Well, it's me again being a slacker about blogging. I try, I really do, but there is so much going on around here that I just don't make time to blog. Ashleigh moved to North Carolina 2 weeks ago and that has been a huge adjustment around here. We miss her like crazy but I know she is going to do really well there. She is living with my parents, it started out with my brother but with his work schedule she just wasn't ready to stay over night by herself. So much for "I'm 19 and I can do what I want" she is just not ready to grow up yet. So she is living with Mom and Dad, looking for a job and signing up for a summer class at the community college. I talk to her everyday and she really was homesick at first but she is getting better.
A friend of mine got a puppy and Ashleigh brought him to the house a couple nights before she left. His name is Gizmo and he really is sweet.

The cat wasn't sure what to make of this dog that was smaller than him. He kept checking him out.

The puppy kept chewing on Rusty's ears and his chin.
We went to church with my mother in law today, for Easter, and then everyone went to her house for dinner. It was a really nice time and it was great to see everyone.

This is my great-nephew, Mason, isn't he the absolute cutest?! He's 2 and already he loves that football.

He was also really excited about the easter egg hunt.

Blake and Mason are good friends, Blake loves to play with him.

My mother in law has a fish pond in her front yard and the kids love to try to find the fish. Blake was trying to keep Mason from taking a header into the water.

You've met Mason, now here is Mason's parents, Michael and Misty. Michael was in a horrible accident 6 years ago and we weren't really sure if he was going to make it or not. He was in a moving van in a parking garage and the garage fell on the truck crushing the cab. He broke his neck and was on a ventilator. Now 6 years later he's married (she was dating him when he had the accident) and has this beautiful little boy. God sure is good.

My nephew Jacob and my sister in law Bev. She is also Michael's mom.

One of my other nephew's R.J. Notice the tie? It's the Redskins, this whole family is a family of fans.

My niece Kelly and her boyfriend David. She is Michael and Jacob's sister. Kelly is 2 years younger than I am which is kind of weird that she is Rusty's niece but my sister in law is 12 years older than Rusty's brother. I've mentioned that before and I do need to tell you that story.

Jacob again and his girlfriend Sherry. I have more picture of other people, other than Bev's family but they didn't load for some reason. Oh, well, we had a nice day, we really missed Ashleigh and it didn't seem the same without her. We didn't make it to sunrise service like we had planned, Rusty did something to his back over the weekend and I wasn't sure he was going to make it out of bed for regular services. He helped cook 400 chicken halfs and I don't know how much beef for a church that was selling it to raise money for relay for life. Good cause but he's paying for it now. Hell getting old, isn't it. Oh, by the way, I had mentioned going back to church in another post, we did and loved it. We already know so many people there and Blake has so many friends that go there, I really missed going today but we will be there next Sunday. It's a wonderful loving church and it's a very active church also. I grew up in an active church and I've missed that.
I promise to try and keep more on top of this, please bear with me and don't give up on me.
Good night.
Glad you're back! Nice to meet the rest of the "fam"!
Great news that the church worked out. It is such a blessing to find a home church.
Blake looks so cute.
We're up to date on Ashleigh and Blake. How about some news about Wayne? What's he up to these days?
Glad you're blogging again.
Hey, you've returned from dropping off the face of the earth again. :-)
I just have to say that I have never seen a beard like R.J's before.
R.J. beard is quite something, he's been working on it for a while. He plays in a band and it goes right along with the kind of music they play. They normally play in clubs in Richmond, D.C. and they've playing in New York City. It's kind of a rock, grunge, mosh pit kind of music. I've been to seen them and they are really good...if you're into that kind of music. Not really my thing, but hey he's my nephew and I love him, so I listen.
o.k, o.k, what is this? Some sort of sick game? LOL!! Come back!!! Hope that everything is going well fo you guys, I know that you are probably up to your eyeballs in ball playing right about now!
I hope Ashleigh is doing well in N.C. !! And congratulations to Stephen on his engagement!
I hope all else is going well for you and yours. Post soon and let us all know how you are!! :0)
You know, that'a a very mature young lady who knows herself well enough to know what she's ready for and what she's not. :-)
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