Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Baseball, Church and Blake

As I mentioned before we are gearing up for baseball. Blake has his first practice this coming Saturday and he's very excited. He went to a baseball clinic last Thursday and Friday and had a blast. The youth pastor at the church we have visited does a baseball clinic and a football clinic for anyone who wants to attend. He does it for free out of the goodness of his heart. He also coaches football with Rusty. On Friday evening, after the bseball clinic, he witnessed to the kids. All 3of my children asked Jesus into their heart when they were about 8 or 9, except Blake, he was seven and had alot of questions. The thing is, he completely understood all of it. When he came home Friday night he was very excited because they were given New Testaments. He loves the Bible, I mean really loves the Bible. He will sit down for hours and read it. He has a children's Adventure Bible that is wonderful. But when he came through the door, he ran over to me and said "I have a very important question to ask you." I told him to go ahead and ask and he said "Is asking Jesus into my heart the same thing as being saved?" I told him yes it is and he had this total complete look of relief on his face. He said "I thought so, but I wanted to make sure because I don't want to go into the lake of fire." He had such a fire lit in his soul and that is all he talked about all weekend. He was also very concerned over what was worse, hell or the lake of fire, so we had quite a few conversations about that and then he would get his Bible and look everything up. We haven't been to church in a while and though we keep talking about how we need to get back to it, we haven't gone. On Sunday afternoon he looked and me and said "We really need to go to church." So guess what? We will be in church on Sunday. Who knows, we might have a future preacher on our hands. Who knew...

1 comment:

melissa said...

Oh, Bridget, what a wonderful time for you guys. It is so wonderful to be able to talk to your children openly about Christ.Isn't it funny how easy it is to get OUT of going to church and how hard it is to get BACK to going??LOL! Hope that you like the church on Sunday!