Saturday, January 21, 2006


I think I am going to be buried under all of the stuff that we have pulled from Ashleigh's room. How did one person get so much stuff in one room? You can't even get to our dining room. Rusty is sanding the walls and getting white dust on everything. Actually, he looks quite cute covered in dust. He worked on her room most of the day. We bought the paint last night, if you happen to be in Home Depot (Rusty's toy store, he is only allowed in there if I am there to guard the credit card), take a trip over to the paint samples and look at "Sleeping Beauty Pink", "Tigger's tummy", and "Orange Blast". It is going to be quite colorful. The pink is on top, then chair rail with the yellow (Tiggers tummy), and then the orange on the bottom. We went and she picked out her new furniture. She wants white so she picked out a bed with the storage drawers under it and an entertainment center that also holds clothes. When we get it done it will look really good. At least I will continue to tell Rusty how good it looks because he is really against all the colors.
Before we went to get paint we went to Texas for dinner. That is a trip in it's own on a Friday night. There was a wait of about 30 minutes, which wasn't actually too bad, but what amazes me is that people, with children, waiting for their tables will take their children into the bar area to wait. Why would you take a child into a bar? I really do not understand that. We finally get seated, we order our food and we are just sitting there talking and having a good time. All of a sudden, Blake says "I'm not going to do it." We look at him and ask him what is he talking about. He says "Toot, I have to but I'm not going to." (We don't say fart in our house, Rusty absolutely hates that word, that was a bad word in his house when he was growing up, it doesn't stop him from doing it just calling it that.) I thought Rusty and Ashleigh were going to fall off their chairs laughing. I kept looking around trying to figure out if anyone had heard him.
Ashleigh and I escaped all the dust today and hit Kohl's for a little shopping. She needed some new pants for work and I still had some money left on my gift cards I got for Christmas. I picked up a great skirt and sweater, $5.00 for the skirt and $12.00 for the sweater. There were having a great sale.
Tomorrow it will be more painting and sanding and lots and lots of laundry, I have fallen behind on that this week. Oh well, we haven't run out of clean clothes yet so we are still good.
Have a great night.

1 comment:

Thom said...

Be sure to do before and after pics of Ashleigh's room!!!

Blake's funny comment puts me in mind of another little toot-filled fellow I know, though I won't mention any names! (Jack!)

I'm very jealous of your sale items. If I can lose another 10 lbs, I'm SOOO doing some sale shopping!