Saturday, January 12, 2008

Catching Up Part 2...

Well, I am going to try to do a little more catching up for the last couple months. Some of the pictures are kind of out of order but you'll get the idea.

I think someone is just a little too spoiled, this is our tree Christmas morning. I love my tree, it doesn't have any kind of "theme" or anything like that. It has all the ornaments the kids have made me through school and the ornaments I have been collecting forever. Every year I buy the kids a new ornament so that one day when they have a tree of their own they will have ornaments to start out with.
My parents came up the weekend of Christmas to have Christmas with us. Wayne was very excited about one of his gifts from Uncle Steve. They play on Xbox live together and Wayne had really been wanting that game.

Uncle Steve was also a big hit with Blake. His Wii is in the living room so we get serenaded daily.

Do you think Ashleigh is excited?! She had wanted this Chanel purse so bad but didn't think she would ever have it. Grandma and Grandpa came through with this and a matching wallet. We are a purse loving family. Steven also gave me a new Coach purse. I love it. Steven was very generous with me especially this year. I got the purse, a Citizen watch and a sapphire bracelet. He just started dating someone so I'm a little worried about next Christmas. ha ha just kidding

This was our tree during Christmas with my parents, maybe we were just a little spoiled too. Naa, I don't think so.
The kids and I normally make Gingerbread houses together but it just didn't seem like we could get everyone together this year, so Blake and I made Gingerbread men. Blake was in charge of cutting and decorating. He did a great job, I just can't get a picture of the decorated cookies to upload. All in all we made 38 gingerbread men and they didn't last very long either.

On December 3, Rusty's birthday, he had knee surgery. Now he had a total knee replacement 3 years ago but this was on his "good" knee. Thank you football. Anyway, as some of you know we have Redskins season tickets and the kids pick one game they want to go to every year. This year Ashleigh wanted the Bears, well next to Dallas but I'm not giving up Dallas. Her game was December 6 and there was no way Rusty could take her so I did. Ashleigh and I did this last year also because Rusty had a make up little league game on the same day. The Bears game was a night game and it was so cold Ashleigh kept asking me if we could get frostbite. But like her Dad she would not leave, no matter what I promised her if she would. We were so bundled up and we had 2 blankets but nothing would warm us up. My nephew and his friend were also there and they were freezing right along with us.

We were all heartbroke over the murder of Sean Taylor.

Can you guess who that is? Isn't he cute?! That would be Rusty. He was Santa Claus for the little league in our town's Christmas parade.

That's the back of my friend Michelle, she the board secretary and she is trying to get some kind of order with all those kids. Good luck. Blake's little league team won 1st in the county, they only lost 1 game, way to go Strasburg Junior Purple team. We have so many junior kids that they split them into 2 teams, white and purple. The little league senior team went undefeated and our high school volleyball team was undefeated and went onto win the state champions group A division. There has been alot of winning going on around here.
It has been a really busy time for us and I know I have more to catch up on so stay tuned, there is more to come.

1 comment:

Anniesue said...

Thanks for sharing all of the pictures! It's so great to get a peek into your life! Everything looked wonderful...your gingerbread men were perfect!