Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What kind of traditions do you have with your family?
Monday, November 24, 2008

Until you get married you never realize how different other peoples Christmas morning can be, you just assume that everyone does it the same way you do. We always had a light breakfast with a big Christmas dinner later normally around 2:00 or 3:00. Rusty's family has this huge wonderful breakfast with more food than any of us could ever eat in a 2 days. My mother in law in up at the crack of dawn starting breakfast and has it waiting for everyone when they arrive. When you get to my Mom's you can smell the turkey that has been cooking and your mouth starts to water when you walk in the door. Both mornings are different from the other but they are both so wonderful. Houses full of family and love, what more could a person ask for?
What kind of Christmas tradition does your family does your family do every year? Do you do stockings and do you wrap every damn thing in it?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Monday, November 10, 2008
The Rest of the Pictures
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Can you guess what happened?

This is what Rusty saw on his right side behind him. What he didn't realize was, while he was watching the 2 jugs of water on that side someone else was sneaking up on him on the left with another jug. Great diversion, he never saw the other one coming. Oh, they also poured these on him also. He was soaked but so happy.

Rusty is a man of his word and he told the kids if they went undefeated he would let them shave his head. Do you see a little apprehension on his face. They wanted to know if they could shave his face also. He told them sure, he didn't care, but he did draw the line when they wanted to shave his eyebrows also. bwahhaha I can promise you if he didn't veto that I would have stepped up at that point. I can live with him not having hair or the goatee but eyebrows, no I don't think so. All of the kids lined up and took their turn. Rusty said he didn't think it would cause that much interest but all of the parents stood around to watch it happen also.

Blake getting a swipe at his Dad's hair.

Cody hurt his knee during the game so he was sitting in a chair but Rusty leaned over to accomodate him.

This is Tim, one of Rusty's assistant coaches, fixing Rusty's hair after 36 kids had a chance to shave part of his head. Tim, thank God, is a retired Marine and knows how to cut a high and tight.

It all turned out pretty good in the end and the kids loved doing it. He has had his hair cut like this on purpose before so I've seen him with no hair in the past.

This is another one of Rusty's assistant coaches Vann, after Rusty told the kids about shaving his head he offered to get in on the deal with the kids. Another man of his word, took the chair and let the kids take the clippers to his hair. This is his youngest son Josh taking the first swipe at his Dad.

This was his finished product. Not too bad either. He is my best friend Sharon's husband.

It was a great day and a wonderful way to end our season. The other 4 teams have 1 more game, this coming Saturday. The each have a game that was rained out and they are making it up. Football is almost over and I really will miss it, we have a fun time. It does take alot of time and while my season is ending, the midget football board is a year round job so Rusty's job will continue on just not every night of the week. I will have more pictures to post of Rusty getting drenched by the water, I just couldn't get a picture while it was happening but the league photographer did get quite a few of them and she said she would email them to me. So this is.....
to be continued......
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
We Did it, Did you?

Finally, just a picture of one of the trees in our yard. I love the yellows and oranges of the leaves, it is so pretty. If you look beyond the tree to the left you can see our McCain/Palin yard sign.

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Way to go team, 1 more to win!