Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sick, sick, sick

Well, we have been hit with the flu bug. While I was down at Duke last weekend my Dad was sick the whole weekend. We thought he had food poisoning, well no he didn't, not unless food poisoning is contagious and last I checked it's not. My Mom and Grandfather were hit with it on Monday and I got it Monday night. Rusty got it Tuesday. We all received the flu shot, but as we know the shot doesn't cover all strains of the flu just the top 3. This must have been #4 because it has been just awful. Why is it that men are always sicker than women? I love my husband but sometimes he drives me absolutely crazy. I can be dying, he's already died twice and is on the third go around. This is the man who had a total knee replacement and I don't know how he lived through the physical therapy of that, but being sick completely does him in. Go figure. My Dad has been taking care of my Mom and Grandfather and he is such a nazi about making sure everyone takes their medicine they have started calling him nurse Betty.

My Grandmother is doing better everyday, they took the ventilator out of her mouth and throat yesterday and put it in through her neck in a trach. They said the longer you leave it in the throat the more damage it can do to the vocal cords. She is awake and trying to communicate which is such a blessing. The Dr's have said that everything from the waist up is working and doing exactly what it is supposed to do but from the waist down it's not so good. But I feel everything in it's own time, I have faith that that problem will be fixed also. We have come so far in just the last couple days, there is so much to be thankful for. The hospital has been incredible, the nursing staff is awesome. Each patient in the ICU has their own nurse with a desk in the room with the patient. They are so caring and really treat the patients like they are someones family, not just another patient.

Ashleigh gets her drivers license in 5 days, pray for me. She really is a good driver but the other drivers concern me. I now know what my parents were talking about.

Did anyone watch American Idol? I was so glad that Kevin was finally gone. He just really got on my nerves, it's not that he was that bad a singer, but there was just something about him that annoyed me. I love that show but it's starting to really cut into Lost and my remote is starting to smoke on Wednesday nights flipping back and forth between the 2 shows. I think they schedule the commercials at the same time just to drive you crazy.

Well, I better get some work done, have a great day and please pray for my Grandmother and her continued healing.


melissa said...

Prayers for your grandma.

Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog! We all got sick, right after that'm a little behind.

The time with your family sounds awesome! Those are the kinds of things that we love to do. It is just refreshing, isn't it? good job!
(Oh, and don't even TALK to me about dusting, and such.....)

Thom said...

Oh,sorry everyone's feeling so poorly. Hope the ICK doesn't hang around too long!

That's great news about your grandmother! I'll be praying for her. What a blessing to have such good medical care and a family who obviously really cares about her well-being!

Emily said...

Hope you guys are feeling better! We are just crawling out of the pits of sickness ourselves. It does pass...eventually.
Get well soon!

Thom said...

Wow, you haven't blogged for even longer than me!! Hope all is well with you and yours!! :0)