Tuesday, November 04, 2008

We Did it, Did you?

We got up bright and early and headed out to vote. When I say early, I do mean early, well early for not having any sleep. We went to the Redskins/Steelers game last night (I hate night games and may be banning them from now on) and didn't get home until almost 3:30 this morning! ACCKKK If you saw the game or even saw the score you will understand why I don't have anything else to say on that subject.

Rusty and I got up, got ready and then I went and asked Blake if he still wanted to go and vote with us. He was right up and out of bed. Blake loves to vote and is very interested in the whole process, actually very interested for a 10 year old. He has voted in every election possible since he started school. They gave the students voter registration cards at school so he grabbed his and out the door we went. Rusty and I voted first and I love our small town, we are still voting with a pen and paper, filling in the little circles. They have one electronic voting station but you normally have to wait for that so we grabbed our pens and paper and got busy. After we finished, which didn't take but maybe 10 minutes, we took Blake to his station to vote. He is very serious about the whole thing.

Finally, just a picture of one of the trees in our yard. I love the yellows and oranges of the leaves, it is so pretty. If you look beyond the tree to the left you can see our McCain/Palin yard sign.

Have a great day and keep praying that the right candidate gets voted in.


Anonymous said...

Oh darn. Your old guy and underqualified woman didn't get in. Too bad!

Bridget said...

Why do people feel the need to sneak around and leave nasty comments under anonymous? If you've got the nerve to leave a comment on someone's blog at least be an adult, man up and leave your name.

Quirky Cottage Owners said...

No one I voted for got into office either. It's okay, we know that God is in control and we will pray for whoever is in office.
You left a comment on my blog about your first horse. The bond between a girl and her first horse is a strong one. I'm happy to hear that your fellow was a great starter horse.
I laughed at your statement about the fact that you bought your house for the dog and cat because you're never home. My favorite motto while I was raising kids was, "If a woman's place is in the home why am I always in the car?"