Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Incredible Power of Prayer
I have always believed in the power of prayer. I know and I have seen what God can do when you believe, but I have to tell you that after yesterday if you weren't a believer you would have to be now. On Sunday Angelica had a possible broken neck, a bleed in her brain that they thought was going to cause brain damage and broken ankles. On Monday after the incredible amount of people prayed on Sunday and into Monday she has 2 crushed ankles. That. Is. It. The bleed in gone, they can't find it anywhere in her brain, her neck is fine and she was asking for McDonald's sweet tea. How awesome is that!!! She has a long road ahead of her, they have done 2 surgeries on her so far and she may be in for more on her ankles. We now know more about what happened. She was drunk for one thing, she had been at a party with her friends and was on her way home. The car behind, that literally saved her life, saw the whole accident. He said her car hit the guard rail, went air born, the door came open and she flew out. They think she landed on her feet because of the damage done to her ankles. She is going to have to have skin grafts on her one leg, the skin was literally peeled off to the tendons. When the angel in the car behind her stopped, he called 911, went to her and she wasn't breathing. He performed CPR and got her breathing again. He has been to the hospital to check on her, so her parents have gotten the chance to meet him and thank him. He is a recovering alcoholic, he's been sober for 6 years. Thank God he was behind her. While he was on the side of the road, performing CPR,(he'd had to pull her out of the road) cars were just flying by. No one else stopped. He truly is an angel on earth. Please keep praying, the family needs it right now.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Prayer Request
I am requesting alot of prayers this morning. Saturday night the daughter of my best friend (well, my best friend next to Rusty) was in a horrible car accident. Her name is Angelica and she is 17. We don't know all the details yet but she was thrown from the car. The car behind her stopped and had to perform CPR on her. She was in surgery most of yesterday, both of her ankles are broke, they think her neck is broke and they are very concerned about brain damage. Like I said, she is 17 and she is going into her senior year of high school. She has her whole life ahead of her. Please pray for her recovery and for her family as they are going through this.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Look what I got
"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
I was awarded a "Nice Matters Award". I've never been given an award on my blog before, I am truely honored. L.B. at http://www.needleroozer.blogspot.com/ (I still haven't figured out how to do that without typing it all out) gave it to me. You should check out her blog, you will really enjoy it. She is a really sweet person. Now I will have to pass it on to the next 7 nice people.
Ashleigh is loving college, now it just started and she really hasn't gotten into the heart of it but starting with a good additude is half the battle. Wayne and Blake are gearing up to start school again. I think they are looking forward to it. I know Blake is, Wayne on the other hand, well we shall see. Football is going really good, but oh am I tired. I only have to be there Monday, Tuesday and Thursday but I usually go on Wednesdays also because I just like to hang out with my friends. Do I sound 16? We really have a good time watching the kids and even though Blake doesn't practice on Wednesday I know alot of the other kids, older and younger, so it's fun to watch them. We are having a scrimmage this evening, that should be fun.During the school year, last year, Wayne found a bomb threat in the bathroom at school. He reported it and did what he was supposed to do. Now, guess what we get to do today? We get to go to court so he can testify about finding it. Doesn't that sound like fun? Arrrr, he's not happy either, but oh well. Hopefully, it will be quick and we can get out of there.
I know I am slacking on blogging I will try to get things caught up this weekend. I have just been so incredibly busy, I need more hours in the day. Do you think someone could arrange that for me?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I have a child in college!!! I really can't believe it, how did I get to this place? Ashleigh and I went to the community college yesterday, sat through 4 hours of orientation (why can't they just let you sign up?) and then she signed up for her classes. That was a job, just getting the classes. Everytime you sign up for a class you have to make sure it doesn't overlap with another class you have just signed up for. But she is done, she goes back tomorrow to get her books, it was just way too busy in the bookstore yesterday with it being orientation day. She liked the idea of being able to pick the times for her classes but she still has classes in the morning which will be quite the culture shock for her come Monday morning. She is a big believer of sleeping in late. She wants to teach kindergarden. Ashleigh will attend the community college for 2 years, get her associates degree and then transfer to a 4 year university as a junior. The one thing we didn't realize was that she needs to decide now which 4 year school she wants to attend. Even though there are 23 (I think it's 23) Universities in Virginia that have agreements with the community colleges, they all have defferent requirements for addmission. She wanted to go to ODU or JMU but after finding out she would need 4 math classes for ODU and only 3 for JMU she decided on JMU. She will have to take 4 history classes for JMU versus 2 for ODU, but she hates math and doesn't mind history so JMU won out.
The wonderful thing about the community college is that as long as she keeps her GPA up whatever college in the state she applies to, she gets in. That is a wonderful thing. She is really excited but scared also. We had a great time together yesterday. Again, how and when did this happen to me?!
The wonderful thing about the community college is that as long as she keeps her GPA up whatever college in the state she applies to, she gets in. That is a wonderful thing. She is really excited but scared also. We had a great time together yesterday. Again, how and when did this happen to me?!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
A Sigh of Relief
The passports arrived today in the mail. Wohoo!!! I've been sweating it but the government came through and the mail delivered. Now, I just have to wait for Ashleigh's. oh, the stress, I just don't know if I can take it or not.
Well, off to football practice where the sweat will run down my back and my hair will stick to my forehead. It's for the kids, it's for the kids, it's for the kids...
Anyone believing me yet?
Well, off to football practice where the sweat will run down my back and my hair will stick to my forehead. It's for the kids, it's for the kids, it's for the kids...
Anyone believing me yet?
Sunday, August 05, 2007
4th of July Update and our nice quiet Sunday
Let the party begin!!!
Rusty cooked for about 3 hours, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Cooking the food is his "thing" for the party.

