Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Checking in

I am in the middle of trying to get the new computer hooked up and of course the internet has decided to throw a tantrum and not work. @#*$%%%% Sorry, I was having a tantrum of my own. I will get back on and blog, I have pictures and stories to tell. Ssshhh, I'm at work right now.
Football started last night and I am the juniors team mom, yea me. I'm already exhausted. It will probably be tomorrow before I will get to work any more on the computer, I might put Wayne to work on it. We have practice again tonight and then on Thursday night. God help me. I am walking around the track during practice so there is some good that will come out of this.
Well, hopefully I will have some pictures and lots of news very soon.


Donna Boucher said...

I wondered why you hadn't been posting!
Sorry about your computer frustrations!

Rah! Rah!

I love high school football :o)

Anonymous said...

I come from a real football town in New Jersey. I knew they started playing in August, but in your area it's in July!?

Bridget said...

Our midget football league started practice this week. It's a week earlier than the high school. I couldn't believe it either.