We have been without air conditioning since last Friday evening. We went to our local high school football game (sorry guys better luck next time) and when we got home it was not working. My husband is very handy, he's an electrician, and can fix just about anything but the air conditioner. He knew what was wrong he just wasn't sure how to fix it. I called someone on Monday, they said they could come on Wednesday. Wednesday evening came and Wednesday evening went and still no repair guy. I called today and he said he was here, he couldn't find the house and the only phone number he had was my work number. ARGGGG. So we made arrangements for him to come back today. He came, he saw, we now have cool air. Thank God. All I heard all weekend was "I'm hot, I'm hot" and that was just from Rusty. Now, I'm sure it will be nice and cool outside. I love to have the windows open and air the house but not when it's 90 degrees outside.
Blake has a football game on Saturday, hopefully it will be better than last weekend.
My Dad will be home this weekend and he is bringing my Pawpaw with him, it will be great to see them. We are going down there on Saturday to have a cookout.
Well, I better get ready for the morning, good night and talk later.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Catching up
Well, there hasn't really been alot going on here. We have been back down to see my Pawpaw and spent a long weekend with him. We really enjoyed that, Rusty took Ashleigh and Blake to the beach and even though I really like going to the beach also I really wanted to spend that time with my Pawpaw. The beach will always be there. Wayne and I took Pawpaw to Wal-Mart and generally just hung out with him. I will tell you a little about my Grandparents, I've asked for prayers and it's nice to know who you are praying for. I've always been close to my Grandparents but I have gotten to know my Pawpaw all over again as a different kind of person. He's always been my Grandfather but I'm am really getting to know him as a friend. You know your parents and Grandparents love each other but since my Mawmaw passed away it has been so different to hear him talk. He told me that she wasn't just his wife, she was his best friend, the person he did everything with. I look at my husband as my best friend and we do alot together but I guess you don't look at your Grandparents in the same light. It has really made me look at things differently. My Pawpaw and I laid on the floor for 5 hours straight looking at old pictures. I am very blessed that my Great Grandmother took so many pictures. There are pictures of my Great Grandmother from the 20's as a flapper. That was so incredibly awesome. It really makes you look at them as people, people who were young, hung out at the beach, racing around in fast cars and went to parties. It is really touching to look at a part of your history.
My Grandparents really had an incredible love story. They met at Carolina Beach in North Carolina. My Mawmaw was 16,living there and going to high school and my Pawpaw was down there visiting his brother. He saw her on the beach and got his brother's girlfriend (my future great aunt) to set them up. They dated for a while and then he had to go home to Ozark, IL. When he left he told her if she was still interested, when she graduated from high school to send him an announcement of her graduation. 2 years later she did just that and then he proposed to her. They did not see each other until the day before their wedding. They were married for 58 years Sept 5, 2006. My Grandmother was the kind of person that would give you her last dollar and she did many times. If you asked her if she had any money she would always say "I think I've got my last dollar" and it became a family joke. When she passed away we buried her with one of her many purses and we each put a dollar in it. She would have loved that. She was always there when I needed her and she would call me just to check up on me. I really miss her. Now, my parents are moving to Carolina Beach to move in with my Pawpaw. They are buying my aunt out of her part of the house and it will be my parents. My Pawpaw doesn't want to live alone and we don't want him to either. They are going to keep their house here also. I will really miss my parents but I would rather them be there and be able to have my Pawpaw around longer.
Blake has started football, they won a game and lost a game. I will post some pictures of him at his games. (Now that I know how to do that you all will get tired of seeing all my pictures.) Ashleigh changed jobs and she is now working at Peebles, which she seems to like but she's only been there for a week. Wayne has been riding his bike alot and we have a bike shop in town now so he has been hanging around down there with his friends. School is back in and work is getting really busy. The holidays will be here before we know it and Wal-Mart is going to stop doing layaways. What will I do? I start shopping for now and put toys on layaway along with cds and movies. They are really putting a crimp in my plans.
Have a great day tomorrow!
My Grandparents really had an incredible love story. They met at Carolina Beach in North Carolina. My Mawmaw was 16,living there and going to high school and my Pawpaw was down there visiting his brother. He saw her on the beach and got his brother's girlfriend (my future great aunt) to set them up. They dated for a while and then he had to go home to Ozark, IL. When he left he told her if she was still interested, when she graduated from high school to send him an announcement of her graduation. 2 years later she did just that and then he proposed to her. They did not see each other until the day before their wedding. They were married for 58 years Sept 5, 2006. My Grandmother was the kind of person that would give you her last dollar and she did many times. If you asked her if she had any money she would always say "I think I've got my last dollar" and it became a family joke. When she passed away we buried her with one of her many purses and we each put a dollar in it. She would have loved that. She was always there when I needed her and she would call me just to check up on me. I really miss her. Now, my parents are moving to Carolina Beach to move in with my Pawpaw. They are buying my aunt out of her part of the house and it will be my parents. My Pawpaw doesn't want to live alone and we don't want him to either. They are going to keep their house here also. I will really miss my parents but I would rather them be there and be able to have my Pawpaw around longer.
Blake has started football, they won a game and lost a game. I will post some pictures of him at his games. (Now that I know how to do that you all will get tired of seeing all my pictures.) Ashleigh changed jobs and she is now working at Peebles, which she seems to like but she's only been there for a week. Wayne has been riding his bike alot and we have a bike shop in town now so he has been hanging around down there with his friends. School is back in and work is getting really busy. The holidays will be here before we know it and Wal-Mart is going to stop doing layaways. What will I do? I start shopping for now and put toys on layaway along with cds and movies. They are really putting a crimp in my plans.
Have a great day tomorrow!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Pictures at last...