This in my nephew, Michael, and his little boy Mason. Isn't Mason just the cutest?! He is such a sweet little boy. He was eating hamburger, some vegetables and beans until Sherry, one of my other nephews girlfriend, brought a brownie to the table. That was all she wrote. He wasn't having any part of any "food" he wanted chocolate and he wanted her's. He's cute, he got it and she got another one.

Mason's Papaw, my brother in law, sings in the band and Mason loves music. He stood in front of the band and just danced and danced.

Until he stopped to get a kiss from his Papaw. He really loves his Papaw.

My mother in law's house always looks so good. She takes off the week before the party to prepare. She cooks and decorates all week. It really is a sight to see. We had well over 100 people there this year.

Debbie, Rusty's cousin, caught me taking a picture of her and decided to return the favor. Everyone brings their own chairs or blankets and just spread out on the yard to enjoy the food and music. We also have volleyball, horse shoes and fireworks.

Jacob, one of my nephews, and his girlfriend Sherry. They celebrated 5 years together this year. They started dating in high school. Sherry graduated from UVA this year and Jacob will graduate from Mary Washington next year. 5 years ago Jacob spent the summer with us and worked with Rusty. He really liked Sherry but they had been friends for so long he was worried about asking her out. He is such a sweet kid, not a kid anymore, and I was worried about him getting hurt. Finally, he asked her out and she said yes and the rest is history. O their anniversary this year he called me and left me the sweetest, most loving message reminding me that they started dating while he was here (he went home on weekends) and how I had encouraged him to ask her out. I love that kid, we had such a great time with him that summer. He plays the guitar and he would sit out on the back deck playing to me. He was also just fun to sit around and talk to. Jacob if you read this I really did have a great time with you.

Ashleigh and Maddie. She is Ashleigh's cousin. She has a sister named Morgan and they fight over Blake and who's boyfriend he is. I don't have the heart to remind her that they are cousins. But they aren't first cousins so it's not really illegal, right? right?

Me, and my 2 sister's in law, Bev and Debbie.

Me and my honey. Isn't he cute?

Rusty and his cousin April. She is pregnant and due in October. I can't wait, they found out she's having a girl. She is so excited.

Bev and Jacob, her youngest, dancing the night away.

Gary, my brother in law, winding down as the night gets later.

