer at home running, still having problems, I will blog about that and post some pictures.
Have a great day!!!
Blake's baseball game was cancelled last night because of thunderstorms. I am really very blessed with Blake. He has such a good attitude about his games. He loves to win, but when they do lose like they did last Saturday, he just goes about life and tells everyone that it's about having fun.
This weekend is going to be so busy. Tomorrow Rusty has to be at football sign up from 9-1. He's a coach so he is supposed to be there to help with sign up and assigning kids equipment. But, Blake has a baseball game at 11:00, which Rusty also coaches, so he will have to leave football to go to baseball. Then tomorrow evening we have my niece's graduation party. She graduated from UVA. We are so very proud of her. It has taken her a while, she went to NOVA for a couple years and then transferred but she did it. Way to go Kelly!!!! We are getting an upgrade on our software program at work this weekend so on Sunday I have to go in for a while for that. I don't think I will even know that I had a weekend. Oh, well.
My brother is getting ready to buy a house and he is so excited. He is going to look at one in Bryce. He has been preapproved so now he just has to find his new home. I remember when Rusty and I did that and then started looking for a home. We were so excited and it seemed to take forever to find exactly what we wanted. We have lived in our house for 10 years this year and it seems like yesterday that we moved in. Our story is such a different kind of story, and I think I may have blogged about this before but maybe not. We got married in 1987 right out of high school. We had Ashleigh in 1989 and then we separated that same year. We were both very young and being married and having a baby was a lot. We were both also very spoiled and used to having our own way, which didn't work out very well. We both moved on, I got remarried, he got engaged and lived with her but never married. I had my son, Wayne, and then in 1993 I got divorced. Rusty and I started talking about our marriage and what we had done wrong and we started seeing each other again. We got remarried in 1995 and bought our house in 1996 so we got a little late start with the house buying stuff. Our second marriage was a lot of fun to plan because we didn't want to do the traditional white and tux, we had already done that the first time, so being the Civil War buff that my husband is, we did a Civil War Wedding. That was so much fun, as soon as I get my computer at home running, still having problems, I will blog about that and post some pictures.
Have a great day!!!
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