And too much money.
Blake got a new Nintendo DS, his other one got broke.
And who were the stupid people who bought this child Rock Band? Oh, I guess that would be his parents. Oh, that would be us. How stupid are we? We now have 2 Rock Bands in our house, Wayne has one for XBox 360 and now Blake has one for Wii. He loves it, plays it all the time.

Wayne with his hole in one. Sharon and I are sure he cheated, we're not sure how, but we know he did. ha ha
The boys had a great time playing golf.
Dance, Dance Revolution. Have you ever seen anyone on this thing? I think I got dizzy just watching them.
We got all the kids together and took them in to play lazer tag. That was great! It is 2 stories so everyone is running all over shooting each other.
They also have a rock wall that all the kids took a chance on. Did I? Uh, no.
If you've been reading my blog for long you know sports is a big part of our life and football is the biggest. We have been having practice for 2 weeks now and we have some great kids playing this year. Rusty is the head coach of one of our 2 junior teams and he also helps with the senior team and the freshman teams. This means practice Mon - Thurs and Sat mornings. Home? When do we see home? In the off season, ha ha. I think we have a house so the cat and dog have somewhere to live. I am the team mom for the 2 junior teams and I help out Sharon (our league secretary, she was in the birthday pictures) with whatever she needs.
This is Sharon's son, Josh catching the ball. I love the way the sun is setting over the mountains in the background.
Blake practicing with the sled. See the seat and cup holder? The coach sits on that and makes the kids push him around the field. This was during the first week of practice, they didn't have to wear their pants during that first week. I guess to get them used to wearing the shoulder pads and helmet with overwelming the new players all at once. That's alot of equipment to get used to.
I have to tell you a funny story about midget football. Wayne, the one in the birthday pictures, and his wife own an athletic store here in town. Wayne decided he wanted to put together a football camp this year for the kids. He started calling around to companies to find out about sponsors, donations, etc. He called Nike and talked to a lady about the process of donations from Nike. He told her he was with Strasburg Midget Football. The conversation went like this:
Wayne: I am with Strasburg Midget Football.
Nike lady: Did you say midget football?
Wayne: Yes.
Nike lady: Oh my gosh, that is so great. My Mom is a midget. It think that is so great.
Wayne had the hardest time not laughing before he got off the phone. bwahahahha
Sometimes you just have to shake your head and not say anything at all.
Have a great night!
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