Bobby, my oldest brother in law, man you should hear him play. Rusty whole family is musically talented. Their Dad had a bluegrass band and they played on the Ted Mack Variety Hour in New York. His uncle has bluegrass albums and his cousin just put out a bluegrass CD.

My nephew, R.J. He plays with this band and he has another band. His other band has played in clubs in New York and I think they play down in Richmond also. His other band plays a different kind of music than this one with his Dad. Southern Excess plays country and R.J.'s other band is more a hard rock.

Rusty in his 4th of July cooking outfit. Again, isn't he cute?
We had one of those rare days when there really wasn't anything planned. For us this is few and far between. I had to meet Wayne this evening, he's been at his Dad's for the last week. He was supposed to come home this past Wednesday but he called and wanted to stay longer, his Dad had given him a car and it needed a couple things done before he could bring it home. It's a '95 Dodge Neon. It needs a paint job but it doesn't look bad at all. It has sat in the sun and has faded some. Wayne's Grandpa used to have a body shop and he told Wayne he would paint his car for him in the near future. We got up this morning, kind of laid around not doing alot of anything. Rusty asked me if I wanted to go over to the flea market, so we threw our clothes on and headed there. I love the flea market and yard sales. The flea market can be better, it's like 1000 yard sales and I never have to move the car. I found a great Home and Garden cookbook, I collect cookbooks and I lost count a long time ago, from the 1950's. I paid $1.50 for it, great deal, huh? It's hardback and the pages are on a spiral. I was very excited about my find. We then took a ride out through Upperville and went by Rusty's Mom's house. We spent a couple hours visiting with her, she fed us lunch, and then I met up with Wayne. It was one of those days wiht no plans and we just take off with no schedule. I love those kind of days.
Rusty cooked for about 3 hours, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Cooking the food is his "thing" for the party.

This in my nephew, Michael, and his little boy Mason. Isn't Mason just the cutest?! He is such a sweet little boy. He was eating hamburger, some vegetables and beans until Sherry, one of my other nephews girlfriend, brought a brownie to the table. That was all she wrote. He wasn't having any part of any "food" he wanted chocolate and he wanted her's. He's cute, he got it and she got another one.

Mason's Papaw, my brother in law, sings in the band and Mason loves music. He stood in front of the band and just danced and danced.

Until he stopped to get a kiss from his Papaw. He really loves his Papaw.

My mother in law's house always looks so good. She takes off the week before the party to prepare. She cooks and decorates all week. It really is a sight to see. We had well over 100 people there this year.

Debbie, Rusty's cousin, caught me taking a picture of her and decided to return the favor. Everyone brings their own chairs or blankets and just spread out on the yard to enjoy the food and music. We also have volleyball, horse shoes and fireworks.

Jacob, one of my nephews, and his girlfriend Sherry. They celebrated 5 years together this year. They started dating in high school. Sherry graduated from UVA this year and Jacob will graduate from Mary Washington next year. 5 years ago Jacob spent the summer with us and worked with Rusty. He really liked Sherry but they had been friends for so long he was worried about asking her out. He is such a sweet kid, not a kid anymore, and I was worried about him getting hurt. Finally, he asked her out and she said yes and the rest is history. O their anniversary this year he called me and left me the sweetest, most loving message reminding me that they started dating while he was here (he went home on weekends) and how I had encouraged him to ask her out. I love that kid, we had such a great time with him that summer. He plays the guitar and he would sit out on the back deck playing to me. He was also just fun to sit around and talk to. Jacob if you read this I really did have a great time with you.

Ashleigh and Maddie. She is Ashleigh's cousin. She has a sister named Morgan and they fight over Blake and who's boyfriend he is. I don't have the heart to remind her that they are cousins. But they aren't first cousins so it's not really illegal, right? right?

Me, and my 2 sister's in law, Bev and Debbie.

Me and my honey. Isn't he cute?

Rusty and his cousin April. She is pregnant and due in October. I can't wait, they found out she's having a girl. She is so excited.

Bev and Jacob, her youngest, dancing the night away.

Gary, my brother in law, winding down as the night gets later.

