Friday, October 31, 2008
I've Won a Major Award!!!

Ghosts, ghouls and Happy Halloween

On Tuesday at practice Rusty told the kids if they win the next 2 games and go undefeated he will let them shave his head on the field after the last game. He wanted to give them something to pump them up and get excited about. Oh, let me tell you, they are very excited. Tim told Rusty he would fix his hair in a high and tight after the kids get done with him. He's a retired Marine so he's had alot of experience with that hair cut. ha ha Wish us luck tomorrow, it is going to be a hard game but I know the kids are up for it and are ready to play.
Happy Halloween and good night.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
October 8th?

My Dad lying on Steven's bed at the beach house. He was working up his energy for the wedding.
Denise, the beautiful bride. Her friend made her dress and it was perfect. They did an autumn theme and her friend put the orange panel in the dress to go along with the wedding colors.

One of Denise's favorite things in the world is cupcakes, well next to Steven it's her favorite so they had a cupcake wedding cake. It was so incredibly neat. I had never seen anything like it. To the right is a sandcastle that Denise made of brown sugar and the shells that are on the table are all chocolate. Oh, they were so good.
Steven and Denise's first dance together. It was like they were the only ones in the world. It brought tears to your eyes and just made you burst with happiness that these 2 people had found each other.

The following are pictures of everyone just having a great time at the reception.
Denise learning to do the Electric slide, she got it down but oh was it funny in the process. Love ya Denise, remember, laughing with you not at you.

I loved what Denise did with the bouquet. Instead of throwing it to the single girls, they had the married couples come out on the dance floor and eliminated everyone until they go to the couple that had been married the longest and that was my parents. They will be married 42 years in January. Steven and Denise wanted to celebrate longevity in marriage and love instead of just throwing it to a single girl. I loved that. I told you, there is something incredibly special about them.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Blake's football team won today 42-6, it was a great game! They are now 5-0.
I will try to get back and post the rest of the wedding pictures, maybe tomorrow, if we don't get back too late from the Redskins game.
Way to go Strasburg White Juniors!!!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
As promised...

I headed to Mom's for some shopping and fun time with her. We hit a local shop and bought a dress for the wedding. I didn't have anything to wear to a beach wedding and of course here in Virginia all they have are winter clothes in the stores. This is what we found.
No, not Rusty he flew in Saturday morning for the wedding. The dress, I love that dress. We walked into the first store and there it was, like it was put there for me. Ashleigh referred to the store as "the old ladies store" but I am not old and I refuse to get old. Back to Rusty flying. Rusty has NEVER flown before, ever. He was petrified, he knew he was going to die. He didn't come down with us on Thursday because he brother was retiring from the police department after 28 years and Rusty really didn't want to miss his retirement party, of course it was being held Friday evening. So he flew out of BWI, went to Charlotte, and then flew into Wilmington. He did great, I was so proud. ha ha ha By the way Rusty "I told you so!" So anyway, Thursday night Mom and I went to a get together for Denise. It wasn't really a "bachelorette" party but a bunch of friends getting together and having a good time. We all met at a Greek restuarant in Wilmington called Mediterra. Now, neither my Mom or I are very fond of Greek food, but it was a wonderful restuarant. We were on the second floor in a room in the "Hookah Bar". We had Tiropita and Escargots. I love escargots and it was the first time I had ever had Tiropita. It was to die for. For those of you who like me didn't even know what that was until that evening it is phyllo dough stuffed with greek cheese. MMMMMM, so good.

There was about 17 people there and we all went around the room talking about how we met Denise or telling "Denise" stories. It really was a good time and a really nice way to get to know the people you would be spending time with over the next couple days.
Ashleigh didn't make it to this party she was working and then went with friends to " City Limits Saloon" down the street. She went with hopes of meeting 3 of the people from The Real World reality show on Mtv. I think it was Paula, Kenny and Evan, maybe, not quite sure, I've never seen it. She did get to meet them and was so excited. She had pictures of herself with them. I will post them if I can get her to send them to me.

Monday, October 06, 2008
Here Comes the Bride...

I just wanted to let you know I'm back and I will have alot more to tell you and alot more pictures to post.