We are a family of games. I grew up playing games with my family but Rusty's family didn't. He always tells me that they would play rummy if the lights went out during a storm but that was the extent of their game playing, but he loves to play. We have card games, board games, video games, you name it we have at one time or another probably played it. I know some families have family night that they set aside just for things like that. We are so busy with sports and kids and everything else that we have never been able to set a certain night just for that but we are working on it. Ashleigh is grounded (again, will the agony ever end?) and Friday night she asked if we could all play Uno. Of course we couldn't find the cards so Blake went with her and they ran to the store and got a set. We have played every night since then. If you don't know my family then you don't want to play cards with them. You have to guard your cards with your life because whoever happens to be sitting next to you can be guaranteed to be looking at your cards and conspiring with the person on the other side of them. Last night our game lasted until 11:45, I didn't think it would ever end. The following are pictures from tonight.

This is Ashleigh letting everyone know not to mess with her, she is armed with a draw 4 and is not afraid to use it.
Rusty and Blake letting Ashleigh know that they are not afraid of her, they have their own ammunition.
Wayne laughing at the fools he had the misfortune to be playing cards with. Isn't he cute.
I am not quite sure what caused that look on Wayne's face, but there were 3 guys at the table and bad smells seem to follow them around. Take pity on Ashleigh and me, take pity.
Well, that ends our 3rd night of cards and I have to say we have had a great time. The tv is off, the phones don't get answered, it's just family time and it has been wonderful. We let so many things get in the way sometimes and we just don't take the time to spend the time together.
Good night.
Great Post!! I love the pictures of everyone in their element! Looks like fun! We Looooovve UNO!
This is one of my favorite posts here! What fun! We aren't card players, Zorak and I. He comes from a family of card players, though, and the boys seem to have a propensity for it - so perhaps it skips a gene, or it's a recessive gene and if both parents are carriers, then the offspring will get it? Dunno. BUT, anyway, the boys are always begging us to play cards and we'd rather pull our toenails out with old pliers. We sway them into charades or pictionary. Something other than cards. And they comply. But oh, when we visit family - they look like your gang - all smiles and cards. :-)
What fun! I love playing cards! I think playing games, as a family activity is a great idea. Love the pictures,too!!!
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