Finally, I will be able to post my pictures. Steven taught me how to do it but then we had the problem with the modem and I was never able to try it, it took a couple of trial runs but I have finally mastered it.
This is my Mom and my brother Steven on the deck of the Carnival Glory. We had so much fun and I am finally going to get to share some of the pictures.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip. My Dad, who doesn't smoke, and Steven (who also doesn't smoke) went and bought 3 cigars for them to smoke on deck as we were pulling out of port.

In Costa Maya it is too shallow for the ship to dock in the port so they send out "taxis" to get you. This is how we got to the beach, you can see our ship in the background.

Rusty stepped on this in the water. Isn't that the most incredible shell you have ever seen not being sold in a store? He really wanted to bring it home but we didn't think the conk would be really happy being evicted from his house so back into the water he went.

Me and Rusty in front of one of the Myan pyramids. If you ever get the chance to see these, go, run as fast as you can, they are incredible.

One of the mexican military check points we had to go through, that was kind of freaky.
Ok, now we are in May.

Ashleigh and prom. Sorry I didn't flip the picture around, hey I'm new at this picture stuff.

Ashleigh and her friends, the next Charlie's Angels.

Ashleigh, Brooke and Kelsey.

Blake's 2nd grade awards ceremony. He received reading and math awards and was awarded the class clown award. I was a little concerned about the class clown thing but his teacher said that was a good thing that he always made her laugh and he always has a smile on his face.

Blake climbing the rock wall. He didn't make it all the way to the top but he made a good try of it.
July 4th

Ashleigh, her friend Devin and the newest addition to the Gibson family, Mason. He was born in March, isn't he cute?

My nephew Brett and his girlfriend at our family's 4th of July party.

Mom and Dad, aren't they cute?

Steven having a good time at the party

Rusty (on the left) and his best friend Dan.

Wayne and Ashleigh at my Dad's birthday party. Thank God Wayne finally got his hair cut. Before my Mawmaw passed away she told him to get a hair cut. When she died he did and then was one of her pallbearers.

This is my Pawpaw with all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren minus 1 who is pregnant. We have the oldest (yours truly) down to little Peyton.

Sorry, another sideways picture. This is Blake on his 8th birthday.


Steven, doesn't he look happy?



Wayne, another happy camper, do you think it's the hat?

As you can see, when you come to our house everyone is required to wear the happy birthday hat. Even our dog Abby wears one. She doesn't look as unhappy about it as some of the party goers.

The second celebration of Dad's birthday.

Rusty in his annual picture of him with his new set of Redskins season tickets. Go skins.
The first day of school. Sorry they are sideways, I promise I will get better at this.

Well, there you have it a recap of our lives for the last couple months. Thank you for the prayers and thoughts.
It has been a happy, sad, exciting and disappointing time for our family but together we pulled through it.
Have a great night.
Look what I have learned

I have finally figured out how to post pictures, I feel like I should give a little speech on my accomplishment. We have finally gotten a new modem that will work and I have my DSL line back. YEA!!!!! This is just a short blog as a trial run, I will blog more later tonight and bore you some more with more pictures. This is in Costa Mya (I think I spelled that wrong) but you get the idea.
Talk to you later.
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