Well, we have been hit with the flu bug. While I was down at Duke last weekend my Dad was sick the whole weekend. We thought he had food poisoning, well no he didn't, not unless food poisoning is contagious and last I checked it's not. My Mom and Grandfather were hit with it on Monday and I got it Monday night. Rusty got it Tuesday. We all received the flu shot, but as we know the shot doesn't cover all strains of the flu just the top 3. This must have been #4 because it has been just awful. Why is it that men are always sicker than women? I love my husband but sometimes he drives me absolutely crazy. I can be dying, he's already died twice and is on the third go around. This is the man who had a total knee replacement and I don't know how he lived through the physical therapy of that, but being sick completely does him in. Go figure. My Dad has been taking care of my Mom and Grandfather and he is such a nazi about making sure everyone takes their medicine they have started calling him nurse Betty.
My Grandmother is doing better everyday, they took the ventilator out of her mouth and throat yesterday and put it in through her neck in a trach. They said the longer you leave it in the throat the more damage it can do to the vocal cords. She is awake and trying to communicate which is such a blessing. The Dr's have said that everything from the waist up is working and doing exactly what it is supposed to do but from the waist down it's not so good. But I feel everything in it's own time, I have faith that that problem will be fixed also. We have come so far in just the last couple days, there is so much to be thankful for. The hospital has been incredible, the nursing staff is awesome. Each patient in the ICU has their own nurse with a desk in the room with the patient. They are so caring and really treat the patients like they are someones family, not just another patient.
Ashleigh gets her drivers license in 5 days, pray for me. She really is a good driver but the other drivers concern me. I now know what my parents were talking about.
Did anyone watch American Idol? I was so glad that Kevin was finally gone. He just really got on my nerves, it's not that he was that bad a singer, but there was just something about him that annoyed me. I love that show but it's starting to really cut into Lost and my remote is starting to smoke on Wednesday nights flipping back and forth between the 2 shows. I think they schedule the commercials at the same time just to drive you crazy.
Well, I better get some work done, have a great day and please pray for my Grandmother and her continued healing.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
A little catching up
I don't even know where to begin, I haven't blogged in so long. There has been so much going on here. First off, my brother rebuild my computer, everything good there, it's working great no problem, boom the modem dies. I give up, what did I do to deserve this punishment. So, after calling my DSL provider and talking to them they tell me our warranty is gone on the modem and it will be $99.99 for a new DSL modem through them. WHAT!!!! I got the last one for free from them when I signed up for the service in 2004. So what do I do? I do what I always do when I need a good deal and I really don't have a clue what I am looking for, I call my brother. My brother can find a deal from 500 miles away. He's one of those people that walk into the store and sale items throw themselves on the floor at his feet. It's amazing. So he goes to trusty e-Bay, gotta love e-Bay and finds me one for $13.50 including shipping. So now I am waiting for it to come in then finally I will be back up and running at home. I can't wait. People keep coming into my office and interrupting me all day, oh yeah I am at work, I forgot.
The weekend of the 11th was so wonderful weatherwise around here. It was absolutely beautiful. Rusty and I got up that Saturday and he suggested we pack a picnic and after baseball practice (it was at 8:30 in the morning) head up to Skyline drive. We had a great time. The picnic areas aren't open yet but we took 2 blankets and spread them on the ground and just had a great time. After we all stuffed ourselves we packed everything back up and went on a little hike. The kids really enjoyed that. Blake and Wayne both found walking sticks and climbed on every rock and fallen tree they could find. I tried to convince them if they were maybe a little quiet we just might see some animals. That didn't happen, Rusty is the biggest kid of them all and he constantly eggs them on. After we left Skyline Drive we headed to Luray and went into the used book store, bought some books and then had ice cream at Tasty Freeze. We haven't just taken off like that in a long time, it was so nice. You get to where you are constantly running around and doing things all the time and trying to keep up on laundry and housework and sometimes you just have to throw it all up in the air and spend some nice quality time with your family. The kids are still talking about it. These are the memories they are going to take with them into adulthood not whether the stereo had dust on it. (Thank God for that, I hate to dust)
My Grandmother had surgery on March 14 and until this morning she had been in a coma. We have all been praying hard for her recovery and for her to come out of this. Wayne and I went down to Duke University Hospital this past weekend and spent that time with my parents and my Grandfather. My Mom said she wasn't coming home until her Mom woke up and talked to her. This morning at 7:00 she woke up, she is responding, she will squeeze your hand and smile at you.
