Wow, we have been so incredibly busy lately. I don't know how it happens but after it's over, you sit back and go "I don't remember volunteering for this busy, non stop life". But it happens and you push through knowing that there is, somewhere out there, a light at the end of the tunnel. This weekend was no different, but it was so much fun also. As some of you know my Facebook has been really busy also. I created it maybe a year ago but never really did anything with it, then Melissa got one, and another friend got one and it has grown from there. The great part about it, I have reconnected with some wonderful childhood friends. Now, I'm talking about friends that I have known all my life, not since school, but actually my whole life. When I was little, among many other places, we lived in Woodbridge, VA. We were 2 doors up from my Grandparents which was also pretty incredible. In between our houses was my friend Sandy. My Mom and her Mom had gone to school together, from elementary school all the way up. Sandy and I are about 5 months apart and we have known each other really since birth. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of times with her. A couple houses up from us was Barbara. I can't remember not knowing her. She was the "older" friend, 3 years, and I always wanted to be like her. When we moved away from there to Aquia Harbour in Stafford, VA they still came to spend the night and do things with me. Of course we always went to see my Grandparents so I got to see them at those time also. Barbara graduated from high school and went away to VCU and MCV to study nursing and we kind of lost touch. I got married and moved and things just happen like that in life. Sandy is a year older than me and we saw more of each other after school. (Yes, I'm the baby, girls if you are reading this remember I'm the baby of the 3 lol) But as things happen we lost touch also. I always wondered what happened to them and where they had ended up but life happens and time moves on before you realize it is happening. Well, thank you Facebook, Sandy found me. I was thrilled. She still lives in the general area and has 2 daughters. We were talking and I asked her about Barbara. She knew a little but not much more than I did. She started searched and even though Barbara didn't have her maiden name on her account Sandy was able to track her down. We have all been talking away on Facebook and Friday we met for lunch. I was so excited!! We spend 4 hours in TGI Friday's and it was like we hadn't ever been apart. It's been probably 25 years since I've seen Barbara and 20 with Sandy. I was like finding a piece of myself that I never realized I had lost.

This is Barbara.

This is Sandy.

Well, I guess you know who this is with Barbara.

I can't wait to see them again!!!
Saturday our midget football league had a dinner and silent auction to raise money for the league. Oh, that was completely exhausting!! We started at 6:15 in the morning when we got up and didn't stop until almost 10:00 that night. Rusty's friend Jimbo picked him up to pick up the chicken and then they headed over to Jimbo's pits to start the cooking. If you have never had Jimbo's chicken you haven't lived. There is just something about it. I met Sharon at 9:00 at the church where we were doing the dinner and we got started setting everything up. It was a success but we were all completely worn out by the end of the evening.

This is my best friend Sharon, we had a longggg day.

This is another friend of ours, Cindy. If it hadn't been for her and another friend Heather, Sharon and I wouldn't have gotten a break in the kitchen. Thanks ladies!

Sharon again, the end of the evening. We were exhausted and she hates for me to take her picture.

This is Rusty's best friend, Jimbo. They are worse than girls, they talk on the phone all the time and they are thicker than thieves. You just can't find a better person.

Blake and 2 of his friends, the one in the middle is Sharon's youngest son Josh.

Doesn't Rusty look happy?

2 other friends of ours, Beth and Becki. Their husbands are on the football board with Sharon, Rusty and Jimbo. They don't see their husbands very often either unless they help our with football.

Cindy and Rusty at the end of the night. Cindy said to Rusty "No offense but you smell like smoke (from cooking the chicken) and yesterday's beer." You just can't cook chicken without a little beer.
Yesterday Rusty and I took the day off and spend it together. We weren't sure what we were going to do and where we were going to go and we ended up in old town Fredericksburg. I love going there and walking through the antique stores. We had a great time and I took my camera but the only picture I took was:

I love Goolricks's Drug Store. They have an old fashioned lunch counter. It's like stepping into yester year. When I was in school at Faith Baptist School my Mom worked at the bank on Princess Anne St. and we would get dropped off there after school. My brother and I would walk the old streets and stop at the drug store to get a BLT or grilled cheese while we waited for Mom to get off work.

I carried my camera around all day and took 2 pictures, but they were of one of my favorite places. Oh, and I was very upset that we were 11 days too early for Carl's Ice Cream. Darn.