Bobby, my oldest brother in law, man you should hear him play. Rusty whole family is musically talented. Their Dad had a bluegrass band and they played on the Ted Mack Variety Hour in New York. His uncle has bluegrass albums and his cousin just put out a bluegrass CD.

My nephew, R.J. He plays with this band and he has another band. His other band has played in clubs in New York and I think they play down in Richmond also. His other band plays a different kind of music than this one with his Dad. Southern Excess plays country and R.J.'s other band is more a hard rock.

Rusty in his 4th of July cooking outfit. Again, isn't he cute?
We had one of those rare days when there really wasn't anything planned. For us this is few and far between. I had to meet Wayne this evening, he's been at his Dad's for the last week. He was supposed to come home this past Wednesday but he called and wanted to stay longer, his Dad had given him a car and it needed a couple things done before he could bring it home. It's a '95 Dodge Neon. It needs a paint job but it doesn't look bad at all. It has sat in the sun and has faded some. Wayne's Grandpa used to have a body shop and he told Wayne he would paint his car for him in the near future. We got up this morning, kind of laid around not doing alot of anything. Rusty asked me if I wanted to go over to the flea market, so we threw our clothes on and headed there. I love the flea market and yard sales. The flea market can be better, it's like 1000 yard sales and I never have to move the car. I found a great Home and Garden cookbook, I collect cookbooks and I lost count a long time ago, from the 1950's. I paid $1.50 for it, great deal, huh? It's hardback and the pages are on a spiral. I was very excited about my find. We then took a ride out through Upperville and went by Rusty's Mom's house. We spent a couple hours visiting with her, she fed us lunch, and then I met up with Wayne. It was one of those days wiht no plans and we just take off with no schedule. I love those kind of days.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Alive and Kicking
We are still here and breathing. It has been too long since I last blogged and there is so much to write about. We went to my parents in July for my Dad's birthday and had a great time. My Dad turned 61 and he is still so young looking. I made him an ice-cream cake and Steven cooked dinner. Sounded like a great trade off to me, well I did make bar-b-que baked beans also but I didn't have to stand outside in the heat at the grill.

After we ate, had presents and just lazed around doing nothing we got into their new pool. No one is able to behave themselves in the pool and you are not safe no matter where you are in there. Mom bought a bunch of water guns and you better we careful because that innocent looking float headed our way just might have someone lurking behind it just waiting to shoot you.

Everyone had a great time and Dad really enjoyed his birthday. After all how could he not have a wonderful time, his favorite child was there, me. The next evening we headed down to the boardwalk for, of course, Britt's donuts. We walked out onto the beach to eat them and just enjoy all being together.

It's this a beautiful picture? Yes, I did take it, it has not been photo shopped those are the actual colors of the sunset. Wayne was the one who pointed it out and asked me to take the picture. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day. We always have such a great time when we go see my family.
I have alot more pictures to post from the 4th of July party and other things that have been going on. Somehow when I transferred my pictures I transferred them some where other than what I am used to and it has been horrible trying to retrieve them. I am trying to get used to the new computer. I will try to post some more tomorrow.
Good night.

After we ate, had presents and just lazed around doing nothing we got into their new pool. No one is able to behave themselves in the pool and you are not safe no matter where you are in there. Mom bought a bunch of water guns and you better we careful because that innocent looking float headed our way just might have someone lurking behind it just waiting to shoot you.

Everyone had a great time and Dad really enjoyed his birthday. After all how could he not have a wonderful time, his favorite child was there, me. The next evening we headed down to the boardwalk for, of course, Britt's donuts. We walked out onto the beach to eat them and just enjoy all being together.

It's this a beautiful picture? Yes, I did take it, it has not been photo shopped those are the actual colors of the sunset. Wayne was the one who pointed it out and asked me to take the picture. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day. We always have such a great time when we go see my family.
I have alot more pictures to post from the 4th of July party and other things that have been going on. Somehow when I transferred my pictures I transferred them some where other than what I am used to and it has been horrible trying to retrieve them. I am trying to get used to the new computer. I will try to post some more tomorrow.
Good night.
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