Tuesday, January 17, 2006

American Idol

Is anyone else as addicted to American Idol as I am? I am ashamed to admit it but I can't move from in front of the tv when it is on. I love Simon, he is so mean but he makes me laugh so much. I'm not quite sure what that says about me, but it is funny.
Ashleigh went out Friday night with the "hot" guy from Wal-Mart. He is a really cute boy and he's very polite. That's a plus to me, he could be butt kissing but that's ok I like a kid that is going to at least try to make me like him. He is home schooled which, while mine aren't, I consider that a plus. He is 18, but according to Rusty he looks older. I told Rusty he looked older when he was 18 also and he needed to remember that. I can't believe she is going on dates with an 18 year old, but she is going to be 17 in February. I can't believe I have a child that old, I can't be that much older than 18 myself. ha ha ha Ok, you can stop laughing, it's not that funny. They went to a basketball game at Ashleigh's school, he took her out to dinner and then she came home. Her curfew was 11 and she was home by 9:30. I think that is incredible considering all that we have gone through the past 5 months. God really does answer your prayers and even when you think you are at the darkest point He is always there leading you out.
My parents and brother came over Saturday to watch the Redskins game. They lost, it was a sad time at our house. We had a horrible wind storm during the game and ........ the electricity went out, right after halftime. Now you have to know my husband, I thought the man was going to cry. It was off for 4 hours, so needless to say we missed the last half of the game. He kept running out, in the 60 mile an hour wind, to the car to listen to his satallite radio. We did have good food though before the electricity went out, homemade chili, cornbread and chicken wings.
Friday night Wayne and I went to see the movie Hostel. If you like scary movies, it's scary. But, it's "real" scary, if you know what I mean. It wasn't alot of blood and guts, it was based on true events so that made it "real". I have never had a movie affect me the way this one did and I have seen them all. I've been watching scary movies for as long as I can remember and I have raised all 3 kids on scary movies. I know I am a bad parent for that but I do have to say they love them. Ashleigh, Steven and I went to see Wolf Creek the week before and that was pretty good too.
Sunday was nice, Ashleigh was at work, Wayne was with Steven and Rusty took Blake and went to visit his Mom for the day. I was home by myself and that doesn't happen very often. I did some laundry, read a book and played a game on the computer. Alot of nothing but it was nice nothing.
Well, I am headed to bed, have a great night.

1 comment:

melissa said...

Check your email girl! I sent you something you'll want to read.

Soooo glad to hear about Ashleigh! That is just so good to hear!
Hope Hot Wal-mart guy makes us home schoolers look good!