Well, I was going to post some pictures but blogger is not cooperating. I wanted to post a picture of a rash (hives) that Blake has broken out with in the last 24 hours and see if anyone has any idea what might cause something like this to happen. At bedtime last night, isn't it always at bedtime, Blake tells me that he has these bumps on his chest. I thought it was a stall tactic, go ahead give me the mom of the year awards, and I told him it was allergies and get in bed. Well.....this morning he calls me at work and tells me that the rash is worse and itches really bad. I had Wayne look at him to see if it's maybe poison ivy and he tells me it doesn't really look like poison but that Blake is really complaining about it itching. Thank God I work for 6 pediatricians, so Wayne brings him to work and one of the doctors takes a look at him.
Dr. K "No fever, does your throat hurt?"
Blake "No."
Dr. K "Ears look good."
Blake "Do you see anything in there?"
Dr. K "gum".
Blake loves Dr. K, he says he so funny.
Anyway, Dr. K wasn't really sure either because we are still using the same soap, detergent, shampoo, sunblock, all the known culprits. The only thing we could come up with was Blake went to football camp on Saturday and then came straight to a picnic we were at in a soaking wet shirt. Dr. K said him wearing the wet shirt all that time could have caused this unknown rash. So Blake is now sitting in an Aveno bath soaking and we pick up the hydrocortizone tomorrow. Dr. K ordered a large order of hydrocortizone so our little drug store (Rite-Aid you would think they would have it) has to order it and it won't be in until tomorrow after 1:00.
Oh, good here we are. The picture didn't turn out all that great but you can see the top of his cute little belly button. The Aveno has helped some with the itching and a dose of Bennadryl didn't hurt either. Those things sticking out at the top are his ribs, oh to have my ribs stick out like that again. Oh, well.
Anyway, on to fun things.
When my Mawmaw passed away my parents bought my grandparents house at the beach to live with my Pawpaw and help him. Not that he needed help, he remarried last year and moved out. Anyway, they put their house up here on the market and told me they would give me their dining room set when it sold. Fast forward to a year later, it finally sold and YEA!!! I got my dining room set. I have had a set of good dishes that my aunt collected and gave to me and Rusty when we got married the first time, 21 years ago. They have never been out of the box. I've never had a place to display them. Ta da, behold the china cabinet with the beautiful dishes. I love these dishes, I have open the box to look at them and make sure they were still there and hadn't wandered away looking for some place to display themselves. My dining room looks so different now with the new to me furniture. Before we had a wonderful solid oak table and chairs but that was it as far as dining room furniture went. Well, we had a computer desk with 2 computers on it but that doesn't count. It really looks like a dining room now. Thanks Mom and Dad.

I had to show you a picture of this, do you know what it is? It is an antique doctors scale. When my office renovated the building that was outside in a shed. I really wanted it bad but I really didn't know why they had saved it all this time. Finally I got up the nerve and asked for it and they were more than glad to get rid of it, go figure. My mom had been storing it for me because I didn't want it get lost in our basement and never be seen again. She had it in her bathroom with towels drapped over it. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do with it but Rusty put it in the corner and I really liked it. My kitchen and dining room are done in antiques and old kitchen utensils. I love the flea market. What I have drapped over it is a matching apron, table cloth and napkins that my Mawmaw made when she was newly married. I love it and wanted to display them some where but I wasn't quite sure where. I want to be able to look at them and enjoy them, can't do that if they are in a drawer.

I've had this cabinet for a while, I just like it. It holds more of my old flea market finds and inside is one of my favorite places to sit and go through, some of my cookbooks. I collect cookbooks and I love to sit and look through them. I have my Mawmaw's Betty Crocker cookbook that she was given by her mother in law in 1957, that is my most prized cookbook. It is full of her handwriting. That one has a feature spot on a shelf in the kitchen.

Isn't this just the cutest? Rusty bought both of these for me at Cracker Barrel. They are for cupcakes but I have used them for deviled eggs also. I lined them with waxed paper and they worked great. I love baskets. The lids are wooden and both of them have liners.

Finally, take a look at my great free find on freecycle today. I love freecycle. I already have it hanging on my front door.

So, have you gotten any wonderful things from freecycle? And since I've shown you my dining room, how about yours?
Have a great evening!
Glad that you are back! Poor Blake! Hope that the rash is gone soon.
Loved the look around your house, and the dining set looks awesome. What a find on that door wreath!!Beautiful!
Sorry about the rash - hope you can figure it out. I have one son that gets weird rashes. We finally figured out they're almost always related to food dyes. Just a thought for you.
The dining room is gorgeous. I'd like to see a close up of your dishes. And the wreath is stunning!
Our best freecycle thing was an old piano. We just re-freecycled it LOL because we simply didn't have room.
Amy - http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhat
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