I can't believe it's been 10 years.
We are a Christian family of 5 just trying to do the best we can in this crazy world.
Oh, good here we are. The picture didn't turn out all that great but you can see the top of his cute little belly button. The Aveno has helped some with the itching and a dose of Bennadryl didn't hurt either. Those things sticking out at the top are his ribs, oh to have my ribs stick out like that again. Oh, well.
I had to show you a picture of this, do you know what it is? It is an antique doctors scale. When my office renovated the building that was outside in a shed. I really wanted it bad but I really didn't know why they had saved it all this time. Finally I got up the nerve and asked for it and they were more than glad to get rid of it, go figure. My mom had been storing it for me because I didn't want it get lost in our basement and never be seen again. She had it in her bathroom with towels drapped over it. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do with it but Rusty put it in the corner and I really liked it. My kitchen and dining room are done in antiques and old kitchen utensils. I love the flea market. What I have drapped over it is a matching apron, table cloth and napkins that my Mawmaw made when she was newly married. I love it and wanted to display them some where but I wasn't quite sure where. I want to be able to look at them and enjoy them, can't do that if they are in a drawer.
I've had this cabinet for a while, I just like it. It holds more of my old flea market finds and inside is one of my favorite places to sit and go through, some of my cookbooks. I collect cookbooks and I love to sit and look through them. I have my Mawmaw's Betty Crocker cookbook that she was given by her mother in law in 1957, that is my most prized cookbook. It is full of her handwriting. That one has a feature spot on a shelf in the kitchen.
Isn't this just the cutest? Rusty bought both of these for me at Cracker Barrel. They are for cupcakes but I have used them for deviled eggs also. I lined them with waxed paper and they worked great. I love baskets. The lids are wooden and both of them have liners.
Finally, take a look at my great free find on freecycle today. I love freecycle. I already have it hanging on my front door.
So, have you gotten any wonderful things from freecycle? And since I've shown you my dining room, how about yours?
Have a great evening!
And here's Jayla's daddy taking a turn. He was so funny, every time the seat dropped he had the exact pose as he went into the water.
Warren, our president, helping the kids to dunk the victim every time.
Spencer, a friend of Wayne's (my son), posing for the camera. He was the first victim and he spent alot of time up there and in the water. He is leaving Monday for bootcamp, God bless our soldiers.
Cody, Warren's son, doing his best to dunk Spencer. He is a senior this year with Wayne. The kids really had a great time and loved being in the parade. Who wouldn't love being in the parade with firetrucks, a 18 wheeler truck, motorcycles and all of the other local businesses. Gotta love those small town parades.
Like I said, baseball went really good. The kids had a great time, hopefully they learned a little. The went to the batting cages and got in a little hitting practice.
Opening day when the uniform is still nice and clean and new. This was also before Blake got his hair cut. He was going through a stage where he wanted to grow it out long. Let me tell you, this child does not hair the right kind of hair to have long hair. It was horrible!!! It didn't want to lay flat, we had an awful time with it. I didn't make him cut it though because "it's only hair". But finally he got tired of it and got it cut. Thank God!!!!
Ashleigh was home in May for a week and she was home for a couple days this past week. She is doing well in North Carolina. She is about an hour from Camp Lejeune and loving that. She loves the Marines, well she loves the marines she meets and sees. I think it's the uniform and I understand that, love a man in uniform. A guy she dated, didn't date, dated (well you get the picture) just finished bootcamp at Parris Island and she went with his family to his graduation. She was in total awe of everything and had some great stories. He graduated on July 3, what at awesome time to graduate, right at the 4th of July. She came back to Virginia with him and his family and then was home with us for 3 days. She flew home on Wednesday and I was worried the whole time. Not because of her being on a plane, that doesn't bother me. Ashleigh is the kind of kid that can't find her butt with both her hands and a map and she had to change planes twice, once in Atlanta and then in Charlotte. I just knew she wasn't going to find her gate and she would miss her plane. She proved me wrong though and everything went great. Maybe she is a little more responsible than I give her credit for, no I seriously doubt that. She's a great kid and I miss her like crazy, she's just not the most observant person in the world. Sorry Ashleigh you know I love you.
Steven and Denise's wedding plans are going great. They have rented a house on the beach for the wedding and reception and things are moving right along. They are getting married on October 4th and then they are headed to Florida for a cruise. WHAAAAA!!! I am so jealous, I want to go on another cruise. (I still haven't figured out how to remove the ticker on the top of my blog from the last cruise but I'm working on it) The are going to Honduras, Belize, Cozamel and Grand Caymans. I want to go. I got to meet Denise finally and I love her. She is so perfect for Steven. Actually, she's kind of the opposite of Steven but they fit so good together and have the same goals. I am so happy for him. You can tell by the way he treats her, talks to her and about her that he is so in love and I am thrilled for him. It took us a long time but Mom and I finally found the right one for him. ha ha ha
Finally, we had a good time on the 4th of July. Rusty's family had their 30th anniversary 4th of July party and everyone had a great time. We had 127 people there this year even with the rain the day before and the morning of the party. Hope everyone had a great 4th and hope everyone's summer is going great!
Me, Ashleigh, my sister in law Bev, my sister in law Debbie and my mother in law Ethel, after about 2 hours of volleyball, lots of food and dancing.