School is going good for the kids. Baseball started and Blake is having a good time with that. Wayne broke my heart and didn't play this year but I told him it was his decision. Ashleigh is still loving her job and is doing good in everything else. Work has been unreal, but I guess working for 6 pediatricians is not an easy job at this time of year. We have seen more confirmed cases of influenza this year than I think we have ever seen. It has been crazy in this office and I am counting the days down until my cruise, only 30 days left and I so need a vacation.
Well, I better go, hope everyone is doing well.
Have a great day.
The weekend of the 11th was so wonderful weatherwise around here. It was absolutely beautiful. Rusty and I got up that Saturday and he suggested we pack a picnic and after baseball practice (it was at 8:30 in the morning) head up to Skyline drive. We had a great time. The picnic areas aren't open yet but we took 2 blankets and spread them on the ground and just had a great time. After we all stuffed ourselves we packed everything back up and went on a little hike. The kids really enjoyed that. Blake and Wayne both found walking sticks and climbed on every rock and fallen tree they could find. I tried to convince them if they were maybe a little quiet we just might see some animals. That didn't happen, Rusty is the biggest kid of them all and he constantly eggs them on. After we left Skyline Drive we headed to Luray and went into the used book store, bought some books and then had ice cream at Tasty Freeze. We haven't just taken off like that in a long time, it was so nice. You get to where you are constantly running around and doing things all the time and trying to keep up on laundry and housework and sometimes you just have to throw it all up in the air and spend some nice quality time with your family. The kids are still talking about it. These are the memories they are going to take with them into adulthood not whether the stereo had dust on it. (Thank God for that, I hate to dust)
My Grandmother had surgery on March 14 and until this morning she had been in a coma. We have all been praying hard for her recovery and for her to come out of this. Wayne and I went down to Duke University Hospital this past weekend and spent that time with my parents and my Grandfather. My Mom said she wasn't coming home until her Mom woke up and talked to her. This morning at 7:00 she woke up, she is responding, she will squeeze your hand and smile at you.
School is going good for the kids. Baseball started and Blake is having a good time with that. Wayne broke my heart and didn't play this year but I told him it was his decision. Ashleigh is still loving her job and is doing good in everything else. Work has been unreal, but I guess working for 6 pediatricians is not an easy job at this time of year. We have seen more confirmed cases of influenza this year than I think we have ever seen. It has been crazy in this office and I am counting the days down until my cruise, only 30 days left and I so need a vacation.
Well, I better go, hope everyone is doing well.
Have a great day.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
It's a boy!
Well, we already knew it was a boy, but I just like saying that. Mason Dean was born March 1, 2006 at around 5:30. He weighed in at 6lbs. 14 oz and 19 inches long. I haven't seen him yet but I hear he is, of course, absolutely beautiful. They took him by c-section because Mom was in hard labor but was not dilating at all. His heart beat kept dropping and they were worried about him being in distress, better to be safe than sorry. His Daddy put the first diaper on him and cried like a baby himself. If anyone deserves this happy time it sure is him. Everyone is doing great and the baby is perfect and healthy. Thanks for the prayers, God surely has blessed this family.
Have a great day!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I just got an email from my sister in law that my nephew (my husband is 8 years younger than his middle brother, and his middle brother's wife is 12 years older than the brother) and his wife are at the hospital in labor. YEA!!!!! Say a prayer that everything will go good and my great nephew is born healthy and safe. We haven't had a new baby in the family since Blake and that was 7 1/2 years ago. She was due on March 15 which was kind of strange because onMarch 15, 2001 Michael (my nephew) was in a horrible accident, a parking garage fell on the moving truck he was in, and he almost died. He was in UVA rehab for a long time and now you never would know. God really was with him that day and all the days after through all the pain he endured. Misty and Michael weren't even married at that time and she was there with him every step of the way, she truly is a gift from God to him and now they are getting ready to have their first child. I will keep you posted.
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