Wednesday, January 25, 2006


What is it about men that the thought of going to the dentist turns them into whining little boys? Rusty hates the dentist, I mean absolutely loathes the dentist. I don't understand it, it has never bothered me, but when you mention the "d" word to him his voice gets high and it's "Whyyyyy, I don't need to go to the dentist." Now, Rusty had a total knee replacement in December 2004 and he has to go to the dentist every 6 months (like he's supposed to anyway) because if he gets any kind of infection it could go to his replacement and cause him alot of problems. This is my 6'1" husband who kills my spiders for me (I hate spiders), takes me to scary movies so I can watch through my fingers, even though he hates scary movies but he doesn't have to do that much anymore because my brother and my 2 older kids go with me, he will walk the dog in the rain, drive 2 hours, 1 way, to pick up chairs I bought on ebay (I got a great deal) but he has to be beat to make him go to the dentist. I don't think I will ever understand that.
There's not alot going on around here right now. Ashleigh and Wayne had exams the last 2 days but they both thought they did really good so now they have the next 2 days off. They are both looking forward to that. Blake is just looking forward to sleeping in. Ashleigh is in the middle of begging me to let her take Blake with her and her friend Candace tomorrow to pick up their paychecks, get their hair trimmed and go out to lunch. That child drives me crazy sometimes, but this crazy is much better than the crazy from 4 months ago. 4 months doesn't sound like a long time but to me it seems like forever ago. It truly is "but for the grace of God" that we are at this place in our lives with her now. I thank God everyday for his blessings and love. We have found another church to try. It's not that far from our house and we had talked about trying it but we never had. Ashleigh went there last Sunday with a friend and loved it. She said we absolutely have to go there this Sunday. So, we will try it. We have tried a bunch of churches around here but just couldn't find one that felt like home. Maybe this will be "our" church. I hope so, I really miss being part of a church family. We had found a church that we liked but it just didn't have that home feeling we were looking for. The kids liked it, they had an early service 8:00 (which I loved) and it was a contemporary service with a band. That was different than what I grew up with. We were very involved with church, visitation (teen and bus) and we were there every day the doors were open. But it was so strict, sometimes I think that was good but it was also very bad (your convictions should be yours and you should not force them onto other people). So....maybe this will be that home church we are both longing for. Rusty grew up in a church just like I did and he wants a preacher that is going to scare him into being good. ha ha Pray for us and our renewed search for our church.
Well, I am headed to bed, good night and have a great day.

1 comment:

melissa said...

Praying for you guys about church! It feels really good to find a good church home.