Sunday, March 02, 2008

Alive and Kicking

Uh, yeah, well, I am still here. Is anyone out there still checking in with me to see if I've actually posted anything? I know I've been bad about doing this but I do have an excuse. Well, it's a good excuse, I think. Ashleigh is moving and we've been busy trying to make plans and get things done for her here and there. She is moving to N.C. to live with my brother. I know, I know she's not moving out on her own but it's kind of like being on her own. She won't be living with parents or grandparents. So she will kind of be on her own but will still have someone that checks up on her. College? That's another story all in it's own. She didn't do so well her first semester so she decided to take a break. I'm not really sure what that means except there has been alot of sleeping in late and not doing much of anything going on with her. She said she is going to start back with college in the fall, ok, there went that money right down the prverbial drain. But at least she is saying she wants to go back. I don't think she realized how much she was going to have to work, nothing like skating through high school. But hopefully she is back on the right track and this will be a good move for her.

We've all been sick off and on with this stupid flu or whatever it is that has been going around. Believe me that hasn't been any fun either.

Baseball is getting ready to start up around here and Blake can't wait. He has his first practice next Saturday. Rusty went to a football clinic with the other board members and some of the coaches this weekend and had a great time. As you know, around here it's football all the time even during baseball season.
Other than these few things there hasn't been much going on around here.

I will leave you with this little "Heard around our house"..

Blake(coming out of the bathroom) "Mom, smell my hand."
Me "No, I am not smelling your hand, did you wash your hands?"
Blake "Yes, I washed my hands, smell my hand."
Me "No"
Blake "Mom, please it smells good."
Me "It does smell good, what did you do?"
Blake "I spilled shampoo on it"
Me "What were you doing with the shampoo?"
Blake "Smelling it, I spilled it on my hand by accident."
You never know what to expect at our house.

Have a great night.


melissa said...

Glad that you're back!! Sounds like things have been a little hectic, huh? Well, maybe the move will be a good thing for Ashleigh. When's the big move?
We are getting ready for ball again too. I am always half excited and half dreading it!! ANyway, I'm trying not to stack my plate TOO full this year. We'll see.
Glad you're back blogging!

Rebel said...

Actually, you're in my google reader so it told me you posted. Glad you are back! Hopefully the move will help Ashleigh. College can be hard at first.

Thom said...

Glad to see you back in the world of blog!!

I remember how tough it was trying to adjust to college life. Hopefully this move will be just what Ashleigh needs--new faces and places to motivate her.

Love the Blake dialogue!! ROFL!!!