Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One Tree HIll

Do we have any One Tree Hill fans out there? For those who don't know it is a show on the WB. (well it used to be the WB, then they changed the name of the channel) Anyway, this show is filmed in Wilmington, NC, where Ashleigh has just moved. You can go to the movie studio and tour the set, which of course we've done. Ashleigh has also been on the set for Dawson's Creek. Actually, what they called Dawson's Creek and where alot of filming was done was right around the corner from my parent's first house they lived in there. My brother's fiance (oh yeah, those that know him he got engaged over the weekend, we are so excited and happy for them) is a professor at UNCW and One Tree Hill will be filming at the college on Thursday in Denise's (the fiance) hall and Ashleigh is going to get to go there and watch them film. She is so excited and as she put it "I think I might pee my pants I'm so excited." ha ha They do alot of movies in that area, more than I think anyone really realizes, more than I realized. It's nothing to see a street closed and cameras everyone. My Mom and my brother have seen quite a few tv/movie stars around town. I'm always on the lookout when we are down there, you never know who you might see and John Travolta owns a home there. You never know, you just never know.

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