I haven't posted alot about Denise, I wasn't quite sure how she would feel about being part of my blog, but I have now decided that there is just way too much not to post her. Sorry Denise and welcome to the family.
First off Steven has been a bachelor for a while now. He has been married before and has been divorced for a number of years. It's hard when you are in your 30's to find someone. He had tried eharmony, chat rooms friends of friends and nothing seemed to work out. Actually, I think I posted about the eharmony experience before but maybe not. Those girls were crazy and I mean certifiably crazy. Steven wants to be married, he wants children but not just with anyone, he wasn't desperate, he wanted someone to love. So Mom and I decided we were going to put him on Match.com. Best thing we ever did, you're very welcome Steven. After we listed him we went through all these matches, picking out the girls we thought he would like (aren't we thoughtful) and emailing them to him. Denise was one of the girls he was matched up with but she is a professor at UNCW. She has her PhD, she's a doctor for God sake. He's a deputy, for the love of God what would they talk about? And {gasp} she was listed as a vegetarian. That would never do, we are big meat eaters, what would we do for holidays and cookouts? But little did Mom and I know, they connected. She was the only girl he asked out, I think he talked to a couple others before he met Denise is person but after he met her that was it, there was no one else. Every time he talked about her, you could just tell there was something special about her. I think he fell hard and fast and that is absolutely NOT like him. Anytime he would date someone we would be afraid to like her because the next thing we knew she was gone. I haven't gotten to spend alot of time with her because they are in NC and we are in VA but I have met her, loved her, and I've talked to her on the phone. They are getting married October 4, 2008 and I can't wait. They also want to have a baby very soon. That I really can't wait for, a baby, we haven't had a baby in our family in almost 10 years, that is very exciting.
Steven and Denise have a small garden at Denise's house and they have a couple tomato plants.
Steven couldn't figure out what was happening to the flowers on the tomato plants so he asked her about it. She told him they died so she picked them off. bwahahaha Needless to say, she's never grown tomato plants before. (Again sorry Denise, but this stuff is just too good not to share, not laughing at you, laughing with you) Also, she's never been to or had a yard sale. Mom had one and Steven and Denise brought over some things for it and to help out. She could not understand why people would think it was ok to show up earlier than the time you advertised. She didn't get it, the early bird gets the worm. My Dad gave her a fig tree, he has one in his back yard and they love the figs from it. She put it in her car and took it home. There must have been some kind of little bug on the bark because it decided it liked her car more than the tree. It kept biting her but she couldn't see it or figure out how to get rid of it. She went to AutoZone(I think it was Autozone) and they weren't real sure how to get rid of it. So while Steven was on the internet researching how to get this out of the car she was buying a fogger and setting it off in her car. Now, I talking the kind of fogger you set off in your house and this was in the car. Steven said her car smelled so bad of chemicals.
But on the other hand she is so sweet and giving. After they get married Steven is going to put his house on the market and they are going to live in hers. Steven lives out in the country and her house is closer to town and the college. She wasn't real sure she could live that far out comfortably. She wanted Steven to feel like her home was his too so she has already started doing things around the house to make him feel at home. She took one of her bedrooms, cleaned it out and that will be his computer/gaming room. She has hung up some of his pictures in there and is very concerned about him being comfortable there. She really seems to have a huge heart and Steven really loves her. He loves her, so I love her, he's my brother and if she makes him happy that's all that matters. Good luck Steven and Denise, it's going to be a wonderful marriage.

(not quite sure why the pictures are so small, but Mom emailed them to me and I saved them from the email so maybe that's the problem.)
Greetings, Blog Readers, Denise here.
Yes, it's all true. I'm thrilled to have met Steve and so happy to be joining the family. The story of my tomato antics is, unfortunately, quite accurate.
In my defense, I had been advised to pinch off the tomato plants' suckers so that they weren't wasting any energy and could give all to the much-anticipated end result; the difference between tomato suckers and tomato flowers, however, was absent from my horticultural card catalogue! As soon as I was banned from tomato pruning, the little guys were everywhere. Whaddya know?
I'll be sure to keep you apprised of the fruits of our labor. Also, I don't have your e-mail , so I've sent a few photos to your mom to add to the story.
Talk to you soon!
PS--If my gardening didn't confirm your suspicions, I don't camp either... : )
You sound like a wonderful addition to their family, Denise!
It's great to "hear" from you again, Bridget!
What a beautiful story! Denise sounds like a wonderful addition to your family! Thank you for your kind comments!!!
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